Ø32. Home Bound

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     "I can't believe that he actually let me have a day off," Merlin beamed as he and Natalia walked through the lower town of Camelot. It was busy, neither were sure why. People seemed more joyous and happy. They were planning to go on a picnic in the forest outside the city; they wanted to talk. After they had collected some bread, cheese, fruit, and wine that they had taken from Arthur's stash, they went to the forest. Neither of them sure what to start with. They found a small patch of grass and set out a blanket. Sipping on wine, listening to the life in the forest, waiting for the other to say something.
     Merlin had questions about where Natalia had been and what had happened since she had left him. Why hadn't she waited to say goodbye? Would she have come back to Camelot if he hadn't been rescued by her? What had she been doing since she left? As if by magic, Natalia turned to him,
     "I met your mother." Merlin went wide-eyed,
     "You did? How is she? How did you end up in Ealdor?" Natalia laughed breathily and softly,
     "She's well, and she misses you. I didn't mean to end up there. I just sort of did. I was there for a few months." Natalia smiled at Merlin with admiration, "I don't think I've met a more brave or kind woman, Merlin. Your mother is truly remarkable." Merlin smiled,
     "She is a great woman." Merlin asked another question, "What did you do there? I mean, Ealdor is a lovely place, but there isn't much to do." Natalia smiled a nearly devious smile,
     "I farmed and helped build a shed."
     "You built a shed?" Merlin was shocked.
     "Yeah," Natalia was giddy, "I also built a fence for old man Thomas."
     "A fence!" Merlin yelled. He had never imagined that Natalia would build a fence in her life, "Was it any good?"
     "I had to start over twice, but now, not even a giant could knock it over." Natalia beamed at Merlin, wanting him to say he was impressed. He was in too much shock to say anything. Natalia blinked, "Aren't you impressed?" Merlin scoffed,
     "Impressed? That is an understatement. Where else did you go?" Natalia bit into an apple. She wasn't sure if she should lie or tell the truth. She sighed and looked up to the sky,
     "I went back home." Merlin snapped his gaze back over to Natalia.
     "You went back home?" Natalia nodded, still looking to the sky,
     "I went back." There was a pause before Natalia continued, "I went home and tried to make up with Marie. She's grown power-hungry, and the people are suffering because of it," Natalia sat, holding her knees loosely, her hands clasped together. "I was able to talk with some of the council members before... They're all worried about the future of the Kingdom. So was I, but now it doesn't matter." Natalia looked back at Merlin, tears in her eyes, "I've been banished on charges of treason against the Queen." Pushing her hair back in frustration as tears fell with reckless abandon. Merlin scooted closer to his friend, placing an arm around her. She leaned into him, saying she shouldn't have been surprised by any of this.
     "Marie is showing her true self," Merlin said as he patted Natalia's head, "She's scared of you and a coward as well. You'll be welcomed back someday. I know you will." Natalia didn't believe him but agreed silently anyway. Merlin felt a pang in his chest. He knew what it was like to be forced out of your home.
     "You know," Natalia finished the wine in her cup, "I wanted to kill her."
     "I want to kill her," Merlin chuckled, feeling the wine in his head.
     "No," Natalia shook her head, "I actually wanted to kill her. I wanted to see the light leave her eyes." She looked at her friend to see if he held any fear, "Does that make me a bad person?" Merlin's features showed sympathy,
     "You are not a bad person. I think the fact that you would ask if you are a bad person proves that you are not." Natalia sighed and poured more wine into both their cups. She changed the subject and asked what he had been doing over the months. Merlin smiled,
     "What do you think?" Natalia giggled,
     "Saving Arthur?" Merlin nodded and went on and on about the different people that had tried to kill Arthur. They moved on to lighter topics, such as the side adventures Natalia had been on, Merlin's magic advancements, then they landed on love. At this point, they were quite tipsy.
     "Anyone catch your fancy, Merlin?" Merlin made a sour face and laughed,
     "I don't have time for those sorts of things. But what about you, Lady fall-asleep-on-Gwaine's-shoulder?" Natalia laughed,
     "Nothing would ever become of that."
     "And why not?" Merlin poked her shoulder,
     "Ouch," Natalia pushed him over, both of them laughing like children. Merlin lay on his side, smiling at Natalia, who looked a bit sad.
     "What's wrong?" Natalia looked down at Merlin. His eyes were unfocused. Natalia shook her head,
    "You are far too drunk to talk about this." Natalia stood up, "Come on, we should go back."
     "No, I want to talk!" Merlin moaned dramatically.
     "Merlin," Natalia kneeled next to him, "How will we find our way back if the sun sets?" Merlin looked to the sky; it was becoming a deeper blue.
     "I know these woods like the back of my hands." Merlin flipped his hands over to show Natalia, "See?"
     "The back of your hands look nothing like these woods," Natalia said through laughter, feeling the alcohol herself.
     "Don't they?" Merlin looked at the back of his hands, confused. Natalia stood him up gently, both swaying. "Are we dancing?"
     "There's no music, Silly," Natalia snorted. Merlin grabbed Natalia's hand and started spinning around and singing gibberish. Natalia followed his lead as they made their way back to the gates of Camelot. People watched them dance through the lower town. Some were rolling their eyes, others smiling. Natalia and Merlin paid them no mind until Merlin bumped into someone in armor.
     "Sorry," He giggled at Natalia and looked back at the person to see an extremely amused Arthur and Leon.
     "You two doing alright?" Merlin tried to pretend to be sober.
     "Yep, we're great." Merlin slurred all of his words.
     "We can see that," Leon smirked. Natalia smiled in a giant grin,
     "I'm glad you're not blind as well as dumb. That would be a tragic life for you."
     "Natty!" Merlin held back his laughter. Leon and Arthur looked at each other, they burst out laughing as well. The four spent the rest of the evening, along with some other knights, drinking and laughing. Natalia felt at home.

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