Chapter 7 - Quest Time Pt. 1

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Hermione's POV

Hermione watched her best friend get grabbed by a large, muscly girl by the scruff of her robes. She felt a silent sob rise in her throat, but Hermione knew that Alison could hold her own. Alison's face still remained cool and impasive, as if she had a plan. And most of the time, her plans had gone well. Harry tore off to rescue Alison, but Hermione shot ropes out of her wand to restrain Harry-she was pretty sure that Alison wouldn't like Harry to intervene. Alison produced a Stinging hex which made Alison's attacker drop Alison imediatley. 'That's Clarisse, Daughter of Ares. She's real nasty,' Frank told Hermione and Ron. Harry was still struggling, like the flobberworm she looked after in her 3rd year, but stopped when he saw Alison hex Clarisse. 'There's a rather large ship, and there's obviously going to be a quest,' Clarisse taunted, 'I want to be on that ship.' The camp fell silent. 'What's going on here?' a voice called, slightly drunkenley. The voice's owner had a horrid looking turquoise hawaian print shirt on, and was holding a can of diet Cola. The sunken bloodshot eyed fell to the fight scene, where Alison was standing, wand pointed at the ready. The crowd parted, silentley and softly, not wanting to displease the god of wine.  ‘Oh well, well, well. Clarisse la no eyes, against a girl with a stick,’ Mr. Diyonosis said with a sneer, brandishing his can at every word to make his sentence over dramatic. Hermione was really starting to hate the camp director. ‘Quests! Ofcourse! Enie meanie miny moe, I pick Johnson, because he’s gonna die of course-‘ Hermione could see Alison getting ready to stunn Diyonosis. They made eye contact. No, Alison, No, Hermione was pleading anxiously and silentley. Alison pursed her lips and lowered her wand.  Hermione didn’t here who else Mr. Diyonosis wanted dead, but heard Clarisse’s maniac like laugh and the crowd rumble again to take their seats. They were unhappy about no bloodshed, and it looked like Alison was too. Alison smiled a little wickedley and twirled her wand and muttered something Hermione couldn’t hear and a pig tail shot out of Clarisse’s arse. Alison walked up to Hermione and smirked ‘Let’s see how long it takes her to realize.’ // ‘If you get caught you know, you could be in trouble with Professor McGonagall for that. We’re meant to make friends, not make enemies, ‘ Hermione said in an undertone, ‘You don’t want a daughter of a slightly senile war god as an enemy.’ // ‘I’ll be alright,’ Alison said, voice laced with a little worry. They joined the main conversation that was starting to alight. Alison sat herself inthe position to see the ship, still basking in the light. Hermione noticed that the other demigods were looking towards the ship. ‘I think we need to leave. Tonight. Tomorow night the latest,’ Reyna said with an air of authority. ‘The ship’s ready, we just need weapons,’ Leo said, ‘And I’ve decided to call it: Calypso’s Comb.’ Calypso blushed a violent red which made everyone go awwww. ‘I ship you guys so hard,’ Alison said grinning. Everybody laughed. ‘Well, we can get weapons from the Room of Requirement, and for that, we need to get to Hogwarts,’ Ginny said, slicing her steak in half, ‘Tonight, possibly?’ // ‘Ugh the Floo powder thing again. But we’ll do that. Up to the Big House once we’ve finished dinner. It should be daybreak in England,’ Jason replied. They ate quickly, finding Chiron in the big house and Hermione conjuring Floo Powder. ‘Right everybody pair up,’ Alison yelled using the Sonorus charm to amplify her voice over the small crowd. Hermione took Annabeth and Percy, Ron had to go with another pair as there was not enough space. Hermione felt a little sad, but stepped into the cramped fireplace with Percabeth (Hermione’s OTP) and yelled Hogwarts clearly, and soon saw herself in a familiar room. She dragged Percy and Annabeth out of the fireplace, all in good time, because Hazel, Ron and Frank popped out of the emerald flames. ‘Right. Help your self. I’m going to go to Snape’s old bedroom once Ali and Harry appear,’ Hermione said cheerfully. Alison and Harry appeared last with Reyna and Nico. ‘Um, Gryffindors, if you’d like to get the rest of your stuff- Luna you alright here?’ Alison added. Luna nodded and looked at the book shelves. The Gryffindors headed out of the room, to their common room to collect the rest of their things with some nosy parkers in the  hallways asking whe’re they’ve been. Some asked George for free merch. They entered the common room with no hassle because Sesamus was by the common room. They agreed to meet in 5 mins, George simply waiting on the couches. Hermione and Alison rushed up to their room, shoved everything into their case. They looked mournfully at the room they had shared for a little over 6 years. They had bonded over many ways, especially dealing with the boy's mishaps. 'Do you remember getting ready for the Yule Ball in our 4th year?' Hermione said, pointing to a low dresser adorned with pictures of them. 'Yea I do,' Alison replied, smiling, 'I helped out with your hair!' Hermione grinned back 'And I helped with yours. So we're even.' Hermione remembered styling Alison's hair with a simple knot. 'We're never going to finish our 7th year, are we? It probably wouldn't matter because we've saved the world like 2 times so the Ministry of Magic would probably let us do what ever we want,' Alison said, then added more quietly, 'If we're not traumatized by then.' Alison turned to face Hermione, suprising Hermione with pearly white liquid clinging to her lashes. It was rare for Alison to cry for talking about what makes us so human. She never let her human side of her show often, because of her nature to please people and make them happy always stopped her from showing to much emotion. Alison drew a shuddering breath and caught sight of Hermione's 'mudblood' scar that Bellatrix gave her the previous year. Her eyes suddenly evaporated of all liquid and formed the emotion of anger that showed very often the previous year. 'I'm going to kill Bellatrix if she forms.' Hermione squeezed Alison's hand and the anger dissolved from her eyes. 'Let's go.'

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