Chapter 3 - Dementors and Demigods

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(If you haven't read the letter from the writer, which is my write up of Alison, please do read that - Thanks!)

Alison's POV

Alison felt free, flying on her broom again. She played chaser in the Gryffindor quidditch team, and enjoyed that role immensely. She had only gotten the role when Katie Bell was cursed by the necklace, which gave her an opening for joining the team, dispite her frequent tryouts for the team. She also tried for seeker, which Harry obviously aquired, but Alison was content to fill in for a team member who could not play. For instance, when Harry was banned from quidditch from that foul toad Umbridge she got the role to play seeker. Right now was the tryouts for the new Gryffindor quidditch team which was being held by Harry. Chaser tryouts were finished, and so were the Keeper and Seeker positions. Harry obviously took the seeker role, while Ron took the Keeper role with great encouragement from the trio. The new Chaser positions were taken by Alison Vega, Ginny Weasley and Natalie Mcdonald. The positions of the Beaters were taken by the previous year's Beaters which were Jimmy Peakes and Jack Sloper. But Alison's mind kept wondering back to the daunting discussion which was held yesterday about Voldemort rising. Was it possible that he could be making connections with another side? How on earth was it possible for him to ressurect himself? Unless ofcourse, it's not part of this world.... 'Alison look out!' a voice cried. Alison had just enough time to look behind her to see a bludger speeding towards her and swerve out of the way just in time. Sloper wizzed by and grabbed the bludger with a sheepish grin. 'Sorry just thinking,' Alison apologized. Harry grimaced. 'Look Alison, it's awesome that you are thinking about-AHHHG' Harry started ironing his forehead in a panic. No, its not possible, how on earth can this happen Alison thought as she flew over to her boyfriend in panic. Ron flew over with such aggressiveness that it almost knocked her off her broom. Alison prised Harry's fingers off his forehead which were now shaking, and enclosed them in her own. 'Harry, whats up?' Ron said quietly, lacing his voice with worry 'Did you see You-know-who?' Harry sat up on his broom shaking. 'I-I s-saw this monster, with a golden helmet and his these evil looking red eyes. And he was holding a-a s-spear,' Harry said, his voice shaking. Alison knew Harry would not act like this if the image he saw wasn't terrifying as he described. 'Harry, lets go to the lake, where it's quiet and alone, and I'll call off the quidditch tryouts. It's been over an hour ok, that's pretty good practise time,' Alison coaxed weakly. Alison was expecting a shake of the head with a semi-confident let's continue playing, but to her surprise, Harry nodded weakly and zoomed down to the changing rooms. 'Right, practise is off, Harry's not feeling well,' Ron yelled. The Gryffindors moaned, but soon saw the Slytherins coming on the pitch and slowly backed off the pitch. 'Potter not feeling well is he?' Draco said slyly, 'Tell him we thank him for his inability to play.' Alison and Ron exchanged glances. They flew down to the changing rooms and Ron muttered 'He's not that bad this year, I haven't heard him cuss against us once' and with that they disappeared into the changing rooms. Alison wondered into the girl's changing room. She got had a refreshing shower, head still racing with theories and thoughts. One girl still lingered at the changing rooms after Alison had finished showering, which is to say, a loooong time. The girl's name was Natalie, and Alison remembered in her 4th year when she became a first year Gryffindor. Though she looked timid, she had a heart of gold. 'You alright Natalie? You're doing fine flying!' Alison acknowlaged. Natalie smiled, warming Alison, and momentarily forgetting all Alison's problems. 'I'm fine, thanks!' Natalie replied back, blushing slightly. Alison nodded and headed out of the changing room,  leaving her alone. Natalie soon walked out of the changing room and hurried from the pitch and up the castle doors. Harry and Ron emerged from the changing room looking calmer than they did before. 'To the lake then?' Ron said cheerily, calling Hermionie down from the stands. She was reading a book while waiting for them to finish. They waited for Hermionie and set off to the quiet part of the lake where the Marauders once sat. 

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