Ø36. The Cup of Life

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"We're going to Cenred's kingdom, aren't we?" Merlin smirked as the two royals rolled their eyes. Natalia looked at Merlin,
"What makes you say that?" Arthur kept looking straight ahead. Natalia made her horse go a little faster to catch up to him,
"We're in the forest of Essetir, and it doesn't seem like we're stopping anytime soon."
"You can think what you'd like, Natalia." Natalia didn't like this answer but decided to let it be.
"Why can't you just tell us where we're going?" Merlin whined. Arthur smirked,
"Because then I'd have to kill you, I've told you that already."
"We all know that you couldn't kill me if you tried," Natalia mumbled to herself and let her horse fall next to Merlin.
"What did you say?" Arthur asked genuinely. Natalia kept her cool and smiled sweetly,
"We're probably going to die anyway. Didn't the patrol die out here?"
"Leon lived," Arthur retorted.
"Oh," Merlin spoke sarcastically, "So we're not probably going to die, we're definitely going to die."
"Always the pessimist Merlin," Arthur looked back at his friends and smirked, "Maybe just this once, nothing will happen." Just as the words left his mouth, Natalia felt something hit her neck.
"Maybe you're right," Merlin ignored Natalia as she slumped over and Arthur as he fell off his horse, thinking they were playing a prank on him, "If past experience is anything to go by." Then he felt the sharp pain in his neck as well.
What seemed to be moments later, Natalia opened her eyes to see some rather dirty men staring at her. She sat up and rubbed her neck,
"I guess you were right, Merlin." To Natalia's disappointment, Merlin wasn't to be seen. She was in a cell with a pile of clothes thrown next to her. She inspected them gingerly and saw that it was a dress. At one point, it had been beautiful, but now it was dull and wrinkled from disuse.
"You're awake now," Man opened the door and smiled with a few of his teeth missing. Natalia stood up quickly and grimaced. "Put the dress on," He leaned closer to Natalia and put a finger under her chin, "You'll be my guest of honor tonight." Natalia moved her face away from him, kneed him in the stomach, and took the man's sword,
"Where are my friends?" Natalia placed the blade on his neck. He smiled,
"Dead if you kill me." Before Natalia could say anything, a few men ran into the cell and looked ready to fight. Natalia knew that there would be more of them even if she did beat these thugs. She dropped the sword,
"I'll not ask again." The man rubbed his neck,
"If you dine with me and watch some entertainment tonight, I'll let you and your friends go."
"How naive do you think I am? You won't let us go." The man clicked his tongue,
"You're smarter and stronger than I gave you credit for. Put on the dress and knock on the door when you are ready." All of the men left her in the cell. Natalia caught her breath and began to think. Her best chance of seeing Merlin and Arthur was to leave this cell, and that man seemed like the type of person who would try to torcher me.
"He'll make them at least watch whatever entertainment he has planned," Natalia explained to herself calmly as she put on the dress. "Most likely, something that will kill those who participate." The dress was beautiful, but a bit small. Natalia sighed as she left her trousers and shirt in a pile. She knocked on the door twice and was grabbed harshly by the two men waiting for her.
"I can walk myself, thank you!" Natalia tried to free herself, but they didn't let go. They soon came to a grand hall of sorts, but the ceilings were low and dirty people yelled at two men fighting; neither of them was Merlin or Arthur. She was sat next to the man with the missing teeth.
"Well," he leaned close to her, sniffing her hair, "Don't you look like a real princess." Natalia pulled away with a look of mild disgust.
"I thought you said there would be entertainment," Natalia looked at the men being forced to fight, "This is child's play. It's clear neither of them are skilled fighters." The man sat up, amused by Natalia. He waved at the guards to take them away. She sighed, hoping that she had done the right thing.
"If it's entertainment you want," he motioned to another door with Merlin and Arthur being brought out. "It's entertainment you shall get." The guard threw Arthur to the ground as the other held onto Merlin. Arthur looked annoyed, and Merlin looked a bit worried. "Bring out the champion!" The man roared. The other people in the room cheered as Gwaine was thrown next to Arthur. Gwaine didn't see Natalia at first but then stopped his eyes on her. She shook her head to signal him to stop looking. He looked at the man next to her with ferocious anger as he explained the rules; kill or be killed. Arthur and Gwaine picked up the swords and started to fight. It wasn't real fighting at first but moved to frustration.
Natalia looked to Merlin as the two men fell and kept fighting. The toothless man wasn't paying attention to her anymore, so she slipped over to Merlin. He was still being held by a guard, but Natalia quickly knocked him out with a candelabra. Merlin hugged Natalia,
"I was so worried-- why are you wearing a dress?"
