Ø52. Care for your Friends

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    "We traced the assassin to the town of Whenham," Natalia stood beside Sir Leon as Arthur faced them, staring at the floor. "It seems Odin hired him to kill you, to avenge the death of his son." Arthur did not react. He seemed only to be breathing out of necessity. Leon continued,
    "We believe he had an accomplice among the performers, but he has fled the city. We've doubled the guard, should there be another attempt on your life." Natalia and Leon looked at each other, not sure how to continue.
    "Everyone's thoughts are with you." Arthur met Leon's eyes since the first time he had entered the room,
    "I appreciate your support, thank you. Both of you." Arthur turned to Natalia as she curtsied. Then, whispering a small 'of course my lord,' before leaving with Leon. Merlin passed them but said nothing.
    "We need to gather the council to prepare for if Uther dies," Natalia spoke quietly so as not to frighten the people they passed.
    "Do you really think it'll come to that?" Leon walked in step with the young advisor. Natalia nodded,
    "I'm sure other kingdoms have heard of Uther's condition. They will do what they did to Prauth and attack. We cannot be caught off guard when that happens."
    "You speak as though you are from Camelot," Agrivaine spoke from behind the pair. Natalia ignored Agrivaine's words and spoke only to Leon.
    "Gather the other knights and bring them to the council chambers. I'll get the other members." Leon bowed slightly and went on his way. Agrivaine took his spot next to Natalia. Agrivaine gripped Natalia's arm.
    "It's rude to ignore your elders, girl." Natalia looked at his hand, placing her own on top of his,
    "I would be careful about how you speak to me, Agrivaine. For I am not some girl," Natalia bent back Agrivaine's fingers, "I am much more than you could imagine." Agrivaine let go, but Natalia did not. Instead, she kept pulling back Agrivaine's fingers, popping them slightly,  causing Agrivaine to whimper in pain, "If you ever refer to me as 'Girl,' I will break both your arms. Do you understand?" Agrivaine nodded as he begged for her to stop. Natalia shoved him away from her and left him clutching his hand.
    Natalia found the council members and sent them to the meeting. She was the last to arrive, and the room was in a frenzy.  Leon rushed to the advisor's side, "Glad you're here." Natalia nodded,
    "Right, we should start." She stepped forward towards the table, placing her hands lightly on the table. "Fellow councilors," everyone turned to Natalia, but many did not want to listen. Instead rolling their eyes or shaking their heads. Natalia was used to this response from them but continued,
"I was not born in Camelot, so I will not decide the fate of your home. I am only here to help if you want it. These are uncertain times, and I have been in this situation before. The other kingdoms will not hesitate to attack if Uther dies. We need to prepare for the worst." Natalia saw the faces of the men soften and realized the weight of the situation. She stepped back next to Leon,
    "I only speak for myself," Leon whispered as one of the councilors started talking about plans for the city if it came under siege. "But, thank you for stepping up." Natalia smiled,
    "I'm not the only one. You've stepped up as well." The two returned their attention to the court.
    "We should not be speaking as if the King is already dead!" One of the knights yelled as the door to the chamber opened. Gwen stopped in the doorway. Natalia stood to meet her. Gaius walked over as well,
    "Is Uther alright?" Gaius asked, concerned. Gwen shook her head,
    "No, but I'm worried about Arthur." Gaius nodded,
    "I'll go check on him." Gwen thanked him but stayed there. Natalia took her friend's hand,
    "Once this meeting is over, I want to speak with you. Will you have time?" Gwen smiled,
    "Of course." Natalia reciprocated the smile,
    "I'll find you after, friend" Gwen closed the door, and Natalia joined her seat at the table.
    The meeting wasn't much longer. The air in the room was heavier than before; no one spoke as they left the room. Natalia waited for almost everyone to leave before she slumped forward in her chair. Gwaine sat next to her,
    "What's wrong?" Natalia chuckled dryly. Gwaine leaned back in the chair, "Right, bad question." The couple sat side by side for a moment, saying nothing. Percival and Leon stayed as well, closing the doors behind the other knights and court members. Natalia felt her lover's hand on her knee.
    "Well," Percival sat across from the couple, "That went better than expected." Natalia nodded,
    "I suppose it did."
