Ø26. Unspoken Vows

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Natalia woke to find Merlin asleep on the ground. She smiled; he had fallen off the bed and stayed there. As she sat up, she remembered her wound and everything that had happened. She laid back down, resting her hands on her stomach.
"What now?" the thought slipped from her lips and the warm air from the summer's dawn swept through the room. Natalia placed the blanket over her friend and wished that she hadn't told him what had happened. Merlin was driven by emotions and was fiercely loyal to his friends. He would constantly be watching her and never letting her leave her sight. She loved that about him, but she knew that now she most likely would be smothered. Not just by Merlin, but by everyone who knew or would know.
"What are you thinking about?" Merlin was still lying on the ground and couldn't have seen Natalia.
"How do you know I'm thinking?" Natalia moved to look at him.
"You usually are," Merlin smiled up at the caramel-haired princess. Natalia sighed,
"How I will take the throne back from my mother and how you will smother me along with everyone who cares about me." Merlin tried to defend his future actions, but Natalia stopped him.
"Merlin," she grabbed his hand as he sat next to her, "I can protect myself. I don't need protection all the time."
"You clearly do need my help," Merlin groaned. "You refused to protect yourself against your mother; why? She is an evil woman who has taken away your birthright and hurt you in every way she can think. She stabbed you!" Natalia sighed,
"She is evil and I will take her place once she remembers just how overwhelmed she was before she ran away." Merlin frowned,
"Why do you want the throne so bad?"
"It is my duty and my right," Natalia sat up straight.
"I know that, but why do you want to rule?" Merlin stood up and moved to the window; still looking at her. Natalia swung her legs over the side of the bed weakly; clutching to her arm and stomach. She looked past the young man out onto the sky, the color of dark blue turning to a lighter shade with orange-tinted clouds.
"I want to make a life for my people better and I believe that I can make my kingdom a place of refuge and peace. My mother is a poisonous woman who will never change anything and always run away from any difficulties." Merlin patted the future Queens head,
"I can't wait to see the future you will make but," he looked at her with a serious look, "Let's have a look at your wound." Natalia lifted her shirt to show the bandages and Merlin proceeded to take them off. "It's healing nicely," Merlin rewrapped her wound and frowned, "You still need to rest." Natalia looked at her friend and couldn't help but smile at him,
"You are kind Merlin." He smiled back at her, Natalia put her hand on his shoulders, "and you need to be careful today, I can't bare to lose you too." Merlin clicked his tongue,
"You don't have to worry about me; you need to worry about Arthur." Natalia disagreed,
"No, that's your job. I'll always worry about you." The two sat for a moment, thinking. Merlin stood in front of Natalia,
"Do you want me to take you to your room before I go to Arthur?"
"I can get there myself," she stood shakily. Merlin held her hand to steady her,
"Are you sure?"
"No." They chuckled softly and made the way to her room. Merlin opened the door and saw Marie sat at the table. He quickly pushed Natalia away from the door, but before Merlin could follow, Marie called his name.
"Merlin, you're in Camelot now?" He grimaced and nodded. "Not moving up in the world, I see." Marie leaned back in her chair, "I assume that my daughter told you what happened. She told you that I stabbed her, and probably that I took away her right to the throne." Merlin nodded; Marie scoffed. "I never understood why she loved you so much. You're a commoner, nothing more. Nevertheless, you've always been important to her; so may I ask you a favor?" Merlin looked briefly at Natalia, who still stood in the hall, before closing the door on her.
"What is it that you need?" He stepped closer to her and she sighed,
"Never marry her." Merlin tried to stop himself from laughing, he really did. Marie glared at him, "What is so funny?"
"I'm sorry your Majesty, but you mistake my love for your daughter and hers as well." He smiled widely, "You are right, I do love your daughter more than if she were my lover. I love her as if she was cut from the same cloth as I. So I can guarantee that I will never marry Natalia, but you must also know, I will never forgive for what you have done to your own daughter. She has done nothing but try to please you and do your bidding, yet you beat her as if she were your enemy. You are a cruel woman." Merlin shook his head and turned back to the door only to be pummeled by Natalia, who was crying. She had always known that Merlin cared for her and she for him, but had never been able to put into words. Merlin held her close. Marie stood quickly,
"Was that a threat?"
"Enough!" Natalia looked at her mother, "No more of this. I am the rightful heir to that throne by my father's decree and by your blood. Why do you persist in making my life hell? What have I done to you?" Marie walked towards her with arms stretched out, but Merlin stood between her and her daughter.
