Chapter 19 - The Battle of South Hampton

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Adgeor Mavis' POV

Adgeor snarled down at the sleeping body of Alison Vega, with the face of Draco Malfoy. He now had the power to end her miserable life here and now with his favourite spell: Avada Kevadra. The Unforgivable curse would have been said and nobody would know. But Adgeor didn't graduate from Dumstrang with top grades in everything. Once her purpose for empowering the Dark Master's army, he would simply dispose of the idiotic girl. He in fact hoped that the girl would follow through with the horcrux - however it was not really a horcrux it was a way of harvesting her blood which would be sufficient for the Dark Master's aspirations. However for now he was stuck playing the pretentious charade of Alison's friend. The Battle would start once Adgeor stunned Alison, destroying the most powerful demigods on his command. Adgeor had to admit, he was intimidated by these teenagers, with powers and parents he could not fathom. Shaking these thoughts from his mind, he woke Alison up. "Hey, wake up, Alison, " Adgeor muttered, shaking her. Alison opened her grey eyes, much like Evangeline Vega, the mother of Alison he much lusted for. Adgeor simply detested the Vega family simply for turning down his request for Evangeline's hand in marriage. A broken heart, always the root of the problem. On the night the late Albus Dumbledore died, a vampire (who Adgeor later murdered) was on rouge to kill Alison, until Evangeline shoved her aside for the vampire to bite Evangeline instead. Had Evangeline sacrificed herself for Alison, Evangeline and him may have had a chance, as her husband had died the previous summer. "What time is it?" Alison replied sleepily, wary of his presence in this small room. "About 10 in the morning. Did you receive any replies about when they would be in SH bay?" he replied. 

"Around noon is where I'd guestimate, but we should probably go now," Alison recommended. "You go pay for the rooms. I'll get changed into something more appealing. I'm still in the clothes I was captured in." Alison added with a smile. Adgeor forced himself to smile back. Walking down a couple of creaky wooden stairs, he entered the muggle hotel's lobby. They had spent the night at a very old but quaint guesthouse, floors lain with oak woods and illuminated by what muggles called "ecracktricity" giving the place a very warm glow. There was a random assortment of pastel carpets and lounge chairs, and a simple desk which served as a reception. The male muggle who tended the counter looked bored. I can't believe I'm talking to a muggle, Adgeor thought to himself. "Hi, how can I help you?" the muggle asked politely. "I'd like to pay for the rooms," Adgeor muttered.  

"Would you like to pay by cash or credit card?" the muggle replied, bored. Adgeor was flabbergasted What on earth was cash? What in Merlin's pants were credit cards? "What?"

"I said, would you like to pay by cash or credit card?" The muggle repeated patiently.

"Do you take galleons?" Adgeor inquired, flustered. He threw two golden coins on the table to the surprised muggle.  "Judging by the shocked  look, you don't. Imperio," Adgeor snarled, whipping out his wand." You'll accept the galleons as payment-"

"Draco! What are you doing?" Alison yelled, shocked at his actions, "Do not imperious an innocent muggle!" The muggle was positively shocked having a stick pointed at him, as he opened his mouth to scream, presumably, Alison muttered 'Obliviate'. The muggle's eyes turned misty and he fell forward and landed his forehead on the table. "Let's go," Alison snapped. The two apparated, and waited for the ship in a dusty seaside bar.

Luna's POV 

Luna stayed by the deck, anxiously waiting to meet her friend. They had both known each other since childhood, her mother, Pandora Lovegood had worked in the Ministry, a wise Ravenclaw in  the Spells Experimentation Department unlike her husband, Xenophilous Lovegood, who continued to run a rather wild independent wizard's magazine. Their parents had been somewhat friendly (Having seen each other during the late years of Hogwarts) but once the two youngsters had met, it was friendship at first sight. Mystery surrounded Alison, which Luna seemed to take a liking to and wild laughs at Luna's dotty theories had Alison liking Luna. One day Luna didn't come to the Ministry, and that was the day that her mother died. Pandora was an excellent witch, mourned by many. From then on, Luna didn't set foot into the Ministry, though at Harry's call, she did so willingly. Speaking of Harry, he was next to her, knuckles turning white as they clenched the railings, eyes peeled for the sight of his missing girlfriend. Luna had grown up in Hogwarts with the whispers of 'Harry Potter did this', 'Harry Potter did that', but they had never known the real person, the human of the Hero, the man behind the mask. Or rather the people behind the mask. Luna knew that without Hermione, the whispers would have been "Harry Potter died". "Do you think she'll be there, Luna?" Harry said nervously

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