Prologue - Flight from Ogyyia

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Leo's POV

Leo grinned as Calypso clamoured on Festus and put her slender arms around his waist. Festus creaked. It sounded like he was saying 'Where to?' Sunset was falling and Calypso's fair skin relfected the brilliant aura of the sky. Leo was content to stay like this. 'Right Festus, take us to where ever is good,' then he murmured to Calypso 'I'll be fine anywhere with you' It was hard to see as the sky was getting darker, but Leo was sure she blushed. 'Right Sunshine, feel free to take a nap, this ride could be a long one,' Leo said. 

   Long ride seemed like a understatement. It seemed like forever till they found land. Calypso chatted with Leo from time to time, but the conversation always ended with a soft chuckle which made Leo's heart soar. The land they found was rather odd, with an extraordinary looking castle and a lush but forboding forest of trees. Festus was rather keen to be on ground, but seemed drawn to the castle. Calypso's emerald green eyes widened at the sight of the castle. Leo was just memorizing the contours of her cheeks and the freckels sprinkled accross her nose when she murmured 'Leo, land on the island opposite the castle. I feel some sort of magic in the castle, I'm not so sure if it's good magic' 

'Wha Sunshine' Leo said in a daze. Then he processed what she was saying and felt like an idiot. 

'Oh yeah yeha ok' Calypso rolled her eyes. Leo gracefully brought Festus to a land on a clearing of trees on the opposite island. Leo jumped off Festus and allowed an arm to aid Calypso comming down from the dragon. Leo grabbed her had and took her down from the bronze dragon carefully and then pulled her into a kiss. Calypso pulled away akwardly, leaving Leo hanging. Calypso took his hand and rolled her eyes and magically floated her bags to the ground. Now it was Leo's turn to blush. 'I'm sorry-' he started but Calypso merely smiled and kissed him on the cheek. 'Let's set up camp shall we?' Together in perfect harmony they set up camp chatting about the randomest things, like flowers and toast, only them two could chat about those topics and end up laughing together until their bellies hurt. Calypso's laugh was sweet and tinkly. Leo wanted to hear it on a loop. 'We're done' said Calypso giggling about flower named Cock's comb, a pinky flower with a deep stem. They took a step back, with their fingers magically finding each other's. It was a simple linnen woven tent with bronze furnishings's (poor Festus had some of his tail removed). A bell, like a old school bell rang in the castle. Odd. Calypso noticed Leo staring at the castle. 'What do you think's in the castle Leo?' 

 'I think it's some sort of academy,' Leo replied. Dozens of black robed people suddenley appeared in the front doors. Teenagers, he thought. Rather posh teenagers to be maybe studying in this sort of school. 

'Leo, do you have some sort of tracking device, or map to tell us where we are?' Calypso said gently. 'Yeah, Festus has a built in GPS I programmed myself,' Leo replied grinning, 'Festus buddy, where we at?' Eing-lend, the bronze dragon croaked. 'England!' Leo yelped. What was he doing in England, half way around the world from his home! Leo gulped. America was one thing, but England! Percy had mentioned something about the Kanes being in England, but he had the feeling that these teenagers were not exactly half-Egyptian. The sun was setting and there was water near by. Maybe he could try to Iris message his friends back at Camp Half-Blood. He willed a prism to appear in his pouches. 'Leo, I'll get some dinner ready, come into the tent when your done, yes?' Calypso asked, breaking his train of thought. Leo smiled and realized that Calypso was here and instantly felt comforted, even if he was in the country of Jaffa Cakes and Whovians. 'You do that Sunshine, I'll try to Iris message my buds at Camp Half-Blood if you don't mind' he answerd. He watched Calypso go into the tent and started trying to contact his friends at CHB.

   After multipule attempts on multipule attempts, Leo sucesfully failed at contacting the greek godess. Leo tried once more and suddenley an image appeared in the mist. Leo gasped and there was Nico, talking to Percy with Annabeth, in the sunlight at CHB! 'I'd like to clear the air. I've had a crush on you, but-' Nico began but he was cut off. He could almost hear the hippie godess laughing her arse off. 'ARGGGHH' yelled Leo. He was prepared to go up to her and strangle her, but he vented off his anger by realizing how akward Nico had been around Annabeth and Percy, and put the missing parts of the puzzle and smirked. He had nothing against Nico ofcourse, just that the dude was a little creepy at times. But one thing baffled him. Why did he like Percy, and not him? Strange guy. What was there not to like about Leo Valdez? Leo shook these crazy thoughts away from him and headed in the tent.

