Ø4Ø. Fight or Flight

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    "Natalia," Merlin whispered, "Get up. I need your help." Natalia opened her eyes. It was still dark out, and the world was motionless. She looked at Gwaine, who was on the other side of the cave. Natalia grabbed her sword and a cloak. Before they left, Natalia crept over to Gwaine as he began to wake, placing her hand on his cheek,
    "We'll be back." She whispered as she brushed back his hair, "So don't worry if you wake up and we're not back. We'll be right back." Gwaine nodded, and a haze appeared over his eyes as Natalia stood up, following Merlin out into the night. Merlin gave her a curious look,
    "Did the Druids teach you magic?" Natalia shrugged,
    "Not magic, per se. I'd call it the power of suggestion." Merlin scoffed. Natalia bumped into his shoulder as they walked, "Where are we going?"
    "I need Kilgharrah's help to get us to Lake Avalon."
    "The great dragon? Why?" Natalia sped up, so she was walking in front of Merlin. He said nothing, "Even if you could summon such a creature," Natalia continued, "how do you know that it won't kill us?" Merlin rolled his eyes as they came into a clearing.
    "Ye of little faith," Merlin smiled and then faced away from Natalia, calling out in a deep guttural language that she had heard Merlin speak once years ago now. Natalia gripped the hilt of her sword, unsure what would happen next. Merlin was looking up to the sky, listening for something that Natalia could not hear. Then, suddenly, Natalia saw a hulking shadow in the sky, blocking out the stars. She looked on in fearful wonderment. The great dragon, Kilgharrah, landed in front of the pair of humans. Natalia eyed the dragon carefully, doing her best to be still. Merlin wasted no time,
    "We have to cross 20 leagues tonight, and I need you to take us."
    "I am not a horse, Merlin," Kilgharrah sighed.
    "If you do not take us, then Morgan will have won," Merlin became threatening with his tone, "Unless that is what you want?" Kilgharrah reared back his head in anger, and Natalia reached out to Merlin to pull him away. Merlin was firmly planted and held onto Natalia as the dragon spoke,
    "My allegiance had never been with that witch." Merlin softened his being,
    "I know, but is it with me?"
    "Yes, young warlock. It is with you." The two mighty beings looked at each other with an understanding. Natalia let her hand slip from Merlin's, and he didn't seem to notice. Merlin thanked Kilgharra and approached him. Natalia stayed put out of fear. Kilgharra smirked,
    "No need to fear me, Princess." Merlin looked back at Natalia for the first time,
    "Come on; we don't have much time." Natalia took a deep breath and walked to Merlin, climbing onto the dragon. She held on tightly as Kilgharrah stood, closing her eyes. Merlin finally realized how scared his friend was. "Are you afraid of heights?" Natalia opened her eyes slightly,
    "That seems to be the case." Kilgharrah flew into the sky, Natalia gripping Merlin. The wind whipped past them. Merlin watched the land below change and villages disappear.
    "Natty, look," Merlin tapped his friend's hand. Natalia cracked her eyes open; she saw the forest and a river. Nothing had looked so unknown, yet she had spent many days in that forest. They flew for what seemed to be minutes before landing in a clearing near lake Avalon.
    Natalia scrambled off, followed by Merlin. After Natalia had caught her breath, feeling stable on the solid ground, she turned to Merlin.
    "I want you to stay here," Merlin put his hand on Natalia's shoulder. Natalia tried to protest, Merlin shook his head, "I need to do this myself, but I need you to be here for me when I come back. Please?"
    "I'll be here with Kilgharrah then," Natalia sighed. "I do expect you to tell me how the hell you managed to call on a dragon when you get back and be careful." The two looked at each other. It felt as though this was the end of something, but the beginning of something bigger. Merlin left into the woods, leaving Natalia with the dragon.
    She stared at the creature. Kilgharrah was older than most things in this land and knew many things Natalia would never think to ask about. The two acknowledged each other, but neither spoke for some time. Kilgharrah finally bent down softly, staring into Natalia's eyes,
    "That boy spoke fondly of you."
    "Who, Merlin?" Natalia felt uncomfortable with the intense staring contest that was happening. The dragon shook his great head,
    "No, the knight who died many moons ago now."
    "Elijah mentioned that there had been a dragon under Camelot," Natalia sank to the ground. "How did you know he died?" Kilgharrah laid down, seeming so small and alone,
    "I was the one who told him he would die. I have felt the deaths of many of my kin." Natalia felt her heart pang with hurt and sympathy.
    "What a terrible destiny that would be," Natalia laid on her back. "To know the future of others and feel them perish. Being unable to change their fate." The air was heavy and warm on Natalia's skin as Kilgharra breathed on her. She met the dragon's eyes for the first time, "You must feel so lonely."
    "I have destroyed kingdoms and killed many. Men have tried to kill me or have run in fear," Kilgharrah watched a sad smirk appear on Natalia's face. "Yet you pity me."
    "Pain does not care who you are or what you've done." Natalia looked at Kilgharrah, "but I do not pity you. You are too powerful to need any pity." Kilgarah chuckled and settled into his thoughts.
    Natalia turned her focus to the sky and listened to the wind weave between trees, under the wings of bugs and beasts alike. The earth was firmly beneath her. She could feel her heartbeat reverberate back through her body as though the world had a heartbeat of its own. The grass moved violently as Kilgharrah exhaled. The night was supposed to be deathly quiet, but Natalia found it deafeningly loud. She bathed in the sound of everything. The world felt as though it was caving in on her, swallowing her whole. Everything was overwhelming her senses. Her arms and legs felt as though they were sinking into the mud. Natalia's breathing became labored. She didn't fear what was happening. It would end one way or another.
    "Natalia," Without warning Merlin's voice pierced through to Natalia, slamming her back into the moment. She gasped as air entered her lungs with ease again. Natalia clutched at Merlin as she sat up. She looked at him, wide-eyed, and could see that Merlin had been crying.
    "I hope those tears aren't for me." Merlin laughed shortly. He leaned onto Natalia's shoulder,
    "I saw Freya. I should've saved her." Merlin's tears turned into sobs that wracked through his body. Natalia pulled him close. Merlin yelled in anguish, "It should've been me. I should have- Not her!" He grasped at Natalia's shirt, unashamed of how he looked. Natalia shushed him, ignoring the mighty wind whipping around them. Kilgharrah stood, moving away from the storm Merlin was making. Natalia moved away from Merlin, holding his shoulders.
    "Merlin, she died so that you might save so many more." Merlin shook his head, eyes closed tightly,
    "It's not fair!"
    "I'm so sorry that you must wear this burden, but we need to save our friends." Natalia brushed Merlin's hair, trying to bring him back, "We need to save them." Merlin opened his eyes. The wind slowed to its natural pace. Merlin's anger faded into sadness and pain.
    Natalia had tears forming in her eyes. She sighed and leaned her forehead against his,
    "I'm going to be with you always. You are my family, and I love you." Merlin let out a terrible sob, wrapping his arms around Natalia, leaning on her shoulder. Natalia looked to the sky, letting her eyes close and trying to breathe deeply to calm herself. As the stars started to fade from the sky, Merlin's sobs faded into tear-stained cheeks. Natalia patted his back,
    "Are you ready?"
    "I don't think we have much of a choice." Merlin sighed, standing up, reaching out to his dearest friend. Natalia accepted with a heavy heart,
    "I guess not."


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