Chapter 5 - afýpnisi̱s (Wake)

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Hazel's POV

Hazel paced up and down the hospital wing of Hogwarts's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry nervously. The instant Leo and the girl Alison passed out, the remaining wizards and witches (That Hazel still couldn't remember the name of) went into a wild fury and sent the dementor things away. Hazel was glad they were spelled off; Hazel was horribly reminded of the past horrors of her past life. Alison began to stir. A boy, wearing glasses, was clutching her hand. The girl with bushy hair held her other hand. A red headed boy sat at the foot of her bed, holding the bushy haired girl's hand. They all looked at her curiously. The girl with long dirty blonde hair (which Hazel remembered was Luna) walked up to her and touched her forehead. It seemed like Luna's cool touch had awakened Alison immediately, because her dark brown eyes instantly flew open. She sat up, disoriented, while being attacked by hugs from her friends. Once the frenzy of hugs was finished, Alison looked over to Leo, who was also beginning to stir from his slumber. Luna also walked toward Leo and touched his forehead. Hazel was not sure of this magic, but it looked like a cool healing spell. Upon further inspection, Hazel noticed Luna had muttered 'afýpnisi̱s' which in Greek meant 'wake'. Curious girl, Luna. Leo's chestnut brown eyes instantly flew open and a pale slender girl, which Hazel hadn't noticed earlier, kissed Leo on the cheek. Leo also encountered an attack of hugs. Hazel walked and hugged Leo too. But it wasn't just them who noticed the pair were awake. The head nurse, or how Luna had called her, Madam Pomfrey, had rushed over and shooed the party away from the awaken two. Hazel was the last to clear off, but heard Leo say softly to Alison, 'Some prophecy, huh?'

 They all waited outside the hospital wing's enormous doors, until what sounded like a lunch bell rang through the halls. A witch, accompanied by Chiron, walked up the stairs to greet them. 'I am Professor McGonagall incase you have forgotten,' The emerald cladden witch said tartly, 'and you shall have your lunch together by the lake, there is food there laid for you.' Percy's eyes gleamed at the sound of food. The crew walked down the stairs in a merry way, joyful that Leo and Alison were awake. Hazel strolled across the lawn, with Frank, happy to feel sunshine down her back. Indeed, there was a red and white tartan picnic blanket in the shade of a large willow tree, with plates piled with sandwiches and fresh fruit. Hazel sat down, Frank almost fell sitting by her. Jason by Frank with Piper by his side. The glasses boy sat next to Hazel with a small grin on his face. 'You know, I still can't believe Leo's alive!' Jason said happily. A delicious looking pomegranate sat by the bushy haired girl's feet. 'Err, excuse me-' Hazel started nervously. 'Hermione,' the girl said graciously. Hermione frowned slightly. 'We haven't had a chance to fully introduce our selves!' Hermione cried out a little suddenly. Hazel smiled. 'Right, lets have some ice breakers then,' Jason said promptly. They went round in a circle, saying their names, birthdays and likes, and already Hazel felt a strong connection with the witches and wizards. Perhaps it was due to the fact that her mother was a witch, but Hazel knew that they'd never do any harm intentionally to her. Hermione was making the pomegranate hover in the air towards Hazel. Hazel smiled and said thanks. Hazel munched on the ruby red pomegranate while a small conversation was being held. 'So, what were those things that were trying to kill us?' Percy said conversationally. 'Dementors. They weren't actually killing you, only trying to suck the souls from your body,' Ron said 'It's worse if they try to kiss-' 

'Kiss you? Like French kiss you or what?' Percy replied with a small smirk on his face. Ron smiled mildly and continued dryly 'If they complete kiss you they'd have taken your soul and leave you in like, a coma. And no one's lived to tell the tale on what kiss they give you. Sound about right?' Ron finished nodding to Hermione. Hermione nodded. 'So basically, these dementors have a fetish of human souls,' Percy said with a grin on his face, sea green eyes full of light natured humor. The whole group exploded with laughter. Only Neville had an innocent look on his face. 'What's a fetish?' Neville asked. 

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