Chapter 10 - The Shock of Non-Coloured Food

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Percy's POV

 ‘Isle of Lillway huh?’ Grover said, chewing thoughtfully on a Diet Coke can. Percy was still in the dining hall, finishing his blue pancakes. Annabeth was conversing with Hermione about the magical world, which Annabeth had taken a great liking to. ‘Here’s a book, if you’d like to read about the History of Magic. I’ve put a talking spell on it so it will read to you if you’d like, because I’ve heard that demigods are dyslexic,’ Hermione offered, taking a battered white leather book with peeling gold letters out of her canvas bag by her feet. ‘History of Magic, Bathilda Bagshot, 2nd edition,’ the cover barked, startling Percy, Annabeth and Grover. ‘I’ve got to get to the library, do some research on the Isle of Lyillway. If any books exist,’ Hermione said mysteriously, taking Ron’s arm as she walked off. ‘Have you ever heard of it?’ Percy said with his mouth full, spewing blue pancake crumbs all over Annabeth. ‘That is disgusting Percy, don’t talk with your mouth full,’ Annabeth replied, whacking Percy with the side of the book, ‘I’ve never heard of it,’ Annabeth finished, ‘Magic must really be powerful, huh? To keep an entire island away from us.’ At that moment, Hazel smashed the glass doors and sent a small wooden stool hurtling past their heads. Ginny came running forward to repair the glass and grab the dented stool. ‘Sorry, Hazel’s having trouble controlling her powers,’ Ginny said sheepishly and ran off. Percy turned back to face Annabeth and Grover. ‘I’ve never heard of the Isle of Lyillway either,’ Percy added. It was the first time the original 3 had been together for a while, when popping into the underworld was the most dangerous thing to do. But now, things had changed so much. The thought of seeing Uncle Hades seemed like a joke. Percy shook off these thoughts and stood up. The pancake crumbs disappeared immediately, leaving the bronze plate pristine as it had been before. Percy walked with Annabeth, arms around her waist on the deck as they prepared to practise sword fighting.  

  Percy’s hours flew into days, and before long, they were a day before reaching Lyillway. The weather had gotten much chillier in Europe than it had been in good ol’ America, and everybody walked around in jumpers as they crossed the Atlantic Ocean, avoiding the cold misty spray of the water. They would be seeing Greece in a while, the origin of his father. It was dinner, so a dull purple glow was cast through the glass doors Hazel had smashed some week ago. ‘I think we ought to elect a quest group,’ Hermione said nervously as they all sat down. Annabeth and Hermione had been making a fast friendship over their smarts so naturally Ron and Percy became friends. The fellow redhead was sat next to Percy listening to their girlfriends talk about elf rights. To Percy, it sounded like one of the Twilight books had been memorised: Boring. Ron obviously thought the same on the matter, so Ron was telling Percy about Divination, an incredibly boring class but with a funny fraud teacher. ‘So we’re studying stars and planets and so I ask Lavender,’ Ron said quickly, glancing at Hermione, ‘Can I see Uranus? Like, it’s a perfectly innocent question-‘ Ron trailed off quietly when he saw Hermione’s frosty glare. Percy sniggered and the whole room exploded with laughter. ‘I vote for Percy to go,’ Ron said very quickly, responding to Hermione’s request to form a quest group. ‘Okay, thats settled, Percy you’re going,’ Hermione replied approvingly. Percy’s eyes widened as they continued to elect people to go. Percy thought little of it till the day came. Eventually it did.