"This is a family matter we should discuss in private," Marie frowned at Merlin.
"You heard Merlin," Natalia grasped his arm, "Merlin is more than family. So say what you have to say." Marie nodded,
"Fine, You have always been a thorn in my side. You have always wanted the throne and have gone against everything I believe a woman should be. You are not even my child."
"What?" Natalia squeezed Merlin's arm tighter.
"You heard me," Marie hissed, "You are the bastard of your father and some serving wench. They were in love when we were married and she was pregnant only a few months after we wed." Marie leaned against the table, "He took you in and everyone in the court knew you were not my child, so his father had the woman exiled from the kingdom." The two women looked at each other, seeing each other for who they truly were. A wounded princess who would do anything for those she loved and a bitter queen who would do anything to get her way. It hurt each to know this, but they kept it to themselves.
"Why would you keep this from me?" Natalia was in shock, "Why lie to me for so long if you've always hated me?"
"It was never my choice," Marie shook her head, "it was your father who thought it would be better if you never knew you were a bastard." Natalia clutched to Merlin's arm and did her best to mask her horror. "So even though your father said you had a claim to the throne," Marie continued, "You never did and you never will. Not as long as I'm alive." Natalia stared at the woman she had loved and seen as her mother, but the harder she looked the more she saw how different they were. She stood stiffly and tried her best to seem brave.
"What now? Am I banished?"
"No," Marie sighed, "I think the people would resent me if I did that. If you are to return, you must openly rescind your right to the throne and make sure the council believes that it is your decision."
"And if I refuse?" Natalia let go of Merlin's arm but still stood close to him. Marie stepped towards the pair, Merlin stepped slightly between the two.
"I'll have you tried for treason for attacking me and they will find you guilty and then exile you themselves." As tough as Marie sounded she feared the power that the two children possessed. Natalia nodded slowly, looking out the window at the forest.
"I will rescind my right to the throne, but I will not go back to Pruath." She looked at Marie with tears in her eyes. "Not just yet. You must promise that you will never show such hate towards Charles; ever." The two women stared each other down before Marie nodded,
"Very well, but I need written proof before I leave. Then you can come crawling back whenever you choose." Marie scurried over to the desk and grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill. Natalia signed away her right to the throne and threw it on the ground before leaving with Merlin, in shock, behind her.
"What are you thinking? You're just going to give up everything you've worked for, just like that?" Natalia said nothing and walked faster. Merlin kept pace and kept saying variations of the same thing. Natalia finally stopped once they were in an empty hallway, looking at her feet.
"I have never had a claim to the throne," she looked at her friend and grimaced, "One day I will try again to reclaim the throne, but I'm tired." Natalia sighed and leaned against the wall, "There's no more fight in me right now." Merlin moved next to her and stared at the stone across from them,
"You deserve better than this."
"Better than being stabbed by the woman I thought was my mother, then finding out that she isn't my mother and losing my right to the thing I've worked for my entire life?" She turned to Merlin, "Everyone deserves better than this." The two sauntered toward Natalia's room, only to find her things being moved by her servants, Redmond watching them. Natalia stood between him and Merlin. None of them said anything as they watched Natalia's things disappear down the halls of Camelot. Luna, a servant who had served Natalia for many years, approached her explaining that Marie was taking her things back to Prauth,
"She told me to leave some clothes, money, your armor, and swords. I packed it all for you, My lady what's going on?"
"I've rescinded my right to the throne, there is no need to call me 'my lady'." Redmond and Luna looked at Natalia.
"You did what?" Remond nearly shouted. Natalia looked him in the eyes,
"I'm no longer crowned Princess of Prauth. Thank you," she looked back to Luna, "Both of you for all that you have done for me." Luna curtsied and then hugged Natalia,
"I hope one day you will change your mind." The two women pulled away,
"It is not my mind you need to change. I wish you well Luna." Natalia turned to Redmond as Luna left confused by the Princess's statement.
"What happened?" Redmond pleaded. Natalia hoped that he might understand,
"I have no right to the throne. I had to give it up. One day, I will return to Prauth, but I need to come back on my terms." Redmond felt that there was more to what she was saying and assumed, correctly, that Marie had something to do with Natalia's decision.
"Well then, what will you do now?" Redmond put his hands on his hips.
"Move my things out of this room and then sleep."
"You can stay with me," Redmond said. Natalia tried to protest, but he was having none of it. "You will stay with me, plus I'll be in the Melee so you'll have plenty of time to rest." Merlin's eyes widened,
"I need to go, Arthur will have my head." Before he ran off he grabbed Natalia's face gently, "If you need anything, tell me. Alright?" Natalia nodded, and Merlin smiled. He ran quickly before running into another servant. Redmond and Natalia chuckled before looking at each other again.
