Ø3Ø. The Future

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    The next morning the three continued their journey, trudging through the perilous lands. Natalia was in her head most of the day, 'what had that man on the bridge meant? Should she tell the boys where she'd really been? How would they react?' Merlin and Gwaine were quite themselves. They were worried about other things.
    "There it is," Merlin points into the valley at the castle. Natalia sees something flitting about in the sky,
"What's that?"
"It looks like they're hunting something," Gwaine squints. Natalia realizes just what they are hunting,
"Arthur." She doesn't wait for them to respond and makes her way down the hill. As they approach the castle, the three pause. Gwaine sighs,
"I should've known."
"What are they?" Merlin asks.
"Wyverns. Distant cousins of the dragon. They're creatures of magic, so be careful." Natalia glances at Merlin, just quick enough to see the hurt on his face. They finally got to the gate of the castle only to find the pulley system is cut. Natalia rolls up her sleeves,
"Alright," she grabs onto the gate, readying herself, "you better be quick." The two boys watch as she lifts it about half a meter, both impressed and distracted.
"Anytime now!" Natalia barks at them. Gwaine goes first, then Merlin. They both hold it while Natalia rolls under. She brushes herself off,
"We should split up, cover more ground." Gwaine nodded and went off, Merlin on the other hand followed Natalia. She scoffed,
"Scared Merlin?"
"I'm not scared," Merlin opened a door, "I just know that if we need to fight I'm safer with you." Natalia followed him up the stairs, straining to hear Arthur. There was a slam that sounded not too far away. Merlin sped to the noise.
Arthur was laying on the ground, it looked as though he was dying. Merlin and Natalia went to their friend's side, Then the door is broken down by two Wyvern. Natalia points her sword at them, but Merlin steps in front of her; speaking a language that she had never heard. The Wyvern bowed their heads and left. Natalia stood with her jaw wide,
"What was that?" She asked, not moving from the spot. Merlin ripped off the bracelet from Arthur. Merlin said something about explaining it later as Arthur awoke. He looked from Merlin to Natalia,
"What the hell are you doing here?" Merlin sighed,
"Why can you never say thank you?" Arthur seemed ready to hit Merlin,
    "Thanks! For what? Completely ruining the quest!" Natalia laughed,
    "Good thing we were here, you'd be Wyvern fodder." Before Arthur could say anything, another Wyvern was about to charge at them. Natalia drew her sword, but Gwaine came through the door and stabbed the Wyvern.
    "Great," Arthur growled, "This just gets better and better. Are Gwen and Morgana here too? Are we going to have a surprise party?" Natalia ignored him,
    "We should leave before we all get eaten." Arthur went past all of them,
    "I'm not leaving without the trident. It was the whole point of this quest."
    "Do you want our help?" Merlin smiled, "Or do you want to do this alone?" The three friends waited for a response. Arthur yelled Merlin's name. Merlin rushed up the stairs.
    "Thank you," Natalia said to Gwaine as they followed the other boys.
    "For what?" Gwaine smiled.
    "The Wyvern," Natalia glanced back at him, "thank you for killing it."
    "Anything for you, Princess," Gwaine said cockily. Natalia rolled her eyes and mumbled that she had it handled. During this time Merlin stopped in front of her,
    "Looks like a throne room." Natalia stepped into the room.
    "If the Trident is going to be anywhere..." Arthur said. Merlin followed Natalia but stepped onto a stone that sunk slightly into the floor. Gwaine looked up and saw a large stone slab starting to fall.
    "Merlin, Watch out!" Gwaine pushed Merlin into the room to prevent him from being killed by the trap. Natalia grabbed Merlin's arm and asked if he was alright. He nodded before both of them started yelling for Arthur and Gwaine. Neither of them heard anything. Natalia put her ear up against the stone to see if she could hear anything. Merlin hit her arm quickly.
    "What!" She faced him and followed his gaze. Her eyes fell on a throne with someone in it and moved to see who it was. Both stood in nervous awe.
    "So," the Fisher King looked at Merlin, "Emrys, you are here at last." Natalia felt that she was not meant to be there. That was quickly squashed as the King smiled at her, "Perseverance, you are most welcome here."
    "You're still alive," Merlin spoke softly.
    "For now," the Fisher King responded. There was a sudden noise coming from the door. Natalia motioned to the door,
    "That'll be-"
    "Your friends," the Fisher King interrupted, "Strength and Courage, I know. Without their help, you would not be here." Natalia realized that they were fated to be here,
    "What is it you need?" The Fisher King sighed,
    "I want to end my suffering." Natalia nodded,
    "I can only imagine, after living for so long." Merlin seemed a bit shocked.
    "I've been waiting all these years for the arrival of a new time: the time of the Once and Future King."
    "I've heard that before," Merlin stepped closer to the King.
    "And you will hear it again," the Fisher King sat up straighter, "For that time is dawning, and my time finally can come to an end. This is why you were brought here. For this is not Arthur's quest, it is yours. Arthur thinks the prize is the trident." He drops the trident onto the floor. "But the real prize is something far greater."
    A vial appeared in the Fisher King's hand, both of the friends waited for him to continue.
"Water from the Lake of Avalon. I've kept it safe these years, waiting for the right person to claim it. And that is you. You are the one chosen Emrys."
    "What do you mean?" Merlin sounded determined.
    "Albion's time of need is near. And in that dark hour, you must be strong, for you alone can save her. Your powers are great, but you will need help. And that is what I'm giving you." The Fisher King held out the vial to Merlin, "When all seems lost, this will show you the way." Merlin thanked him and placed it in his pocket. The Fisher King turned to Natalia,
    "Lady Natalia, you will be a vital part of Emrys' life if he is to succeed, but do not lose yourself in that." Natalia bowed her head in respect to the King.
    "I have given you a gift." the Fisher King spoke, "Now you must give me one in return." Merlin turned to Natalia,
    "We have nothing to give." The Fisher King smiled,
    "I think you do." Natalia leans towards Merlin,
    "The bracelet." Merlin stared back and then drew out the enchanted bracelet.
    "If I give you this," Merlin said, "You'll die." The Fisher King simply nodded. Merlin placed it on the Fisher King's wrist. Natalia and Merlin watched as the Fisher Kings turned into dust, leaving nothing behind, but his crown. Natalia grabbed Merlin's hand as they stared at the place the Fisher King had been; mulling over their futures. A second later, the stone door opened, revealing Arthur and Gwaine.
    "Merlin! Natalia!" Arthur excitedly, rushing past them to the trident. Merlin and Natalia let go of each other's hands. Gwaine hugged Merlin briefly, then looked at Natalia. Her gaze was somewhere far away.
    "Let's get out of this place," Arthur brushed past all of them.
    "You alright Princess?" Gwaine asked. Natalia nodded,
    "Let's go."


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