Chapter 4 - This Prophecy Sucks

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Leo's POV

Leo felt a cold body next to him before he muttered Calypso's name and dropped from concious's weak hands. I'm dead, Leo thought. I am dead....Aren't I? Leo regained consciousness in a white, surgically clean area. It looked like a dinning room of a sort. Leo was wearing a white, shimmering blanket sheet. No, a tunic or a chiton, as Annabeth liked to call it. Whoops. Leo must have been delusional as he could never imagine attempting to put the blanket sheet. There was an old, tall man with silvery blue eyes and a long pointed nose smiling serenely at Leo. He was wearing a pair of magestic looking white robes, and had a long beard that trailed all the way down to the stomach reigon. He was wearing a wizard's hat, and was holding a thin wand. Before Leo could stop himself he said 'Gandalf?' And all hell broke lose. No it diddn't really, the man just started laughing. A rich, joyus laughter sounded the room. The tall wizard said quietley, but with a reassurance that he was not offended 'My dear Leo Valdez, I am not Gandalf, who may be real'-with a playful shine in his eyes-' I am-' 

'Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore,' a voice echoed in the distance. Leo turned to look at the source of the voice. Alison was standing there in an elegant traditional greek peplos (girl's verson of a greek tunic) grinning at Albus. Albus nodded at Alison and said 'Nicely phrased Alison.' 

'Nice seeing you again Headmaster,' Alison said cheerily, walking at a fast pace towards the table where Albus sat. 'Professor Dumbledore, we-' whoops again thought Leo, Professor Dumbledore it is. The professor spoke 'I am well aware of your situation Alison, and so is a friend of mine. A friend I have made during my time in the underworld. He is a very powerful person, I warn you. It is not wise to anger him. Take a seat, if you please.' Alison sat down with Professor Dumbledore. The table was a long one, like one there would be in medieval setting. Straight backed chairs. The instant Dumbledore sat down, the room flooded with colour. There was a warm cackling fireplace, warm and cosy looking wooden floors strewn with carpets. Walls were decked with moving portraits (Like gifs on tumblr) of people with a similar appearance to Professor Dumbledore. The doors flew open as Leo sat, and the god of the dead glided through those double doors. 

  Hades at first had a small scowl on his face which moulded and melted slowly into a face which Leo passed of as a smile. 'Albus! How are you?' He said, voice slightly tight,  picking a chair next to Leo, as there were only 4 chairs present in the long table. The professor smiled and said quietly good, thank you. 'Right, let's get down to business,' Hades said. Although Leo had never met the lord of the dead, his friend's encounters were more or less unpleasant with him. Leo thought that he had probably had to many pomegranate seeds. Dumbledore set their situation out in stone for them: 'These young teenagers have been troubled, and unfortunately will have to be troubled again. As you know, Tatarus is rising and so is Lord Voldemort.' Leo noticed that Alison, Harry and Hermionie were one of the few people which seemed not afraid of the name 'Voldemort' Then again, Leo knew from experience, that names held power in the demigod world, and so it must be a similar situation in the world of wizards. Dumbledore spoke again, ruining Leo's train of thought. 'They have united and there is hope again. There is a prophecy I believe. Hades? Have you any inclination to what it may be?' Dumbledore finished with a tinkle in his eyes. Alison shivered at the name of prophecy being mentioned. Boy, Leo thought wearily. He hated prophercy's too. His life had been tipped and turned upside down because of those stupid things. To Leo's surprise Hades nodded. 

'The quest shall bloom with half lost souls; 

The united ones will search; 

For Hell's worst creation;

 And for the Serpent's last resting place;

Owls blood shall be seal final fate; 

Or the world shall incinerate,' 

Dumbledore nodded. It seemed like he had heard this before. Alison was staring at the celing with a confused look on her face. Leo felt even more confused than her. Serpent's last resting place? Hells worst creation? Who is the so called 'Owl'? Athena? Leo diddn't see the Owl goddess swooping in so Leo thought it pretty sure that the Owl was not her. Leo was expecting Professor Dumbledore to explain but it was Alison who spoke up. 'Professor, would the stakes of destroying a horcrux be different because Tatarus and Voldemort have joint?' Alison said, tilting her head to her side in a thoughtful way. 'I believe so Alison, that you must have both destructive elements of the two forces,' Dumbledore replied. Hades nodded in agreement. 'Celestial bronze, Imperial gold and some indesructive force of your kind, Goblin silver may just do. You may not need the basilisk venom because there can only be so much power in a horcrux, and celestial bronze and imperial gold may do the trick,' The god of riches said in a low tight voice. 'Obviously I cannot aid you, with these riches, but you may find what you need in the Room of Requirement,' he added quietly. 'Did you know that the Room of Requirement hides itself using this force of the greeks called 'Mist'? Since some of us are descendants of Hectate, the magic godess, we are able to manipulate the Mist to give our Room of Requirement. You see, it was mainly the purebloods which could access the Room,' Dumbledore finished with a wild craze in his eyes like a kid on Christmas day. Leo glanced at the one other person which was his age, which was Alison and looked like she was taking a lot of information to fast. It was a similar expression to Leo in algebra class. Leo then saw her form flicker, and looked down to see his body flickering too. Dumbledore's face instantly turned grave. So did Hades' but it diddn't seem any different because his face was always grave. 'I would have liked to talk to you for longer, but it seems as if someone has found our connection. Remember, to keep who ever the 'owl' is safe! I have a feeling it's-' 

'Look after Nico and Hazel!' Hades yelled over Dumbledore. Leo's body felt like it was pulled through time and space and his organs were being rearranged. He saw a vortex of millions of different colours all exploding in to one. He lost sight of Alison, but his mind still lingered on the Professor's last words. Keep the owl safe. 

   If the owl was Alison, he had failed. Harry would probably fry his brain, no actually that wouldn't work, Harry something like stupefy him (Calypso had made a seeing glass to kind of stalk they're daily lives) in a stupid position and leave him there for eternity. But the owl could not be Alison, it had to be someone really powerful, to have such power over the world. Alison was slightly shorter than average, sometimes wore glasses and did not exactly radiate an aura of power. But what if there was more to it? Leo's train of thought was broken when he jolted into a bed. He realized that the past encounter with Hades and Dumbledore was just a mere dream. But dreams were powerful. Leo looked up to try and find his bearings in the real world. No one was there to see him, but Alison lay on a bed near by shaking slightly. There was a few others, lying in beds. Leo, feeling slightly shiverish, lay his head on a pillow and began trying to sleep. A dreamless sleep answered telling him softly and in a while his friends would see him. With an image of Calypso's flawless face in his brain, Leo began to sleep.

-Sorry that this was not as climatic as my previous chapter, but i hope you enjoyed! Please remember to like, rate, vote and follow me! Also, be sure to check out my fandom insta . Your support means alot to me :) happy holidays! -Misty Eyed

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