Chapter 17 - #Emo Harry & Wandless Magic

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Annabeth's POV 

Annabeth woke up early, despite the late night disaster of yesterday. She shuffled about in her bed, trying not to wake up Percy who crashed next to her. Hermione had done some sort of joining charm on her and Percy's beds, so instead of a single, it was a double bed. The same had been done with Hazel and Frank's. Annabeth had a confusing dream of the prophecy, hopefully one of the others co Quietly she tiptoed over to the bathroom to brush her teeth and change into her camp shirt and jeans. She walked out the door silently to see Harry walking up the dim corridor, to her bedroom. "Annabeth. We need to talk. I've had a dream. A bad one," Harry said quietly. Hermione and Ron crept out of the room and stood on either side of Harry. "Sure, Harry. Breakfast?" Annabeth replied. Harry mumbled a quiet yeah as they began to head toward the dining hall.

   "I had a dream, of meeting my ex-DADA professor, except he wasn't really my ex-DADA professor, it was some demon in disguise. He/it said that we were going in the wrong direction and we are to find the Serpent's last resting place and Hell's worst creation. Do you remember the prophecy?"  Harry asked.

"Yeah. The quest shall bloom with half lost souls; The united ones will search; For Hell's worst creation; And the Serpent's last resting place; Owl's blood shall seal final fate; Or the world shall incinerate." Annabeth began, "We know The Owl is Alison, the Serpent is Mouldywarts and Hell, is well, Tartarus. What about it?" 

"If Alison's blood is spilt on the wrong area, when the sun is the highest in the sky those demigods that are blood related to her will fight with her. So if it's spilt on sacred ground, for example the Serpent's last resting place, she will fight for the Serpent and Tartarsauce," Harry replied. "I guess her blood gives power to the foes, and when demigod and wizardry lines mix, they will be unstoppable," he added as an afterthought. Annabeth wasn't Piper, but she could sense something was off with Harry. "Harry, what aren't you telling us?" Annabeth inquired. Harry didn't respond. Ron and Hermione now looked more alert. "Mate, whats up?" Ron broke in.

"Everything comes at a price. Alison," Harry said quietly after a long, awkward pause, "Will die, no matter which side she fights on. Dark magic may keep her alive if she fights on the Dark Master's side. But here's the problem, I don't know if he was telling the truth. The prophecy parts sound about right, but I'm not sure about that. Or maybe I don't want it to be true, I don't know."

"Hell's worst creation?" Annabeth interjected, "I suppose we have to destroy it?" 

"Well, the Serpent's last resting place, was where he died, in the courtyard in Hogwarts," Hermione put in, "So I suppose it would be Tartarus itself?" Annabeth shivered at the name Tartarus. Occasionally, nightmares of that place would haunt her dreams. There was no way she was going back, no matter what. She sometimes awoke shaking, in relapse of when she went through the endless, dark cavern that was Tartarus, but Percy would always be by her side, those sea-green eyes knew exactly what happened and understood. And for that, she would be eternally grateful. 

"Haha, that irony!" Ron giggled, breaking her melancholy train of thought, "Hell's worst creation is himself!" And with that, Annabeth started to laugh. So did Hermione, and Harry cracked a weak smile. "What are you lot laughing at?" Percy said sleepily as he trudged in. "Morning sleepyhead," Annabeth said, kissing him on the cheek. "We were discussing the prophecy. Turns out, Hell's worst creation is himself!" Annabeth replied laughing. "Flagrate!" Hermione murmured behind her. Instantly in whiteboard marker on the glass windows of the dining room was a simple flow chart depicting the conversation. Percy began reading it, eyes alight with the news of new information. Slowly, members of Calypso's Comb were trickling in, reading the information. Percy's eyes seemed to dim once he read in black ink "Alison will die." Thats where the information had no flowing arrows. That was the end and where it would end. "But that's not fair!" Percy murmured. 

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