Ø21. I'm Here

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    After riding into the citadel, Natalia and Arthur carry Gwaine into Merlin's room. Gaius sees and rushes in after them.
    "Merlin," Gaius inspected the wound, "fetch me some fresh water, clean towels, a needle and silk thread."
    "And honey?" Merlin questions. Gaius nods proudly as Arthur and Natalia look puzzled.
    "Helps fight any infection." Natalia had heard this before, but had never seen it in action; it sounded odd.
    "Will he be alright?" Arthur rubbed his head; it was a nervous tick of his.
    "Providing he's strong," Merlin comes back in with all of the things he asked for.
    "He's that alright," Natalia says more to herself, but all of them hear her. Arthur chose to ignore it and save the blackmail for a rainy day.
    "This man saved my life, he is to be given anything he needs." Arthur leaves the room, saying that he would prepare another room for him to stay in when he awoke. Natalia stayed for a bit longer, watching Gaius dress Gwaine's wound. There was something methodical about the process.
    "I best be off," Natalia removed herself from her trance, "plenty of princessy things to do."
    "Really?" Merlin was holding blood tinted water.
    "No, but, I'm not very useful here. Plus," she clasped her hands together dramatically, "There's a ball this week and I must choose what to wear that will find me a husband. Because that's all that matters in my life." After saying this she realized the Gaius was still there and became embarrassed, "I apologize, that was very uncharacteristic of me." Gaius chuckled,
    "I found it very entertaining." Natalia nodded and left swiftly. Merlin turned to his elder,
    "What was that?" Gaius had expected him to understand not only because he was Natalia's friend, but also because he served Arthur.
    "I am not a close friend of hers and there is a certain way that princesses must behave around the general public. Surely you must know this."
    "Of course, but, I don't think I've ever seen her so on edge before. She's normally much more relaxed."
    "Well, she did lose her father and Sir Elijah, who, I understand was very dear to her."
    "He was dear to me as well. I still don't know what happened to him," Merlin's mind drifted into sadness.
    "Well," Gaius finished stitching up Gwaine's leg, "We're all done here. You could go talk to her. I think both of you need to talk." Merlin almost didn't want to talk to her, he was upset with her,
    "She didn't try to explain what happened after her dinner with Uther, she acted as if it never happened."
    "Did you ever think about how she must feel, Merlin? She sent him to retrieve her mother, and he died for her. She must feel as if it's her fault." Gaius sat on his workbench as Merlin realized that his best friend was hurting and he had done nothing about it. He rushed out of the room and made his way to where Natalia was staying. He knocked on the door and let himself in.
    Natalia was sitting by the window watching the sky go from blue to orange to purple.
    "Merlin," She looked at him with a fake smile. He pulled up a chair in front of her, saying nothing. He reached out and took her hands, and just stared at her; not knowing where to start. "I'm sorry I didn't come to you sooner to explain what happened to Eli. I feel like I've failed him, you, Red, and anyone who ever knew him," she looked him in the eyes and felt a wave of calm come over her. She felt safe with him, she always did.
    "What happened?" Merlin whispered as to not set off Natalia's tears that would, in turn, set off his own. Natalia shook her head as sadness became anger,
    "I sent Redmond, Sir Ethan, Sir Tunin, and Eli to find Maire. They found her, and on the way back, they were attacked and he saved her. She lied, Merlin. She led everyone to believe that she was dead." She let go of Merlin's hands afraid that her anger would affect him.
     "I'm sure that if she could've come back-"
    "No!" Natalia stood up, "She was staying with her brother, hiding from her responsibility, leaving me to rule the kingdom and comfort my people. Charles thought it was his fault, and I would cry thinking about the day when he would lose hope and realize that she wasn't coming back. But, then she decided to come back and the man I love dies for her. Then on my brother's birthday, she forces me to leave because she thinks I'm trying to get Charles to hate her when she's doing a perfectly good job of doing that herself. And to top it all off she-" She crossed her arms,
    "What did she do?" Merlin leaned forward in his chair. Natalia shook her head,
    "She... she did nothing."
    "Don't lie to me, it's unbecoming." Merlin stood up, and grabbed her face playfully, squishing it slightly.
    "Ow," Natalia moved his hands off her face. Merlin moved her hair out of her face and saw the fading bruise. It was more red and yellow than it had been.
    "Who did this to you?" He had always been protective of her but knew that she could take care of herself.
    "Marie." She whispered and stepped away from her friend, and sat on her bed.
    "Your mother hit you?" Merlin sat next to her, baffled that someone that was supposed to love Natalia unconditionally had hurt her.
