Chapter One - The Strange Acquaintance

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Harry's POV

Harry sat upright, shivering. It was late summer, but a cold chill settled upon him. His dreams, or more his reoccurring nightmare was more confusing than the ones that he had the previous nights. There was always this blonde haired scrawny guy, and this bunch of teenagers, about the same age as he was. They were wearing either orange or dark purple shirts and jeans with some form of weapon. Interesting fashion statement  he thought. An even more interesting fashion was Ron, with his hair sticking up like a halo. 'Bad dream, Ron?' Harry blurted. 'Had this dream,'Ron started. He paused looking up at the ceiling as if it would give him the answers to the universe. 'That this "muggle" was somewhat like us, could see Hogwarts an' all. And these other people. I saw...Vol-You Know Who walking through some land. Apparently there's this kid called Leo, who we have to meet tonight,' He finished confusedly. Sometimes Harry saw the late Dark Wizard strolling through that black, ashen land just mumbling to himself. He diddn't have the same connection as he did with Voldemort before he was defeated, but it seemed as if the rest of his friends, Ron, Alison and Hermionie, to name a few had some form of connection, but it diddn't feel like the it was the same kind of magic. But that was ridiculous right? There could only be one type of magic, unless this was a dark and more ancient and knowing Voldemort that was probably what was going on here. Harry pluck out some knowledge about different dark occlumency techniques through his forest of experience and expertise, but it was as if the tree diddn't even exist. Ron was reviewing his timetable which was identical to Harry's and he exclaimed 'Merlin's pant's! Transfiguration, double Charms and Potions!' Harry rolled his eyes. 'Makes you feel almost glad to be back don'it?' Harry remarked. 

   Harry and Ron sat down opposite Alison and Hermionie, who were already indulging in a mighty feast of bacon and eggs. Hermionie was reading a book on mythology, but the cover was too worn to be able to decipher what kind of mythology she was reading. As if Hermionie read Harry's mind, Hermionie said giddily, 'Greek mythology is incredibly interesting, it links into ours quite nicely if I do say so myself! Did you know that the hippocampi originated from ancient Greece? Hagrids got a few in the lake, their quite eccentric characters-' 

 'No offense Hermionie, but we're having breakfast now, and I'm trying to find the best way to escape detention with Mcgonagall,' Ron put in a little rudely.

 'Maybe, stop cuddling with Hermione so often!' Alison replied jokingly. Harry looked at his girlfriend fondly. They finished their meal and walked at a fast pace to arrive at Professor Mcgonagall's room on time to avoid being transfigured into a pocket watch.

   'Today we will be the exploring the use of human transfiguration. Now obviously this spell is a very complicated transfiguration spell, but if some room are over the legal wizarding age to become a animagus, see me for futher details,' Professor Mcgonagall paused, looking at Alison, who had become slightly figety, and then further nodding curtly at the rest of the group, 'If anybody gets out of hand by tranfiguring younger students, you can be assured to spend a afternoon with me, polishing the school trophies with no magic. We will be transfiguring you into horses as they happen to be the easiest animal to transfigure. Get into partners, and you may begin. Erm, Mr. Weasley, can I see you please.' Ron gimaced and lumbered off to where Mcgonagall sat. The professor's nostrils flared. 'Mr. Weasley this is homework is unexceptable and I expect you to be cleaning the trophie room with no magic!' 

'When professor?' Ron grunted, expecting a short reply. 'Tomorrow evening. Tonight, you may have some business to do in the courtyard at sunset,' Mcgonagall said calmly, peering over the top of here glasses. Ron looked stunned and Alison was helping Harry who fell off his chair. Hermionie though, was not showing the slightest sign of shock, and her expression was curious. Once they set to work transfiguring themselves, Hermionie explained why she had no sign of surprise. 'Professor Mcgonagall must know about the other people. You know what this means guys,' she murmured. Ron looked confused. Hermionie rolled her eyes. 'It means that what she's been in contact with the other people.' Hermionie said quietly.

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