Chapter 2 - Like, Argo VI

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Jason's POV

Frank, Hazel and Nico come running into the central courtyard of the cabins like a bird that has seen prey. Or Percy when he sees blue chipotle-gods of olympus he was obsessed with the stuff. Annabeth was talking to Percy whilst Jason was sitting outside the Zeus cabin with Piper. Once he saw them running, they instantly moved towards Annabeth and Percy, who had just stood up in confusion. 'Nico, Hazel, Frank what on earth is happening?' Annabeth said puzzled. 

'Leo, Leo, Leo he's alive' Nico replied panting. Piper, Annabeth and Percy had perplexed expressions on their faces. 'Knew it,' Jason cried out gleefully, dancing around. Clarrisse shot him a glare which sobered him immediately. 'Right, um how do you know?' Jason said, pushing his glasses up his nose. Hazel blinked. 'Forgot you wore those. You look like Dylan O'brien when he was in that Internship movie,' Hazel said, and continued, 'It was some sort of dream, that Leo was dreaming about but we weren't dreaming obviously. Iris must be playing at something here, because his form was flickering and all.' Jason looked at the sky. It was mid-day, impossible to have them sleeping till that late. 'Did he mention where he was?' Piper interjected. Frank nodded. 'He said he was in England.' The group fell silent, pondering on wether it would be possible to sail over to England without a boat large enough to facilitate the whole group. 'We could alert Chiron, and tell him what's going on, maybe get the Hephastus cabin to build us a ship....what was the scenery like? Because I'm having dreams about this castle and if it's in London, we've hit Fate right in the face,' Annabeth said in a reasonable tone. Jason thought about the dream he had last night. Flashes of teenagers running around in large cloaks and some noseless person mumbling to himself in Tartarus. He also saw the noseless dude talking to someone, but too large to be in his frame of vision. 'He was in some foresty place and I did see some sort of castle,'Hazel began 'I've been having similar dreams.' The others nodded in agreement. Seems like the group had similar dreams, if not the same. Nico was standing with his arms crossed, looking over the group. Jason felt inclined to ask him what's up, but Nico uncrossed his arms and opened his mouth to say 'Dad's told me something is brewing in England, and we need to get over there quickly. He diddn't say much, but we've got to go.'

'Did your dad say anything in particular?' Percy asked hurriedly, almost as if there was a time limit that Nico could speak for. 'No he diddn't,' Nico replied curtly. Oh boy, there was tension in the air. Piper raised a perfect eyebrow and glanced at Jason. Oblivious to all this, was Frank. 'Lets, get some stuff actually done, because I'm hungry. Chiron first in the Big House?' Frank asked. 'Sure! I want Chipotle!' Percy replied excitedly. Annabeth rolled her eyes. 'Alright, Big House, then the dining hall,' Piper said cheerily. They set off in the direction of the Big House, which was near enough. Annabeth pushed open the doors which enclosed the Big House. They ran in raring into Chiron's office, which was empty. Strange, Jason thought. The Camp administrator wasn't taking any leave. It was normal as it could be, until Jason's head almost exploded. The fire place was turning green. THE FIRE PLACE WAS TURNING GREEN THE WORLD IS ENDING and then Chiron pops out of the fireplace like its a normal everyday occurrence. Everyone just stopped and gawked at Chiron, who was peering at the lot with faint humour in his old aged eyes. Annabeth was the first to recover. 'So Chiron, what on earth were you doing by a green fireplace,' Annabeth says, training her grey eyes on the centaur. Chiron looked directly at Nico. 'Nico, I understand your father has let you in on some information, and I'd like to know as much as possible. And also the dreams you all have been having for the past month or so,' Chiron blurts out quickly. Grover walks in the room and asks Chrion if it is alright if he stays. Chiron nods and Nico lets loose a torrent of words 'Hades says that a large player in the world's form is rising in the depths of Tartarus. He's been talking to some guy about this plan to rise. And he's English,' Nico replied. Chiron's face lost his old smile and fell into a troubled expression. 'Your father is right. I have the rest of the information to fill the holes of your story,' Chrion started, 'Sit down. You might just faint. Oh and could someone call Rachel and Clarrise- actually I'l explain to the whole camp.' He trotted out the room and he called back for them to meet them by the camp fire. Percy followed suit and so did Annabeth, and the others followed them. Jason was filled with worry. The son of the sky god was almost drowning in dread. What could possibly be worst that Gaia?