  The tent was an average sized camping tent, but was able to fit everything from a double bed to an actual funtioning cooker! A soft pale green rug was laid on the floor, with a small kitchen in the right corner and two single beds in the left corner. A small eating area was allocated opposite the kitchen and diagonal to that was the bags Calypso brought. Calypso had freshened up and was setting the table in a gracefull manner. She was wearing a white linnen long shirt with a pair of skinny jeans which faired well with her body. Calypso sported a white wild flower in her hair, just tucked to perfection in above her right ear. 'Leo, freshen up by the spring and come to have some dinner,' she said calmly. Then she added 'It's a lovely spring. I won't look!' Leo bent down to collect his clothes and kissed her cheek. 'You look lovely' he whispered and squeezed her hand tenderly. Calypso looked down and shyly pushed him off with a grin. Leo walked out of the tent with a smile so wide that he thought his face were about to split. He bathed. Soon he slipped on his pants and buttoned his shirt, to be greeted by Calypso again. They shared a delicious meal of clam chowder (Calypso said that they were fresh and she stored them in an ice cooler) Leo felt like the luckiest guy alive. They again moved in perfect harmony into their seprate beds, ofcourse only after they completed a snogfest, but Leo and Calypso both thought it was a little bit too much and they broke off into seprate beds, only  a hand apart. But it was a good thing the slept in seprate beds as Leo's dreams were about to be a confusing mess of hopes and tradegies.

   Leo's dreams first started off with him and Calypso singing outside of the tent and then the dream suddenley twisted and bent to a unfamilliar cabin in Camp Half-Blood. He was in the cabin was decked out in various hues of grey, black and red. Then he saw Nico. 'Nico!' he yelled. Nico suddenley jumped and said 'Leo! Your alive! Hazel! Frank!' Hazel Levesque's  brown hair came into view along with Frank Zhang's strong body shape. 'OMY GODS LEO' Hazel screamed. Frank's eyes widened and he too yelled 'LEO YOUR ALIVE OMAIGODS' 

 'Guys guys guys, glad to see you to and next time try not to yell my ear off yeah? Thanks,' Leo said rolling his eyes. 'Where are you?' Hazel inquired. 'I'm in England, the place with funny accents,' Leo replied. Frank, Hazel and Nico exchanged anxious glances. Leo picked up on this sombre mood imediatley 'Whats up guys? Dirt Face's minion's in England? Don't worry. The most harm he can do is to throw a jaffa cake.' 

'Um Leo about that-your shifting and we don't have time. Stay where you are okay? Try to go to the castle. I think its fate,' Nico said quickly. 'We'll try to get over there as soon as possible.' Leo began 'Wait Nico do you know-?' and was abruptly cut off by a vortex of colour and he was pulled back into the forest. Somehow he walked up to the grand castle and a 4 teens were there at the front entrance talking very actively in hushed tones. 'Um hi guys, it might seem really strange but people in my dreams told me to come here,' Leo broke in. Leo mentally face palmed himself. He was meant to start connections, not be so strange and ruin them!  A red haired guy was standing closest to him and had a very unsettled look on his face. 'Who are you? How can you see the castle? Aren't you a muggle?' the red head started, but a bushy haired girl stopped him. 'Ron, let him breathe. He's obviously not a-' then a curious looking guy with black hair and a peculiar looking scar on his forehead said 'You're the one from my dreams. You're part of the Greeks and you're going to help us. Your friends are apparentley on their way.' A girl with long wavy brown hair put an arm on his shoulder and said urgently: 'Leo. Come to the castle with your companion as soon as the sunsets tomorow evening. We have something really important to tell you. You need our help to destroy him, and we need yours to destory him.' Leo was obviously startled but he was jerked upwards and thrown into a vortex of colour. He was woken up to Calypso peering down on his face, drenched in sweat. 'Bad dream?' Calypso whispered. Leo grimaced. He swung his feet off the bed and Calypso stood opposite him. 'We have to go to the castle, Calypso.'

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