Ø28. Sunflowers

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Natalia tossed and turned that night. She had too much to process. Marie wasn't her mother, she had treated Natalia terribly, but only since her father had died. She blamed Natalia for his death, but was she right? Was it her fault like Eli's death had been? She brushed those thoughts from her mind as someone quietly knocked at the door.
"Come in." she didn't move as the door opened.
"I figured you'd be awake," it was Merlin. He came and sat beside her. "Do you really think you're going to leave tomorrow?" She sighed,
"Do you think that everyone had a destiny?" Merlin nodded. "Mine is less than savory."
"For now," Merlin laid next to her. He couldn't imagine what was going on in her head with all that had happened. "Do you want to talk about today?"
Natalia paused as tears began to form, "I'm not sure where to start." Merlin said nothing. "How could my father not tell me? How could anyone not tell me that she isn't my mother?" Natalia's voice was barely above a whisper. Merlin looked at her and could feel the emotion radiating off of her.
"I don't know. I'm sure they had their reasons."
"I don't care. They all acted in self-interest and they never cared about me."
"That's not true." Natalia looked back at Merlin,
"Isn't it? My whole life, I've had to fight for my right to do anything, and they only agreed because they knew it wouldn't affect their wants too much. And now that Marie wants something different she has taken everything from me. It's how it's always been. I fight and give and give, and this is what I get in return. Hate, abuse, disowned, and my right to the throne revoked. No doubt so she can groom Charles into her perfect prince." Natalia immediately felt guilt surge over her. She loved her brother more than anything. "Poor Charles, he'll think I left him."
The tears began to fall. Holding on to Merlin as though he was her only attachment to this world. Merlin spoke softly and reassured her that it would be alright.
"It'll take time," He found himself tearing up, "But, one day all of this will make you stronger, and the world will repay you for all you have given. I'll make sure of it." Natalia thanked him but continued to cry. She was overwhelmed by everything that had happened.
Natalia left the next day, she thanked Arthur and Uther for their hospitality. Merlin had been sent off to collect herbs for Gaius. She left him a letter and a bouquet of sunflowers.

 She left him a letter and a bouquet of sunflowers

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