"Let's get your things," Redmond went into the empty room and grabbed the bag of Natalia's belongings and her sword. Natalia thanked him and he carried her things to his room. They went inside Redmond's room and set down his friends' stuff as Natalia flopped onto his bed. She winced, remembering her wounds. Redmond sat next to her and pressed his hand on her back,
"You need some rest, Natalia. I'll come to get you when the Melee is over."
"No," Natalia turned to her side, "I want to be there to support you."
"Are you sure? I doubt anything exciting will happen."
"It's a bunch of men hitting each other with blunt weapons, I want to see that foolishness in person." The two laughed, and Natalia sat up and told Redmond about everything that had happened and that she had learned. Redmond stared at the young woman that he had known for most of his life and wondered if she would ever get the life she deserved. Natalia helped him piece together his armor, making sure not to cut off any circulation. She was timid with her movements as if the knight was made of glass. As Natalia handed Redmond his blunt sword, she paused,
"Be careful." Redmond placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and smiled at the princess that was no longer a princess,
"Of course, my lady." The two made their way to the field. Natalia saw Merlin in the stands she turned to Redmond once again, she had nothing more to say. Redmond touched her arm, "I'll keep an eye on Arthur. You don't need to worry about either of us."
"I'll always worry."
"I know." Redmond placed his helmet on his head and headed onto the field without a second glance. Natalia walked beside Merlin and knew that if all else failed he could save Redmond and Arthur.
Merlin looked at her and smiled nervously. Both turned back to the competitors as a horn sounded. The two young people remain silent as everyone around them cheers. Knights fell left and right until only Redmond, Arthur, and the two thugs pretending to be knights were left standing. Redmond was fighting 'sir Ethan' but had his feet kicked out from under him. He lay still, Natalia knew he was playing dead so he wouldn't get stabbed and probably had the wind knocked out of him.
"It's two against one," Merlin stated.
"Thank you for pointing out the obvious, Merlin," Natalia exaggerated his name. Merlin was too anxious to acknowledge her. Suddenly another knight rose from the ground, then rushed over to Arthurs aide.
"Who is that?" Merlin said aloud to no one imparticular, "Helping Arthur.
"I don't know," Gaius smirked, "but whoever it is we should be thankful he is." Not a second later the mystery knight pulled a move that Merlin and Natalia had seen only one person do. They looked at each other with relief,
"There's only one person we know who can do that." Natalia patted Merlin's shoulder and felt as though she could breathe again. In the last few minutes of the Melee both of the thugs. Arthur removed his helmet and then smiled after his opponent lifted his visor before removing his helmet all together; it was Gwaine.
"Guards!" Uther yelled, "Seize him!" Gaius quickly went towards the King and Natalia went to find Redmond. It didn't take her long to find him. He had mostly removed his armor and was inspecting his shallow wounds. Natalia rushed to his side.
"I told you not to worry!" Redmond smiled, "I'm fine."
"I will always worry," Natalia sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder, "but I'm glad you are alright." The two sat and watched all the people pass them by. Redmond looked at his friend with curiosity and pity,
"What do you'll do now that you no longer are responsible for the throne?" Natalia leaned back and let the sun's rays press against her skin more easily. She kept her eyes closed,
"I think I'll go to the south and see the ocean, maybe even become a pirate." Redmond scoffed,
"And when will you set off on your pirating adventures?"
"I think I'll leave tomorrow or maybe the day after. Who knows." Before Redmond could respond, one of Marie's servants approached them.
"The queen wanted me to inform you," pointing to Redmond, "that we are leaving tonight." The servant looked at Natalia with sadness easily visible on her face and left. Redmond began to ramble about staying in Camelot until Natalia left or even going with her and becoming a pirate. Natalia took the young knights hand in her own,
"You needn't worry about me. You made a vow to Prauth and the people that you must uphold." Redmond chuckled slightly,
"So did you." Natalia nodded,
"An unspoken one I suppose, but," she smiled brightly, "one day still I will make Prauth a haven for all. It will be ruled by a council of like-minded people from all walks of life. Maybe I'll even have them elected by the people?"
Redmond looked at the setting sun and said it sounded like a far fetched dream. Natalia agreed. It would never be more than pretty words that floated off the lips of a girl who was no longer a crowned royal.

 It would never be more than pretty words that floated off the lips of a girl who was no longer a crowned royal

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