"That's what you're thinking about? Not, how are we going to get out of here?" They looked back over at Arthur and Gwaine on the ground wrestling. Merlin surveyed the room, and Natalia took the guard's belt and sword.
"Forbaern aeltaewlice," Merlin whispered, and the ropes above everyone light on fire. Natalia smirked,
"I think you could've protected Arthur just fine if I hadn't come with." The two ran out of the castle, Gwaine and Arthur close behind. Natalia was grateful that the dress was a few inches too short.
They slowed down once they were well into the forest.
"Natalia," Arthur had his hands on his thighs, catching his breath, "Why are you wearing a dress?"
"The ugly man made me wear it," Natalia secured the stolen belt to her waist, rolling her eyes, "Why is that the first thing you both asked me?"
"Well," Gwaine took a deep breath, "I think you look stunning, Princess." He held out his hand. Natalia smiled as they shook hands,
"Why am I not surprised that you were trapped there, Gwaine?"
"I wouldn't say trapped."
"Then what would you say then?" Arthur mocked as he continued on. Merlin rolling his eyes.
"That it's a place that I will be in a hurry to see again," Gwaine smirked and fell in step with Natalia. Arthur kept teasing Gwaine about ending up in a place like that. Gwaine ignored him and touched Natalia's arm gently, "Are you alright?" Natalia was a little shocked by this gesture,
"I'm fine." Gwaine smiled softly. Then he turned his attention to Arthur and Merlin,
"What did you all do to end up in a hole like that?"
"We're on a quest," Arthur said, hoping that it would end at that.
"We're searching for the cup of life," Merlin smiled, and Arthur nearly tripped in shock. Instead, he hit Merlin over the head,
"What part of the word 'secret' do you not understand?" Merlin rubbed the back of his head and looked at Arthur in disbelief,
"It-- They won't tell!" Arthur was about to start yelling when Gwaine stepped in,
"Gentlemen, gentlemen. It seems whatever it is that you're after, you could use a little help." Natalia stood back and put her hand over her mouth, trying to not laugh at a furious looking Arthur and a frightened Merlin.
"What's so funny?" Arthur huffed at Natalia. Natalia patted Arthur's arm,
"We should keep going. Lead the way, Arthur." Arthur narrowed his eyes at Natalia and grumbled in agreement. Merlin smiled at Natalia and followed Arthur. Natalia looked over to Gwaine, who was looking back towards the castle. She wrapped her hand around his,
"You alright?" Gwaine gazed where their hands connected, passing his thumb over Natalia's knuckles. Gwaine smiled and nodded,
"We should catch up." They moved forward, reluctantly letting go of each other.
Natalia and Gwaine exchanged stories from the past months, Gwaine's filled with sword fights and far-flung adventures. Natalia spoke of bar fights she'd broken up and learning about the life of commoners. Gwaine laughed as Natalia explained how terrible she had been at cooking to start.
"Said like a true princess," Gwaine jostled Natalia lightly and laughed. Natalia rolled her eyes but smiled. She was happy to see Gwaine was safe and that he remained unchanged.
Strength, Magic, Courage, and Perseverance went deeper into the forest, their surroundings becoming wilder and darker, but none of them felt unsafe. If anything, they felt lighter. Arthur laughed at a few jokes, and Merlin wasn't so on edge. They hadn't forgotten about the quest, but when they were with each other, they felt safe.
Then, Arthur stopped, drawing his sword. Merlin smiled slyly,
"Don't tell me we're actually here?" Natalia knew precisely where they were but said nothing. Gwaine chuckled with Merlin,
"Easy, Merlin. Wouldn't want to rile the Prince." Arthur ignores them and goes into the cave, followed by his friends. Natalia refused to even touch her sword; she knew better. Arthur moved carefully before he sheathed his sword. He stopped again, then lunged towards a tent, pulling a small boy out.
"Where is it?" Arthur shook the boy, "Hmm? Where's the cup?" Merlin took a step toward Arthur,
"He's just a boy. Let him go." Arthur paid no mind to him and continued to ask where the cup was. He was so focused that he failed to see the Druids surround them. Gwaine drew his sword, but Natalia grabbed his arm,
"Put it away." Gwaine hesitated. Merlin emplored Arthur to let the boy go simultaneously; Natalia looked him in the eyes and smiled, "Not all beings with magic are evil." Gwaine's eyes went wide, but he put his sword away.
"There is no need for violence, Arthur Pendragon." One of the Druids stepped forward, "The boy has done you no harm. Release him." Natalia and Merlin recognized him for different reasons.
