Ø51. Dance to Death

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    "That was quite a show," Natalia smiled at Arthur as he approached what had originally been the knight's table but was now a loud group of people being merry and drunk. Arthur bowed comically,
    "A small show of bravery, I suppose." The circus behind them started to take apart the spinning wheel Arthur had been strapped to as a performer threw knives at him. Arthur finished the apple that had been placed in his mouth. Gwen put her arm around Arthur's waist,
    "I thought it was quite impressive."
    "Did you?" Arthur looked at the woman he loved, pleased with himself.
    "Yes," Gwen looked directly into Arthur's eyes, "He was a skilled marksman not to hit you." The three friends joined the chorus of merriment. Percival and Gwaine joined in on the teasing of the prince.
    "It's my anniversary," Arthur shook his head, "Shouldn't this be the one day I can be left alone?"
    "You're right," Percival smiled, "Ignore the man on his anniversary. Come on," Percival pulled Natalia and Gwaine away jokingly. Before they could rejoin the couple, music started playing, and Arthur took Gwen into the crowd.
    Gwaine smiled at the couple, not noticing Leon challenged Natalia and Percival to see who could finish their drink faster. Both agreed and began to drink as quickly as they could. Gwaine turned and saw the knights surrounding the three of them, Percival clearly winning. Leon cheated and pretended to finish,
    "I won!" Percival stopped, but Natalia kept going until her cup was empty. She wiped her mouth,
    "Like hell. There's still ale in your cup." Percival looked in Leon's cup and playfully reprimanded his friend. Gwaine put his arm around Natalia's waist,
    "You constantly impress me." He kissed her cheek, but Natalia turned her head so that their lips met suddenly. Gwaine smiled, "You cheeky bastard."
    "Ha!" Natalia pulled him towards the other drunk dancers, "Right you are." The couple danced and drank and laughed. Their friends joined in the merriment and spent the night away blissfully.
    "I didn't think a man of Percival's size could move like that," Gwaine slurred as he and Natalia made their way through the castle. Natalia giggled, spinning in a circle,
    "He's a better dancer than you."
    "A better dancer?" Gwaine took Natalia's hand and began to dance poorly with her in the empty hallway. "Like hell!" Natalia laughed as Gwaine smiled at her.
    "Guards!" Someone shouted, "Someone! We need help!" The distant, desperate voice was Arthur. Natalia and Gwaine rushed towards their friend, neither of them completely sober. They went into Uther's chambers. The scene in front of them dropped their hearts into their stomachs.
    Arthur was crouched over his father, crying out for help. A man lay in the corner, dying.
    "Get help," Arthur let tears rushed down his face. "Please." Uther placed his hand on his son's face. Then, whispering something that gave Arthur pause. "No-" Natalia rushed to her friend's side, putting pressure on Uther's wound.
    "Get Gaius," Natalia shouted at Gwaine. Gwaine acted immediately. Natalia turned to her friend, "Arthur. Can you get a shirt?" Her tone was soft, seeing her friend in pain. Arthur couldn't move or think. Natalia opted for moving his hands to the wound on his father,
    "Press here." Arthur barely came to the surface and realized what was happening. Natalia rushed to Uther's wardrobe. She took a shirt and went back to Uther, "Keep him talking." Natalia did her best to stop the bleeding as Arthur took his father's head in his hands.
    "It's my time," Uther struggled to get the words out. Arthur shook his head,
    "No- you can't die." Uther smiled at his son,
    "I know you will make me proud. You will make a great king-"
    "I'm not ready," Arthur held his father closer. Natalia looked at Uther, seeing the life slipping from him.
    "You've been ready for some time-" Uther clutched to his son's hand, "I know I haven't been the best father. I put my duty to Camelot first, I'm sorry-"
    "Don't say that," Arthur mumbled.
    "But know that I always loved you," Uther let his eyes close as his son mourned. Then, the door opened, and Gaius and Merlin rushed over to them. Natalia let them take over; she wiped the hair out of her face.
    "We need to get him off the ground," Gaius said to Merlin and Natalia. So they lifted the king into the bed, but Arthur stayed where he was, looking at his hands. Gwaine finally rushed into the room with Agrivaine. As Agrivaine went to Uther's side, Natalia walked back to Arthur.
     "Arthur, get up," Arthur looked up at Natalia like he was a small child. He held out his hand for help. Natalia accepted and took him out of the room to breathe for a moment. Arthur collapsed into his friend's arms,
    "I can't lose him!" Natalia nodded and saw Gwen approaching. They exchanged the future king,
    "I've got you." Gwen held her love close, and Arthur clung to her. Natalia watched the two and felt worried. Not for Arthur or Uther's injury, but for what might be said.

 Not for Arthur or Uther's injury, but for what might be said

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