Chapter 20 - And so it Ends.

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Voldemort's POV:

The deed was done, the Dark lord could feel it, potential power had been lost. No fear however, the Dark lord always finds a way, like true descendant of Slytherin both cunning and ambitious. But without the Vega's blood, Tartarus would not rise. Too much positive magic would force the entity of the underworld into a deeper trance. Voldemort was secretly pleased. Tartarus was a contender for his power, and if circumstances were different, Tartarus would be pleased as well. You can't please people to truly get what you want, you have to take it by force, a common mantra that ran through the closed walls of secluded Slytherin dorms.  Voldemort's body materialized out of smoke, feet landing softly on the sandy shore. The dark lord surveyed the land, a battle already being lost. His weaker minions, hooded purebloods although not quite close enough to the dark master to gain a Dark Mark. They stood a mile from their master, awaiting further instructions. Lord Voldemort instantly saw his foe, tall bespectacled boy with an injured wrist and a claw mark against his cheek. An impenetrable circle surrounded Voldemort, no chaos entered his little bubble. Voldemort could walk amongst the pandemonium and no harm would come his way. "Harry Potter," Voldemort yelled. The high and commanding voice rang throughout the beach, quieting the frenzy that had ensued. The Death Eaters apparated by his side, each one eagerly anticipating Harry Potter's final death. He noticed that Bellatrix was not there. "Come to die once more!" 

Percy's POV:

Percy was getting bored. It was like oooh yeah the Dark Lord's in town let's get some interesting fighting done! But no, Lord V was still reciting a well scripted speech to his Death Eaters about how 'lucky' Harry Potter was. The fighting came to a standstill as Voldemort's monologue droned on and on.  "Tartarus shall not rise today," Voldemort said clearly, Percy could see visible signs of surprise and anger radiating through Tartarus' allies. "He will be churned back into the underworld where he belongs forever reforming. Therefore, Harry Potter is mine to kill, and solely mine." 

"Harry, now might be a good time to kill him," Jason murmured in Harry's ear next to Percy.

"Harry Potter has thwarted me many times, but this shall be his downfall. There are no little tricks for you to pull out the bag. Dumbledore is dead, and your Vega may be as well. Young Ronald Weasley might be lucky enough to escape my clutches being the blood traitor he his, however the Granger will be disposed." Harry was working a temper, cheeks flooding red and wand pointed right at Voldemort's face. "You'll say no more of the sort, Tom Riddle." 

The crowd gasped.

Voldemort's face was passive and unreadable. 

Percy felt like he should say something. "Yeah Tim, shut up. Okay Harry and Jason, let's kill this bastard, shall we?" 

Voldemort's face contorted with rage as green light exploded from his wand. The trio dodged the green bullet, however more came. Harry gulped and yelled "Avada Kevadra" A piercing cry reigned throughout the sky as Jason and Percy's swords lodged themselves in Voldemort's back, having managed to get close enough to Voldemort. "You know Tim, the monologues were really nice and all, but if you wanna kill someone, you gotta get to the point" Voldemort let out an incomprehensible sound as the light faded from his red eyes.  His egg head landed on the sand with an uneventful finish as Percy let out a breath that he didn't realise that he had been holding for a long time. Percy and his demigod team were finished fighting foes and saving the day. They could hopefully go to college and settle down with a family. They were finished. Percy and Jason fist bumped as they murmured bro to each other. Harry was completely bewildered. Foes slinked off into the ocean in fear of the teens and Death Eaters apparated away from South-Hampton. 

Harry's POV

Harry ran down the beach to where Alison was lying. She was weak and pale, but still retained old humor in her eyes. "Alison are you alright or not alr-..." Harry left his sentence hanging in fear of what Alison might say. "I just kinda just killed Adgeor Mavis."

"I just killed Voldemort"

"Yeah I know it's kind of hard not to know," Alison replied laughing, then quickly changing her facial expression to a well known conveyance of pain, "You all drained so much energy."

"She needs nectar or ambrosia," Hermione said gently. Annabeth settled next to her, producing a pouch with a small square of ambrosia. As Alison feebly nibbled the square and some colour entered her cheeks. "Okay, take it slow, we'll get you to the ship. No apparation," Annabeth murmured. Calypso's Comb sailed right into the harbour and away from the general area of South-Hampton. The sun finally fell, a bright gold galleon dipped into the ocean, replaced with a small but bright moon, illuminating the bronze ship as it sailed back home.

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