    "She grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the ground while calling me an 'ungrateful whore,'" She began to cry again. She hated how much she'd been crying lately.
    "You are too good to have any of this happen to you. You have handled this better than anyone could've," He hugged her tightly, "I'm sorry." A few seconds of silence passed and Merlin asked the question that anyone in his situation would've asked,
    "Why didn't you fight back? I mean you are stronger than her and could've stopped her." Natalia looked at Merlin, her eyes looked like stones at the bottom of a river,
    "Would you hit your mother?" Merlin shook his head. He loved his mother more than anything and couldn't imagine hurting her ever, but he also couldn't think of any reason she would have to hit him. Now Merlin was crying too. He had tried to stay happy around those he loved so as not to bother them. He thought about all of the things that had happened lately. Natalia looked to her friend, who looked deeply hurt and so sad.
    "What are you thinking about?" She asked as she wiped her tears away and then his. Merlin started to explain how scared he was when Cenred had attacked. He told her about meeting his father. How he'd saved his life, but in turn lost his own. He knew Morgana was evil and was conspiring with Morgause and Cenred. He complained about Arthur and both of their destinies. He was overwhelmed and wished he had been born without magic. He felt this weight lift off of him. Natalia listened and responded when she felt it was necessary. Never telling him what he should do, just listening, and being supportive.
    "Natalia," He was laying on her bed next to her, staring up at the forest green canopy, "I'm sorry for talking so much, you've been through even more than I have and-"
    "Merlin," She looked at him, "Never apologize for speaking your mind. Your problems are valid and not less than mine. I'm here to help you, always." They lay in silence again, but this time it was calmer, for there were no more secrets between them. Merlin leaned on his elbow and faced her.
    "I wish Arthur was as intelligent as you. Maybe then he'd recognize me for who I am."
    "And one day, he will." She smiled, "He cares for you, Merlin. Don't let that be in vain."
    "Oh wise one, how do you figure that?" Merlin was facing her now.
    "Because you two are friends, and he is very loyal to his friends, you know that."
    "I suppose that's true, but-"
    "Natalia!" There was a loud knock on the door and Uther's booming voice.
    "Hide!" she pushed Merlin towards her dressing screen. He frantically hid in her wardrobe and locked it with magic.
    "Come in," Natalia sat in a chair by the window acting as if she had been reading a book. Uther and two guards barged into her room,
    "A servant said that they saw my son's servant come into your room. What was he doing here?" The two guards looked around the room very lazily as it was nearly morning. Natalia stood in front of him,
    "I've got no idea what you're talking about, my lord."
    "You should know that it would be quite inappropriate if I found him here."
    "Yes," Natalia crossed her arms, "Nearly as inappropriate as you coming into my room in the middle of the night accusing me of being some sort of floozy." Uther's face went red,
    "I would never insinuate such a thing," He was offended and yelled it in her face.
    "Then what do you call this late-night raid, my lord?" Uther tried to find his words as this calm princess stood in front of him, waiting for him to say something.
   "Watch your tongue, it would be best for you not to speak this way to your King!" Natalia stepped closer to him with a calm fire burning within her.
    "You are not my King Uther; you would be careful not to speak to a future ally this way. Now goodnight my lord, I've had quite enough of this."
    "You will not-"
    "Uther," She said in a warning tone, "Leave before you do something rash and I make my mind up about future plans with the Pendragons. Now goodnight, my lord." Uther left with embarrassment on his face. Natalia realizes just how tired she was as the door closed.
    "Natalia," Merlin calls from inside her wardrobe, "I'm stuck." She walked over and gently opened the doors,
    "Must I do everything for you?" He stands up mildly,
    "I should leave. Don't want Uther barging into your room again on my behalf." They both laughed quietly and held hands for a moment.
    "Uther has no right to do or say such things-"
    "But, he did anyways."
    "Still, he must remember that I am not Morgana. He cannot tell me what to do or think that I will marry Arthur or-"
    "Marry Arthur?" Merlin was horrified.
    "Uther has made it quite clear that he wants that to happen. He was even when my father was alive. He wants more land and power for the Pendragon name. He's a greedy man." Natalia calms down a bit. She goes back over to her bed and gets under the covers, "I'm quite tired. You can stay if you'd like." Merlin nods but doesn't move. "Merlin?" He looks at his feet, then back at her,
    "I don't want to be alone." Tears ran down his face, and Natalia stood back up and rushed to him, holding him kindly.

" Tears ran down his face, and Natalia stood back up and rushed to him, holding him kindly

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