Chapter 12 - Opening Truth

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Piper's POV

Piper was standing on the deck of Claypso's Comb, anxiously waiting for the return of Percy, Frank and Alison, preferably sane and undamaged. Annabeth was pacing the deck saying ''Where are they? They should have been here 1/2 an hour ago!'' It was true that the trio had been off for about 4 hours, looking for Voldemort's horcrux, and 2 hours in, they received a squawking bird (a stone cracked owl) going haywire in it's metal bindings. The note had said ''Do not harm, but shut it up'' in Alison's untidy red scrawl. The owl was in the workshop, where Leo looked into what made it work. It was probably magic, but Leo was fascinated. At last she saw the 3, looking tired and weary, running up the surf towards the ship. Harry and Hazel's face lit up when they saw their partners lit by the fading sun's glow. Annabeth stopped pacing a smiled to, as Alison did some spellwork to let them onto the ship's deck, and they hopped on. Hazel ran into Frank, almost toppling him overboard. Percy quickly enveloped Annabeth into a hug, then progressed to kissing. The crew looked away at that point. They shipped Percabeth to Olympus and back, but y'know, let them have some privacy in those private moments that made Piper's feels run marathons. Alison hadn't moved but was looking at the golden trio, surprised, that Harry had run up to her and hugged her. A sinking feeling had started to fall in Piper's heart; what had happened in battle? Harry turned to kiss Alison, and after that, a large slapping noise was emitted down their end. A cold look had burned in Alison's eyes whereas Harry's eyes watered in pain where a large red welt and a deep cut (courtesy of the many rings Alison wore) had appeared on his left cheek. ''What the hell Alison?'' Harry said, his voice barley a whisper but filled with the emotion of hurt. Piper was shocked, and so was everyone else. Hermione and Ron had their jaws hanging open. Everybody waited for Alison's reply. Piper's heart skipped a beat when she broke the silence with 3 words that should never fall out of someone's mouth, ''Who are you?''

  ''Me?'' Harry replied, startled, ''Alison, I'm Harry Potter, I've been your boyfriend for 5 years, I've known you for 8 and our parents were friends back in their Hogwarts days.'' Harry's voice shook with emotion as he uttered those dreadful sentences. ''Alison do you know who I am?'' Hermione asked gently, near tears. Alison looked bemused. ''Of course I know who all of you are, but not Harry,'' Alison replied, ''I mean like, you're cute and all, just, I've never met you.'' // ''Who do you think gave you this then,'' Harry replied back, voice shaking with emotion as he took his fingers to Alison's right 4th finger, where a silver lightning bolt ring gleamed in the lanterns which were now lit. Alison was forced to unclench her fists, and suddenly a jet black pearl on a slim chain fell out and landed on the floor with a thud. ''That's the horcrux,'' Frank muttered. Whispers flew in and out of the dying wind, phrases of Shakespeare's Macbeth floated through. When the hurly burly's done, and the battle's lost and won, was a repeated echo in the now night. ''Let's go in for dinner, shall we?'' Annabeth said with forced cheerfulness, ''Frank, why are your ears issuing out large quantities of steam?'' Frank grimaced, billowing a huge cloud of steam, and headed for the dining room. 

  ''What. Happened.'' Harry said almost angrily, as if the remorse of the past 5 minutes had faded from his mind completely. Percy looked like a deer caught in headlights as he launched into what happened. Alison had sat by Annabeth and Piper, unfortunatley no where near Harry. Shrimp Gumbo, steaming hot had appeared on her plate, comfort food to much on while Piper watched Harry getting filled in. She felt apprehension, as Harry was not going to like what was going to be heard. ''We were fighting some arai, while getting the horcrux,'' Percy started nonchalantly, then continued once Harry started eating, ''Arai are creatures spawned by bitter thoughts, and they 'kill' by inflicting curses that are other people's dying curse.'' // ''You sound like you've swallowed a deck of Nico's Mythomagic cards,'' Jason said playfully, and Nico rolled his eyes. Hermione was listening intently, ''That means, somebody really hates Alison to inflict a curse as heavy as that on to her,'' Hermione replied, ''What was your curses then?'' Hermione gestured to Percy and Frank. ''Well, it's obvious I got the curse of having smoke blowing out of my sorry ears, and Percy got knocked out battle,'' Frank grumbled. Ginny chuckled, ''We'll get some potion for that, in the mean time, we'll enjoy a wild Frank Zhang with green smoke coming out of the ears!'' The company roared in laughter. Even Nico let a chuckle escape from his thin lips. ''I've got a lot of enemies,'' Alison said quietly, once the laughter had died down, ''Not something that I'm proud to admit.''  They continued eating, small talk floated up and down the table, delicate chinks of china and silver echoed in the chamber. Piper, being a child of Aphrodite, she could sense that Harry was feeling a wild kaleidoscope of emotions, happy that Alison was back, confused that Alison no longer knew him and mostly, angry. Alison was feeling confused, but mainly empty. Piper knew that it was because Harry was a huge chunk of her life, and it had been cut away. Hearts shouldn't have to be torn apart like that, despite what her mother thought. No more sunlight streamed through the glass doors, now the deck was completely lit by floating glowing lanterns. ''So the question is,'' Jason said unexpectedly, leaning back to put an arm around Piper (she blushed), ''Where to now?'' The question lingered in the air, till Percy responded, ''I think we should stay where we are for the night, get us healed. Anybody got any idea on where the next horcrux is?'' // ''I think we should destroy the horcrux first,'' Frank offered. The black pearl's chain was entwined in his fingers, still uttering Shakespeare. ''It's destroyed by 3 forces, Celestial Bronze, Imperial Gold and one incredibly destructive wizarding force. Maybe we should do it now-'' Hermione reminded. ''Perhaps we should do it later, after dinner. Destroying a horcrux is not an easy task,'' Ron interjected quickly, ''It's horrible, it plays on your fears...'' and Ron's voice died down. Ron glanced at Hermione tenderly. They finished dinner quietly, until scraping of chairs and clunking of cutlery could be heard. The demigods anticipated  the horcrux attack, but the wizards who had not seen a horcrux didn't. Alison took the horcrux, and levitated it onto a magicked table. Glistening in the bright light of the lantern, it looked sinister, but it had an elegant 'T' etched onto the pearly surface. The pearl itself was the size of a newborn baby's palm. It's Tartarus' horcrux, the realization came to them all simultaneously. ''Who wants to do it?'' Alison said. 

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