Chapter 8 - Quest Time Pt. 2

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Alison's POV

It was odd, wearing the ring. It felt like Alison was being doused in cold water, or simply walking through a thousand ghosts. Alison knew the ring belonged to a dead guy with a bronze horse, but another person, a shepherd, stole the ring from the corpse (which lay in a cave that revealed itself after an earthquake) and it made you invisible. Alison shivered, dispite it being warm in the room because of the eeriness that had surrounded Alison made her almost rip the ring off. It had been like almost under an Invisibility cloak, everything had a watery shine and a rippled appearence. She pulled off the ring promptly, and placed it on the dusty shelf. She walked off and around the room, unaware of the onlookers. Alison had just enough time to move out of the way, because Hazel was levitating a rather sharp object towards her. Alison noticed a particular sheethed sword, dim and in the shadows of the dying fire’s flame. ‘Lumos,’ Alison said quietley. Spiders scuttled off the sword, Alison took it into a greater light, unsheething it to see the blade. The sword’s handle had handsomley carved letters and the hilt boasted dark black gems set in a gleaming silver cast. Though several minutes  ago it had been covered in cobwebs and spiders, the sword still looked like it was cast yesterday, fully polished. The most unusual thing of the sword is that it held two metals making it double edged and deadly. One side was a bronze and the other held steel. Percy looked at the sword in alarm. Annabeth’s mouth fell open. Alison seeing their bewilderment looked at the handle of the sword again and saw clearly the word ‘BACKBITER’ printed neatly. Alison didn’t know how to explain it, but the sword felt good in her hand, warm and inviting. It fit perfectly. Sometimes if a thing suited you, no matter if it be a human or an object, the worst thing you could do was deny it her mother used to say. ‘Do you know this sword?’ Alison asked Percy, who was standing near her with a Roman helmet half shadowing his face. ‘My friend,’ Percy started akwardly, coughed, then carried on, ‘Or enemy, Luke Castellean made this.’ Annabeth was drawing closer, ducking Hazel’s attempt at levitation. The others (demigods and wizards) were still wondering around, or looking at Hazel with polite interest. ‘How did it get here?’ Annabeth asked, slightly choked. ‘Well this place does have greek origin, prehaps someone placed it here. This is the Room of Requirement,’ Alison said in a dream-like tone. ‘Does it fit you?’ Annabeth said, returning to her more businesslike manner. Alison nodded in reply. She was excited to find out how she could conceal the weapon, like Percy’s Riptide or Jason’s dramacha. Surely there would be books on transfiguing such. But returning to her friends she blurted ‘Who is Luke?’ Noticing their glum expressions, she continued ‘If you don’t want to answer that’s fine, just I’d like to know how this sword was made and how it was used….or even why it’s double metal. Sorry if I’m being pushy-‘  //   ‘It’s fine Alison, really,’ Annabeth said, emotion showing like before, ‘The question is who was Luke. Luke was a person who went the wrong way, decided wrong things and chose the wrong decision. But he did the right thing in the end.’ Alison was reminded of the incident of the Astronomy Tower in her 6th year. Draco Malfoy and this Luke could be twins in the sense of their decisions. ‘It’s double edged because Celestial bronze will not pierce mortals, and the steel will. It makes it ‘The Backbiter’. As for how it was made, I don’t know,’ Percy finished off for Annabeth  who was looking forlornly at the floor. ‘It’s okay. You’ve given me more information than I need. Luke sounds like someone I know,’ Alison said serenely, ‘Thanks.’ // ‘I think it’s time to go, don’t you?’ Frank said apprehensivley and ducked under a high shelf as Hazel made several shields and swords levitate around her. The wizards and witches clapped; Hazel had mastered the levitation charm in a short space of 10 minutes. ‘Sonorus,’ Alison’s voice boomed across the clapping, ‘Has everybody got some form of object to equip them?’- They all nodded- ‘Right, let’s be going then.’ Harry had the Sword of Gryffindor somehow attached to the waistband of his jeans and was swinging wildly and dangerously until Alison had magicked some form of cover to spare the limbs of her friends. Harry gave a sheepish grin to her and they stepped into the fireplace with Nico and Reyna lastly, and appeared at the Big House room once more. It was now that Alison suddenley felt extremely tired and that the bag of her remaining goods and stolen books suddenley felt like she was carrying a few tonnes. Alison levitated the bag to ease her struggle. Reyna stepped neatly out of the fire, whilst Nico fell on top of Harry then straightened himself up considerably. ‘See you at dinner then!’ Nico said, face slightly red, then ran off. Reyna laughed and walked out of the door. ‘Well, we’re alone,’ Harry said standing up, smiling that smile that Alison couldn’t resist. She started, smiling ‘Well, if I’m caught making out with you it better not be here-‘ and Harry grabbed Alison gently by the waist and kissed her, stopping her mid sentence. They broke of after a while, Alison looked up at Harry and smiled. She leaned in again, expecting another heart racing snog, but turned out to be a simple kiss on the lips ‘Well, If I’m caught making out with you it better not be here,’ Harry said in a voice that was so high pitched that it sounded more like Professor Flitwick than Alison. Alison’s mouth opened and then smiled, wacking Harry gently with the hilt of her sword. ‘Let’s go some place else to make out shall we?’ Harry said cheekily and recived a shove in the door way.

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