Ø31. Sleeping Beauty

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Arthur hadn't tied up his horse correctly before he went to the perilous lands.
"I can't believe you are the future king," Natalia rubbed her forehead.
"Oh, like you're so much better," Arthur grumbled. Natalia glared at him,
"What did you say?"
"You heard me," Arthur stood his ground.
"Just because you're upset," Natalia stepped closer to him, "doesn't mean you need to be such an-"
"Just take my horse Arthur," Gwaine interrupted. He turned to Natalia, "You can ride with me." Arthur and Natalia grunted in agreement. Natalia stuck out her tongue when Arthur turned his back.
Gwaine mounted the horse first and reached out to Natalia. Merlin watched his two friends and smiled to himself. He wanted to speak with Natalia but felt that this might be better for her right now. Give her time to think.
Natalia got on the horse, refusing help. Gwaine smiled to himself as Natalia put her arms around him gingerly.
"Ready, Princess?"
"Sure," Natalia was still pouting. Gwaine moved one of his hands to Natalia's,
"He's just upset because we saved him, he'll get over it." Natalia was a bit shocked by Gwaine's affection but didn't move.
"I know," Natalia looked over at Arthur and spoke loudly, "But he doesn't need to be such a royal prat about it." Arthur whipped his head over to her,
"Am not."
"Yes, you are!" Natalia insisted. This went back and forth a few times before Merlin rolled his eyes,
"You two are like children." Natalia and Arthur turned to Merlin,
"Is that so?" Arthur asked, "Did hear that Natalia? We're children." Natalia nodded.
"No," Merlin shook his head, "You don't get to get along just to gang up on me."
"No one said anything about ganging up on you," Natalia smirked, "I'd just watch out if I were you, Merlin." Arthur agreed with a large smile on his face. Merlin brushed it off but knew better than to completely ignore their threats. In this moment of silliness, they forgot what was behind them and in front of them.
Gwaine smiled to himself. He had never seen the three of them act so relaxed together. He knew that they all had pressure from themselves and others.
"What are you thinking about?" Natalia asked, leaning over Gwaine's shoulder to look him in the eye. Gwaine smiled,
"Where will you go now?"
"I might go to the western mountains," Natalia thought aloud, "it's beautiful this time of year. Maybe to the south again. I'm not sure." She nudged him slightly, "What about you?"
"Wherever the wind takes me." Natalia leaned back, arms still around Gwaine. She yawned and looked up at the canopy of trees. Sunlight filtering through the leaves and a soft warm breeze passing over her.
"Tired, Princess?" Gwaine turned his head slightly to look at her. The sun hit his brown eyes and made them look like honey. Natalia was almost distracted enough by this to not see the branch that was about to hit them both.
"Watch out!" Natalia grabbed the reins, still in Gwaine's hands, and stopped the horse abruptly. Gwaine was face to face with the low hanging branch. Natalia began to laugh,
"You really should be paying attention to where you're going." Gwaine responded in a sarcastic tone,
"Thank you for that piece of advice." They continued behind Merlin who was blackmailing Arthur.
"You know," Gwaine spoke so only Natalia could hear him, "You could- you could put your head on my shoulder and try to get some rest." He sounded a bit bashful. Natalia smirked,
"I don't think it would be all that restful." Gwaine nodded, saying nothing. Natalia sat for a moment and felt her eyes grow heavy. Maybe she would be able to get some rest, 'what's the harm' she thought. She hesitantly placed her head on Gwaine's shoulder. He felt familiar to Natalia, welcoming even. Gwaine said nothing, just smiled to himself and listened to Natalia's breath slow as she fell asleep.
Natalia awoke when they were going up a steep hill. Gwaine had put an arm around her to make sure she didn't fall backward off the horse. Natalia grasps slightly tighter on Gwaine's waist and lifts her head up, now resting her chin on his shoulder. Gwaine let go of Natalia,
"Morning, Princess. Sleep well?"
"Better than I thought I would," She lifted her head and stretched. "How long was I asleep for?"
"Long enough that Merlin and Arthur both have been giving me glances and giggling like children."
"Well," Natalia laughed, "Arthur is a child." Arthur turned as soon as he heard his name,
"What was that sleeping beauty?"
"According to Merlin," Natalia spoke sarcastically, "You are a child."
"So are you," Arthur retorted.
"At least I'm not a prat," Natalia mumbled. Gwaine smirked again, amused by Natalia. They continued towards Camelot mostly in silence but speaking about things with very little meaning or interest. After another hour, they arrived at the border of Camelot. They all stopped,
"By Uther's decree," Gwaine looked wistfully at the city before him, "I can go no farther." Arthur looked sympathetic,
"I'm sorry Gwaine, there's nothing I can do to change that."
"Maybe one day," Merlin smiled.
"Yeah," Gwaine chuckled, "When Camelot gets itself a half-decent King." Both Natalia and Merlin laughed at this. Arthur was only slightly amused,
"Careful, he's still my father."
"Where will you go this time, Gwaine?" Merlin looked at his friend, who raised his finger in the air and felt the wind.
"South, I think," He said with a smile bright on his face. Natalia quickly dismounted the horse. Gwaine frowned, "What are you doing?" Natalia grabbed her bag,
"I'm not banished from Camelot, plus I need some supplies." Gwaine sighed,
"You'll be the death of me, Princess." She blushed softly,
"Take care of yourself." Gwaine nodded and reluctantly looked back at the two other men. They all said their goodbyes and Natalia got onto Merlin's horse. Gwaine rode off back into the woods, Natalia watched him go as Merlin directed his horse towards Camelot. Merlin recounted the things that had happened in the Perilous Lands, "And, oh! the door to the throne room! That was so close!" Natalia nodded,
"It was all very exciting." Arthur scoffed,
"Both of you do talk some nonsense, it's not like either of you were there." Natalia rolled her eyes,
"So you want all the glory and to not give us any of the credit, but of course, If Uther ever found out you weren't alone..."
"Yes," Arthur snapped, "So keep your mouths shut." Merlin nodded,
"Absolutely Sire, I'd do anything for you... for a price." Natalia and Arthur were a bit shocked,
"And what is it that you want?" Arthur said. Merlin bit his lip,
"A day off."
"I really think that's a bit much," Arthur shakes his head, "But I suppose, I can manage for a day without you." Merlin smiled and set off at a gallop. Gwaine turned back when he heard Natalia's laughter being carried in the wind and smiled.

 Gwaine turned back when he heard Natalia's laughter being carried in the wind and smiled

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