  Jason sat on the steps of his cabin, with an arm around Piper. The rest of the campers sat around the camp fire with expectant looks on their faces. Chiron started 'As some of you may know, through cryptic dreams and dizzy spells, the enemy has risen. Two of them actually. Tartarus'-everybody started gasping-'And a new foe has risen, uniting with Tartarus which will make them doubly as powerful. His name is Lord Voldemort.'  Compared to the noise of when the name Tartarus was spoken, this was silent. The camp was still, with vacant looks on their faces. 'Sorry Chiron, there's this dude called Mouldy Warts?' Percy called out unexpectedly. Chiron chuckled in memory of Ron, and then replied to Percy 'His name is Voldemort'-out break of laughs from the campers, Percy's face flushing a deep red-'And he is a British foe. And there is a group, actually a school to be exact, of witches and wizards who we have to unite with in order to win the fight over Tartarus and Voldemort. They have intervined ways, making it impossible to kill them unless we combine forces.' Everyone was shouting now, at Chiron for once, not at themselves. The reocurring question from Clarrise was 'How can they be trusted?' Jason had seen them in his dreams, they seemed like people to be trusted. Then again their encounters with magic had not always been pleasant. 'Do the Romans have to join too?' Frank called out unhappily. Jason heard the Roman's stomach rumble; he checked his watch, it was 1pm. Chiron was trying to call out over the disatisfied mob, and failed. Piper suddenley yelled 'QUIET' using the strongest of charmspeak and the crowd silenced imediatley. Piper blushed delicatley and sat down. 'Yes, Romans will have to join too. They have already proved themself to us, and they deserve our alliance, Ms Rue' Chrion said to Clarrise who was opening her mouth in protest. Clarrise sat down in defeat. 'As for if they can be trusted, I've met them and they are worthy of our trust. And also Leo's met with them. Also we'll need a ship to fly to England. We'll select the crew later. Nyssa, how quickly do you think you as a cabin can build a ship similar to the Argo ?' Chiron finished smoothly. Jason felt estatic, the Hephastus cabin seemed elated. It seemed to solve the matter of trust imediatley. 'Maybe with luck, a couple weeks maybe?' Nyssa replied. 'A couple weeks Nyssa? You mad?" another camper replied. But Jason couldn't have cared less. He was going to see Leo again! It was Chiron's voice that brought him back to life, over the shouting of joy that Leo was alive. 'You are now to do as you please,' Chiron said over the top of everyone. There was an odd sense of being let out of school, but Piper and Jason stayed on the front porch of the Zeus cabin. The grounds that had roughly a hundred people now left and isolated everyone but Nico, Hazel, Frank, Percy and Annabeth. They all glanced at each other. 'Well trouble really likes us doesn't it?' Percy said slyly. 'I bet we're the only bunch which was having these dreams. Which is obviously perfect because we spent the last few months calling trouble,' Annabeth said, rolling her eyes. Nobody bothered to contradict her, because they all knew it was true. 'Well I'm going down to the food hall,' Frank said, and with that he started down the hill, with Percy and Nico accompanying him. 'Um Hazel, do you wanna come with me to the library to try and find out about this kind of magic school?' Annabeth asked. Hazel looked relived at the excuse to leave Piper and Jason alone. The pair of them left and Piper and Jason sat watching the campers. The Hephastus cabin was starting on the forges, casting the celestial bronze. The daughters of Aphrodite were meddling with the nympths by the beach. Some of the Athena cabin were sparring with the Hermes cabin. And Jason and Piper sat. Peacefully watching their extended family and home untl Jason lent into Piper and they kissed.  Piper smellt of fresh strawberries, nothing outstanding but to Jason, it smelt better than ambrosia or nectar. ' My world will  only end if yours does,' Jason whispered to Piper. Piper smiled and the kissed again.

-Thanks for reading this second enstallment of my Heroes of Hogwarts fic! be sure to like, favourite and vote because it means alot to me! The next chapter will be narrated from Alison's POV, be sure to check it out next week!

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