ØØ2. Anything for an Old Friend

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Arthur and Uther watched from the battlements as the representatives from each kingdom arrived. Arthur was smiling, but Uther looked solemnly out at the new arrivals.
"Father, we're not going into battle. You don't have to look so somber," Uther hesitantly nodded,
"Never before have the rulers of the five kingdoms come together in this way. Never before have we all worked towards the same aim, towards peace. If these talks are successful, Camelot will enter a new era of prosperity. If they fail," he looked at the horizon, "we will almost certainly be at war."
Natalia arrived soon after King Alined. She looked at the magnificence of the castle and thought about the last time she had been here.
"Boy!" Alined yelled at his servant, "Is it too much to ask that you might anticipate my needs?"
"No, Master I-I-" Alined hit him with a glove,
"Stop whinging." His servant picked up his cloak,
"Sorry Master." Alined dismounted his horse and shoved his poor servant out of the way. Uther approached him,
"Alined, you are most welcome on this momentous occasion." They grasp arms, and Alined smiled somewhat evilly,
"Momentous? Let's hope so." Uther called a servant to take Alined to his room. Eli dismounted off his horse and approached Natalia to help her down so she didn't make a fool of herself.
"How could someone be so cruel to another person?" Natalia asked as she swung her leg over.
"Some people are born that way," Eli held his hand out and helped Natalia down.
"Thank you, Eli," she straightened her dress, "Promise you'll smack me if I ever behave like that?" Eli nodded playfully and told her to stand up straight. She inhaled before walking over to Uther with a mild smile. She honestly could barely remember meeting him but acted as if she did.
"Princess Natalia, what a pleasure." Uther took her hand and held it with both of his, "You've grown into a fine young woman." Natalia placed her other hand on his,
"It's a pleasure to see you as well. I'm sorry my mother couldn't come. She thought it best if she stayed to watch over my brother. But I can assure you that I am fully educated on the subject of this treaty." Uther laughed softly,
"I'm sure you are but do not worry about such things right now. I imagine you must be tired from the long journey," he waved over Arthur. "You remember Arthur don't you?" Natalia did remember Arthur. The few times she had met him, he was always nice and willing to teach her how to fight. She brightly smiled at him,
"Arthur, how are you?" They shook hands, but Uther cleared his throat and looked at Arthur. He awkwardly kissed her hand,
"I'm doing well, and yourself?" He led her into the castle,
"I've been better." She admired the stonework, "You can let go of my arm if you want." She looked at him, and he smiled in relief,
"It's good to see you, Natalia. It has been too long since we last sparred; I want to see if you've improved." He seemed so excited. Natalia wanted more than anything to beat Arthur in his own training field.
"I'm afraid that I won't be able to indulge you this time. I can't have the other kings think I'm unrefined." Arthur's smile faded,
"Right, Of course." They walk deeper into the castle and say nothing for a few minutes.
"Just know," Natalia spoke, "I could still beat you."
"Is that so?" Arthur chuckled. She had always been brash.
"It is," her eyes glimmered with confidence. The spoke briefly of their families and Natalia's journey to Camelot. Arthur opened a door, which Natalia assumed correctly was her room.
"Here we are," Arthur motioned for her to go in. The room was filled with a four-poster bed, a table with two chairs, a lit fireplace, a grand desk, and a matching wardrobe. A large window faced out onto the forest. "I hope it's to your liking." Natalia turned back to him,
"It's perfect, thank you."
"I imagine your things should be here shortly, but I should go greet the other guests with my father. Do you need anything else?"
"Yes," Natalia folded her hands in front of her, "where will the meeting be this evening and how do I get there? I feel like I could get lost here." Arthur shook his head in amusement,
"I'll send someone to show you around, so you don't have to ask for directions."
"Thank you, Arthur."
"Anything for an old friend."


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