"Not without what I came for," Arthur held the boy close. The Druid, Iseldir, nodded,
"You seek the cup of life, do you not?" Arthur nodded and loosened his grip on the boy. Iseldir held out the cup, "Then it is yours. Now let the boy go." They exchange, but as Arthur grabbed the cup, Iseldir warns him, "You mettle with a power you do not understand, Arthur Pendragon. By taking the Cup of Life, you risk more than you know." Arthur ripped the cup away and smirked,
"I'll take my chances, thanks." He turned to his friends, "Let's go." Gwaine followed in a stupor, and Natalia looked back to see Merlin staring at Iseldir. She hooped this wouldn't be the last time she would see the Druids.
"Hard work this quest business," Natalia jested after a few minutes of walking. Arthur wasn't really paying attention to Natalia. He was admiring the cup,
"Trust me, we did a great deed today." Merlin moved in step with Gwaine, who was staring at Natalia.
"Are you sure it wasn't safer with the Druids?" Merlin craned his neck to look at the cup. Arthur glanced back at him,
"They can't be trusted. The only safe place for the Cup is the vaults of Camelot." Merlin mumbled to himself but followed all the same.
After only a few minutes, Arthur stopped in his tracks. Merlin anxiously looked around, trying to see what Arthur was seeing. Natalia was confused as to why he had stopped. Gwaine looked around and shrugged,
"It's too quiet," Arthur placed a hand on the hilt of his sword. Gwaine kept walking,
"Never satisfied, you city types. Too noisy, too quiet-" Before he could tease Arthur again, Soldiers jumped from behind trees and charged at them.
Natalia felt her legs carry her as fast as possible. One of the soldiers chasing them stopped. Natalia thought that he had given up and slowed down only just. The soldier took this opportunity to shoot at the Princess with a crossbow. Lucky for her, the arrow only scathed her side. Natalia was able to hide from the soldier and didn't dare move until she heard Gwaine,
"Natalia! Merlin!" Natalia searched for the others and rather quickly found them. Arthur with an arrow in his leg and Merlin with a horror-stricken face. Gwaine was doing his best to stop the bleeding from Arthur.
"It doesn't look great." Gwaine looked at Natalia as Merlin knelt down, inspecting Arthur's wound. Arthur was shivering and sweating.
"The arrow must've been poisoned," Merlin looked at Natalia as well, "He's got a fever; he needs to stay warm. Get some firewood." Natalia didn't react to Merlin's request,
"Are you sure the arrow's poisoned?"
"What?" Merlin was still kneeling next to Arthur, doing his best to wrap the wound. Natalia felt herself start to sway as if she'd stood up too quickly. She might've said clever quip if she hadn't fallen to the ground. Gwaine rushed over to her and spotted the wound on her side. Merlin pressed a cloth on her side,
"Not you too."
"We have to keep them warm, right?" Gwaine took off his jacket as Merlin nodded and followed in suit. They both went to put the coats on Natalia and stopped,
"Arthur should have one." Merlin went back over to the Prince and checked on him. Gwaine lifted Natalia to move her closer to where Arthur had fallen. He brushed Natalia's hair out of her face, trying to make her comfortable.
"We should collect wood before the sun goes down, try and set up a camp." Merlin stood up and noticed Gwaine's hesitance. "They'll be fine. It's not like they're going anywhere." Gwaine smiled at Merlin and kept his eyes on the woods.
"I don't understand it," Gwaine crouched by the beginnings of a small fire, shaking his head. "Why all this fuss over a cup?" Merlin was checking on Natalia again,
"That cup can do great harm in the wrong hands."
"Not so great that Cenred's got it, aye?" Before Merlin could say just how terrible it was, Natalia began to wake.
"Do you remember what happened?" Merlin helped Natalia sit up, and Gwaine came to her side. Natalia grazed her wound lightly, wincing at the contact.
"I was going to say something really funny before I fell on my face," She smiled at Merlin. "Something about a poisoned arrow?" Merlin hung his head in disbelief, doing his best not to smile. Gwaine was perfectly content grinning like a fool.
"You could've died," Merlin mumbled. Natalia sighed,
"Yeah, but when has that ever stopped me?" Now Merlin laughed. Not because it was funny, but out of relief that she was awake.
"The boys caught Natalia up on what had happened to the cup as Merlin inspected the wound. Natalia reached for Gwaine's hand as Merlin pressed quite hard on the cut.
"Sorry," Merlin grimaced at Natalia, who shook her head and giggled.
"Don't be, Doctor Merlin." It was clear that the poison was still in her system. Merlin wrapped her wound with some herbs to prevent infection. Gwaine was still holding Natalia's hand.