  Percy glided down the ladder from Calypso’s Comb onto the golden beach on the Isle of Lyillway. Cold and dark blue water surrounded the small island’s perimeter, but the island itself was radiating a glowing, positive heat. It had taken them a while to track the exact co-ordinates, even with the wizard’s help. So many protective enchantments had been placed around the small island that Percy surprised Voldemort could even remember that many; Percy could barely remember his dinner last night. To wizards, it was a normal thing to have a mass amount of protective enchantments, Percy felt kind of sorry for them, living in constant fear of attack all the time. Alison had landed gracefully on her feet, and then helped Frank get onto his feet. Percy, Frank and Alison had been chosen because 1) it was a good quest size, 2) One Roman, Greek and witch 3) Alison knew roughly about the island. Harry was reluctant for Alison to go and so was Hazel and Annabeth, but no squabbling could be done as they had reached the island. Speaking of the island, Percy finally took in the full view of the stunning place. It was an almost perfect circle, with a gold beach ribboning around the outside. A hilly forest met the eye by suprise, tall lush pines were engraved in the centre of the circle. No life other than nature dwelled here, a soft sent of pine (reminding Percy of Thalia) wafted though the salty sea breeze. They walked through the forest, becoming increasingly darker as the canopy of trees grew larger and larger. ‘Where have we got to go?’ Frank asked gruffly. Good question, Percy thought. ‘No idea,’ Percy replied, ducked as a low branch hovered in front of his face. ‘We’re looking for something precious, if it’s You-Know-Who’s horcrux, it’ll be placed somewhere hard to find,’ Alison said, trudging through the soft grass. They had stopped using the name ‘Voldemort’ to Harry’s dislike as they agreed it could be jinxed again. Shortly they reached a clearing of trees, where everything instantly felt darker, heavier. They were standing in an oddly cut clearing of trees, earth barren and a magnificent but broken quartz water fountain. The fountain, from what Percy could tell from it’s dilapidated form, had a cartoon looking wizard with a sleek snowy owl on it’s arm, with peculiar dark eyes. Alison went to touch the owl’s cracked and dry face, only for it to do a 5 Nights at Freddie's jumpscare at her. The statue instantly jumped, looking new with the owl flying animatedly above his head. Alison lept back and cussed silentley to where Frank and Percy were stood, mesmerised and scared. ‘Hi! People! Such a nice suprise!’ The statue said in a cartoony voice, brandishing his wand. The owl hooted happily above his head. ‘My name is Duncan! What would you like to do? Duncan can make good pie!’ Duncan said cheerily like a 6 year old, dancing above the not so barren ground anymore. Percy noticed small trapdoor was placed underneath Duncan’s feet in the rubble of the old fountain Whats underneath the door? Percy thought. Alison was transfixed at the owl, Frank had the look of a awed toddler. ‘Can I look at your owl?’ Alison asked politely, and Duncan shook his head. ‘Duncan must not give Alison Vega the owl,’ Duncan said in a dreamy voice, ‘Duncan must obey the wishes of the people who he serves. Duncan knows that you are Percy Jackson and Frank Zhang.’ Percy and Frank’s  mouth fell open in shock. ‘How do you know our names,’ Frank asked boldly. ‘Duncan only knows how to make good pie,’ Duncan replied ‘But Duncan also knows that Duncan has to destroy all those who ask Duncan about the owl.’ The owl cawed in response and Percy heard fluttering in the silent breeze. ‘When I say now, go for the door,’ Frank said panicked. ‘STUPEFY,’ Alison yelled at the statue. The statue stopped, mid hop and fell to the ground. The fluttering grew louder and louder and black flying spots could be seen in the distance, the owl was still flying around, unaware of it’s master’s death, but continued cawing loudly which increased the pace of which the flying dots were speeding. ‘Silencio,’ Alison cast, and the bird stopped cawing but dark eyes turned red and focused on Alison. Alison conjured a thick, metal net and encased it around the stubborn bird, still cawing silentley and froze mid croak. She wrote on a yellow Post-It note, ‘Do not harm, but shut it up’ and tapped it with her wand to send it to someplace else. ‘Where did you send that?’ Frank asked curiously. ‘Back to the ship, no big deal,’ Alison said breathlessly, as if it drained her physically. ‘Um guys,’ Percy said, pointing a middle finger to the black figures. Several dots melted into into long, beaked creatures, scaly black skin with massive, pointed wings. These creatures of the night were Nyx's babies, Arai.

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