Chapter 6 - Explosive Tacos

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Frank's POV 

Frank twirled Hazel around in a circle, watching the glow of the sunset on her dark skin. Frank took Hazel's waist and they walked up to the cabins, blushing slightly. They sat at the steps of the Hades cabin in content silence and kissed again. But when Frank saw Jason walking around the corner he stopped a little clumsily. Hazel's eyes were twinkling. 'We'll get back to that, won't we?' she said softly. Frank smiled. It was impossible not to love Hazel. Frank wished they could stay like this forever, but the rest of the cabin courtyard were filling in to get to the messhall from the arena. The lot missed Clarrisse being beat up by the Stoll brothers. Shame, but it was worth it to see the 'Hogwartians' Frank legitimatly liked them, he felt a strong connection with Neville Longbottom. The name sounded funny, no, hilarious, but he had seen him fight the dementor things away like how he had seen Annabeth fight Percy for the last slice of pizza. It was strange that Leo had not made fun of the name, but Frank guessed that Leo had some respect for the wizard. 'C'mon Frank,' Hazel said, forcing Frank to turn all his mind power to the present, 'Lets go down to the mess hall.' 

  The Mess Hall usually had 12 rectangular tables for the different gods and their corresponding children to feast on, but today there was an additional table for the Hogwartians to sit. It had a scarlett red tablecloth draped on it's face, and some golden stripes. There was 18 places, but Frank wasn't sure that there were 18 Hogwarts lot to fill the table. They all sat, and Frank could surprisingly name all of them. Harry, Alison, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna, Ginny. There was another boy sat at the table, which was a wizard that Frank hadn't noticed earlier. He had a shock of red hair, and was tall like Ron. 'I came just before you left, Ginny told me she was leaving and I decided to follow her. I'm George by the way,' he said. Frank remembered that Ginny and Ron were siblings, George must be too. Frank asked whether they could join them, and they replied with a cheery yes. The Hogwartians got a few stares, but soon the rest of the 7 plus Reyna and Nico came to join and everyone mainly took their attention to their plate. Chiron stood by the stage with a disgruntled looking Mr. D. 'Thats Mr. Diyonosis, god of wine he is,' he heard Hermione whisper to Ron. 'What's he doing down er'e then,' Ron replied. 'He got some sort of punishment from Zeus,' Hermione shot back. They shut up when Chiron started talking 'As you can see, fine demigods,' Chiron started, but was interrupted by Mr. D saying 'Or not, if you're Clarrise.' OOOOh, shots fired, the crowd yelled to Clarrise, who wore a eye patch and deep cuts on an arm. Clarrise rolled her one eye. The other probably did to, as a fresh wave of blood seeped from it, and a person from the Hermes cabin came to wipe up the blood and take Clarrise away. 'Swiftly moving on,' Chiron said quietly, silencing the crowd immediately, 'As you can see, we have some guests here today, and they will be joining us to help build a travelling ship for them and a few of you to be going on.' murmurs arised from the audience about the sound of a quest. Wind nymphs flitted from table to table, placing food on everybody's plate, but no one touched the food; it was going cold. It seemed like the Camp wanted to know, who were these Brit kids? 'These guests are wizards and witches of Hogwarts as you know,' Chiron continued, 'And they will help us with this process. Be gracious to them. They have come from England. Eat!' The crowd laughed and began eating. Frank started eating his taco, stuffed with guacamole. He was suprised to know that it was still hot, with a sneaking suspicion that Alison had kept it warm, as she had her wand on the table whereas the others didn't. 'Sorry if I'm being a really intrusive, but what can you do?' Annabeth said, eyes wide as she ate her risotto. 'I think it's more of what we can't do, Annabeth,' Hermione said with a twinkle in her eyes. 'Well for starters, I can make that taco explode,' Alison said with good humour, pointing to Frank. They all laughed. They finished their meal with plenty of laughter and friendly chatting. Frank felt as if he had found a new branch of his messed up family tree. 'What are we going to do tomorrow?' Alison asked 'we don't mind starting on the ship tomorrow mornin.' 

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