Chapter 13 - Blood-Red Coral

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 Annabeth's POV

Annabeth watched as Piper fled to their room, tears escapading down her face. Annabeth ran after her, but her attention towards Piper broke once she heard a loud thud behind her. "Alison's just past out," Hermione said unnecessarily. Ron and Harry magicked Alison onto a stretcher and started down the stairs to the infirmary. "Right, Frank, down to the infirmary to," Hermione added, once she caught sight of Frank billowing out a nervous jet of steam. Annabeth followed curiously, down the stairs to the spacious infirmary wing, where Grover sat, feet propped up against the T.V's stand, chewing raucously on a bright grape coloured Fanta can. The TV was blaring the latest episode of Devious Maids. Grover's eyes widened as a motionless Alison landed silently on a bed. "I'll play on my pipes," Grover said mischievously, "Let's see, Blank Space, Problem or Centuries? My version of Sugar by Maroon 5 needs a bit of work-"

"Grover just play anything that's in tune, thanks," Annabeth replied quickly to stop Grover from saying an entire playlist that was full of pop songs that made Annabeth's ears turn backwards. Hermione was sitting down by a low desk brewing something whilst Frank sat on a nearby bed. The aroma from the black cauldron was pleasant, it reminded Annabeth of the Strawberry Fields back at Camp. Coming closer to the curious concoction, it was coloured a shimmery silver and a small cloud was rising a violent purple, the exact colour Frank's steam was now. Blank Space was being chimed on pipes, several notes were off key, but Alison's eyes began to flicker and stir as she rose up. She regarded Harry warily as he gave her a hug, as did Ron, whilst Hermione scooped a generous glass of potion into a matching black flagon. "Potion of Reversal, fairly easy, should do the trick," Hermione recalled, giving the flagon to Frank, who drank it immediately. Steam evaporated from his ears and splatted the bed with deep purple droplets. Hermione gave a slight look of annoyance and flicked her wand, the incantation could not be heard as the colour returned to white on the bed sheets once more. "Why did I pass out?" Alison said quietly as she clambered out of the bed, looking slightly disgruntled. "You destroyed the horcrux before it was ready I think, and the strength it took was crazy," Hermione replied as she waved her wand and the cauldron disappeared and the ingredients which cluttered the desk around it returned to their cupboards over Grover's head (Belladonna herb split open as Grover's horns tore the packaging by accident) One question was burning at the back of Annabeth's mind, and it spilt out before she could help herself "Why didn't the horcrux affect you as much as it did with Piper and Jason?" 

"I've faced a horcrux before, and I don't want my fears to crop up again. Once was enough, though funnily enough I can't remember what that fear was," Alison said. Harry's face fell as Alison said that sentence and walked out of the room quietly. "Your vision was a desire to kiss Malfoy in 5th year," Ron said, face screwing up with disgust, "You wanted him when Harry dumped you for Cho." 

Alison's grey eyes looked as if something had been made clear for her, and ran after Harry as Ron and Frank took the route to the dorms. "Walk and talk, Annabeth?" Hermione said pleasantly  They had bonded quickly over time, but sometimes had disagreements to some things. "D'you think Alison'll recover?" Annabeth asked curiously as the pair disappeared up the stair way. "Alison'll remember soon enough. But what she did was tough, I don't think I would have done that, refused to get my memory back" Annabeth thought for a while and dissed that statement, "You're strong Hermione, I think you would." Hermione smiled, "I think you would too."

 "Have you any clue where to go for the next horcrux?" Annabeth said back, smiling as they walked up the stairway to the windy, dark deck. "Nope, haven't a clue. I don't have dreams as vividly as you guys do. How do you remember every detail of your dreams?" Hermione inquired. It was true, all demigods had amazing remembering skills for dreams and monster stats, but when it came to memorising maths and science facts, those skills were turned off immediately. Annabeth and Hermione had spent time till late deciphering different confusing dreams, not all to nice. Annabeth had confusing dreams, but nothing of importance to share with Hermione at this time. The dreams Annabeth had been having lately were blurry and almost black, like a very bad tv screen. Hermione yawned ''Tonight's been exaughsting, let's turn in for the night shall we? Tell me your dreams tomorow." Hermione started to go down the narrow stairway, and nearly colided with Percy by doing so. Hermione flashed Annabeth a knowing grin and disapeared into the deck below. "Hey beautiful," Percy said gently, encasing his strong and warm arms around Annabeth's cold ones. "Hi, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said softly, turning around to face him. Their faces were barely centimeters apart and Annabeth could see all the pigments of colour in Percy's sea green eyes, flecks of grey around the pupil but vibrant aqua dominated the iris creating a georgeus spectrum of bluey-green. "Haven't talked to you like this in a while," Percy replied quietly. He sloped his gentle hands around her neck and pressed his lips against hers. Their kiss was as gentle as Percy's hands. It intensified slowly, but they yanked apart when Frank dropped his sword by accident and landed on the bronze deck with a large clatter. Frank's face turned tomato red, "Sorry, I didn't mean to intrude. I was on duty, just going to get um... " Frank was spared the trouble of inventing an object by Percy and Annabeth laughing. "Lets go, Annabeth." Percy said, eyes sparkling. Frank lumbered over to the dining hall to down heavy gallons of water whilst the couple headed down for the rooms. Annabeth felt slightly irritated that Frank had ruined that intimate moment with Percy, never mind, Percy tucked her into bed and she slept. Sleep did come easily, but the dreams they held were ones that Annabeth wished were blurry and out of focus.

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