Chapter 14 - Words Have Power

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Ginny's POV

Ginny sat on her brother's bed for the past hour looking at George's face dampened by tears. "You're grief depressed, George," Ginny said wearily, "The emotions you're experiencing are normal. Me and Ron are still here." A gentle knock on the door and Grover, their ever friendly satyr and 'nurse' walked in carrying a large white oversized white pouch, totally not feminine or anything. It was emotionally exhausting for Ginny to be sharing a room with George, a constant reminder of his dead twin brother and calming him down during dark nights. Grover had been the first to know, first to recognise the symptoms of grief depression while chatting during dinner. It was nice to have a shoulder to lean on when her rock was reduced to sand. Slowly it was becoming more solid, but still sand nonetheless. It would never be the bold rock it was Fred died, cracks would still linger on the surface and not be as large as it was before. Grover had taken George to see the Camp Half-Blood's medical officer, Will Solace (Nico's boyfriend. Ginny had recently been introduced to muggle 'shipping' and Soangelo was her OTP. It stood for Oh The Pain.) George had been diagnosed with grief depression, a depression unknown to the wizarding world because deaths, as sad as they were happened so often in the wizarding world. It had been a shock to hear George's diagnosis because it was so new to her. "Right, got some pills that can help you. It's been a mixture between Wizarding potion, regular muggle medicine and Greek herbs. Take one per day, it should help with your depression," Grover said gently, "Listen to your sister, George, the emotions you're experiencing are normal." George looked at the small pills which were changing from white to a pale green due to the magic and herbs. On the lid of the pill box, it said Grover's Anti-Depression Mix. The black and white label containing the pill's ingredients on the side said "Potion of Revival, Potion of Laughter, Potion of Strength, Pearls of Joy".... and other long names in Latin Ginny could not be bothered to read. Grover handed over a silver water bottle and a pale green pill to George who drank it promptly. The ghost of a smile landed on his face. Something changed within George, eyes amber and full of life. "Thank you Grover," Ginny said smiling. Ginny almost felt as if a huge weight had been pulled off her shoulders, almost as if she had been the one to take the pill. Grover's kind eyes smiled, "Just remember to take them everyday." 

"I feel light and free, that's amazing! Who made the potions?" George said giddily. "Alison made the potions, Ron collected the Herbs and Hermione got the muggle ingredients. Harry put it together," Grover replied. Ginny gave George a hug and then almost bounced out of the room, free.

"Right guys," Annabeth said smartly. "Girls actually. We're all girls, the guys will come later" Piper called out cheekily. Ginny and the team were sitting in the dining hall, the night before they reached Van Pier beach. Ginny's nerves were running high. It would be the first time she and Luna would have encountered things like this, Alison and Hermione would have had some experience at least. Luna seemed very oblivious to the danger of going, but if she were nervous she didn't show it. It was almost soothing. "In my dream I saw a mortal side of the beach and a vampire side of the beach. We start in the mortal side whilst Hermione and Hazel work out a Mist/Screen. We'll be in Disguise Armour. Then, we'll have one person in charge of getting the horcrux thing. Has anybody actually figured out what it is?" Hermione nodded, walked up to a magic screen nearby on one of the large glass windows. It activated once Hermione tapped the window with her wand and said her name. The desktop picture was a cute picture of her and Ron by a beach somewhere. Hermione tapped her wand on a small file icon and a miniature fact file popped up. "This is a Soul Harvester," Hermione said, indicating a wicked looking black scythe, "Quite obviously it harvests souls. Voldemort has taken the Soul Harvester and taken 7 mortal souls to put into a Soul Capsule, which can only be made in the in Tartarus' Furnaces by giants. I think Voldemort has taken souls a mix of mortal, wizard and demigod." Hazel looked terrified. Poor girl, Ginny thought. She always looked like she was about to be sick. "You can't take souls from the Underworld and place them in the Over world unless you're really, really powerful!" Hazel said, terrified. It was only now the demigods had a better perspective of who they were fighting against, Voldemort was someone who broke the rules, regardless of the consequences to preserve his pathetic life. Ginny had almost been killed by Voldemort the past year, then again everybody else had to. Alison had the worst of it though. Alison had been under the Cruciatus curse so many times thin, fragile spider-like white scars were still imprinted on her back and various areas of her forearms. Alison knew why Voldemort was doing this, but regardless she kept on loving Harry. They kept their love out in the open, something Ginny respected her for. There was a moment of silence and Annabeth continued, "Who wants to bear the responsibility of taking the Soul Capsule? Because once the vampires take notice of us, chaos will happen and one person in charge to take the Soul Capsule would be good." 

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