    "Arthur's going to be upset that we held a meeting without him," Leon leaned his head on the back of the chair.
    "Would you say that it's treason?" Gwaine asked, smiling at his friends, trying to lighten the mood.
    "The two of you have been banished before," Leon joked. "You'd be fine."
    "Ha," Natalia said dryly, "Very funny." She stood and pushed in her chair, "I have business to attend to as all of you do."
"My lady," Gwaine kissed Natalia's hand dramatically. Natalia smiled and scurried off, leaving the knights to plan siege formations.
    She didn't have to look hard for Gwen. Gwen was in the kitchen getting food for Uther.
    "Why are you caring for him?" Natalia asked, causing Gwen to jump a bit. "Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you."
    "It's alright. You were just so quiet," Gwen placed the plate on a tray as started towards the king's chambers. "What did you want to talk about?" Natalia opened the door for Gwen as she entered the darkened room. Natalia stayed far away from Uther's bedside. She had done the same thing with her father when he was dying. Gwen avoided looking at the king, Natalia crossed her arms,
    "Could we speak somewhere more private?"
    "He can't hear you," Gwen straightened out Uther's blankets. Natalia opened and closed her mouth, but only one word came out,
    "Please." Gwen saw the pained look on her friend's face and rushed to her side,
    "Natalia? Are you alright?" Natalia nodded,
"I'm just overreacting. I'm fine." She uncrossed her arms but was still stiff.
    "Let's go," Gwen held Natalia's arm and led her out of Uther's room. Neither of them spoke until they made their way out to the training field. Natalia looked at the sky, the stars twinkling brightly,
    "It's beautiful out here."
    "What's going on?" Gwen tilted her head.
    "As I said, I overreacted. It's nothing," Natalia kept her head turned towards the sky. "I'm just afraid."
    "Of what?" Gwen sat on a bench in front of her friend. Natalia put her hand to her forehead,
    "I'm afraid if I say it...." Natalia cut herself off, "I wish I hadn't agreed to be Arthur's advisor."
    "Natalia," Gwen placed her hand on her friend's shoulder. "You've been invaluable to Arthur, but it's not just that, is it?" Natalia shook her head; an impressed and distressed smirk on her face as she met Gwen's eyes.
     "I-I think- I'm in love." Natalia stuttered forcefully. Gwen held back laughter for a moment before bursting at the seams. "Stop that!" Natalia tore away her hands, "It's not funny."
    "Oh, poor thing!" Gwen mocked. Natalia was not so amused,
   "The only other person I loved like this died because of me." Gwen shook her head with a sweet frown,
     "You did not kill Eli."
     "I sent him to find Marie, and he died. I let him go." Natalia was on the verge of tears.
    "Hey," Gwen placed her hand on her friend's arm, "That was his choice, and he died at the hands of a bandit. You had nothing to do with that. He would've gone if you hadn't told him to."
    "But what if it happens again?" Natalia sniffled, "What if I send Gwaine off on patrol, and he comes back dead?"
    "That's a lot of 'what if's.' Natalia," Gwen smiled. "You worry too much."
    "My worries are not unfounded," Natalia spat out angrily before apologizing. "That was much harsher than I meant." Gwen patted her friend on her back,
    "You're right. I didn't mean to dismiss you." The women sat in silence, watching the night sky. Natalia rested her head on Gwen, taking a deep breath. Gwen patted Natalia's knee, "I understand part of your fear. Arthur and Gwaine go into danger without any thought, if it means saving someone. It's a curse to love 'rough-tough-save-the-world' types."
    "Do you ever want to run away before it all explodes in your face?" Natalia mused jokingly.
    "All the time," Gwen sighed. Natalia looked at her, quite shocked by Gwen's answer. "But, I'd always wonder what might've happened if I stayed if I left now."
    "Damnit," Natalia flopped back, "I have to tell Gwaine how I feel, don't I?"
    "You don't have to do anything," Gwen smiled, "But you do love him, so...."
    "Shut it," Natalia smiled back, feeling better than she had. The two women went towards the castle, arm in arm. Natalia squeezed Gwen's arm, "If you ever do decide to run, I'll come with you."
    "You don't need to do that," Gwen pulled away from Natalia.
    "No," Natalia clapped her hands behind her back playfully, "I don't need to do anything, but you're my friend."

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