"It doesn't look infected," Merlin glanced at his friend's hands, "but you should rest. It still seems like you've got a fever." Natalia smiled and moved her hand to Merlin's,
"Thank you. You're the best." Merlin shook his head and patted her shoulder.
As the evening went on and the cold settled in, the three huddled around the small fire. Merlin watched the flames dwindle, and Arthur shiver. Natalia held close to Gwaine's jacket, wishing she had stayed at the inn.
"We need more firewood," Natalia spoke softly. Merlin and Gwaine nodded. Natalia smiled, "Does anyone want to get some?"
"Not really. Thanks for asking. Do you want to get it?" Gwaine said, his face unmoving. Merlin quirked an eyebrow. Natalia scoffed,
"Merlin said I have a fever," she faked a cough, "You go do it." Gwaine smiled and stood up,
"If the princess demands it." He bowed deeply and went into the woods. Natalia giggled and turned to Merlin with a smile. She motioned to Arthur,
"Go on, you have yet to try your magic to heal him." Merlin realized why she had sent Gwaine away.
"You always have a plan, don't you," Merlin moved over to Arthur, who was pale and sweaty. Natalia watched as Merlin spoke a spell, his eyes flashing gold. "Damn it," Merlin looked at Natalia with sorrow in his eyes, "It's not working."
"We'll get to Camelot soon enough," Natalia stood up shakily, removing Gwaine's coat. "It'll be fine." She wrapped it around Arthur as Gwain appeared from the woods,
"Missed me?" He had an armful of wood and a smile that showed he was pleased to be back. They all fell into a restful silence after they placed more wood on the fire. Merlin fell asleep rather quickly. Natalia wrapped her arms around herself, feelings cold sweat develop on her skin. Gwaine took notice and suggested that she take a jacket from Arthur.
"No," Natalia stared into the fire, "He needs it more than I do." Gwaine shook his head,
"You and Arthur are unlike any royals that I've met." Natalia smirked,
"Is that so?"
"If you two are to be future rulers, then maybe these kingdoms won't be so terrible." Gwaine saw the sad look in Natalia's eyes return,
"I will not rule any kingdom." Natalia tore her gaze from the fire and turned to the sky. "It was very rare that I could see the star before I was exiled. They're so beautiful."
"They are," Gwaine wasn't looking at the dazzling stars but at the curve of Natalia's face. Her features are filled with weathered wonder and earned beauty.
"You weren't looking at the sky," Natalia caught Gwaine's gaze.
"No," Gwaine was genuine, no smirk rested on his lips, "I wasn't." Natalia nodded with a smile but said nothing, still clinging to herself for warmth.
"Come here," Gwaine stretched out his arm to Natalia. She hesitated. Gwaine smiled and moved closer to her, putting his arm around her. "What did you mean earlier?" Natalia sighed but didn't lean anymore into Gwaine,
"What I said about magic?" Gwaine nodded. Natalia was still looking to the sky, "Do you believe that all people are evil, inherently?" Gwaine scoffed and said that he'd be even more paranoid if he did believe that. He played with her hair. Natalia did her best to not react, "So then why do you think that about those with magic?" Gwaine was a little puzzled by the question,
"I don't think that people with magic are evil."
"Are you sure? You looked pretty shocked when we were with the druids."
"I've never met anyone with magic." Natalia shook her head,
"That's not true." She tensed as Gwaine moved away from her. He stared at her,
"Natalia, do you have magic?" She breathed deeply,
"No, but imagine that you've met people with magic, and you just don't know it." Gwaine took a moment. He believed her but wondered who he knew that could've had magic. "Do you know someone with magic?"
"Yes," Natalia glanced at Merlin. He was fast asleep. She did not let her eyes linger; Gwaine was not stupid. He would figure it out if she gave anything away.
"Who?" Gwaine spoke with nervousness.
"It is not my place to tell you," Natalia removed Gwaine's arm. "We should get some rest." Natalia went to lay down away from Gwaine.
"Natalia," Gwaine sighed. Natalia stopped and turned back to him.
"What?" Natalia wasn't annoyed, she was curious. Gwaine smirked,
"Hate to admit it, but," Gwaine's eyes flashed with a teasing energy, "you're quite warm, and I'd like for it to stay that way." Natalia smiled,
"But I'm all the way over here." Gwaine shrugged and laid next to her,
"No problem there." he patted his chest, motioning for her to lay down. Natalia rolled her eyes and laid down. Gwaine's heart was pounding, but Natalia said nothing. They listened to each other breathe slowly and fall into a restless but calm sleep as the stars faded into the morning.

 They listened to each other breathe slowly and fall into a restless but calm sleep as the stars faded into the morning

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