Ø45. Found Family

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    Natalia could feel the pain in her side returning as the adrenalin in her body faded, but she did her best not to pay it any mind as they all made their way to Gaius and Merlin's quarters. Lancelot was still bleeding and stumbling so much that Natalia decided to carry him.
    "Up you go," Natalia hoisted him over her shoulder. He didn't complain or ask her to put him down. He mumbled a thank you as she finally set him down on the cot. Natalia nodded as she sat down on the floor next to Merlin. Natalia turned to Merlin,
    "Where's everyone else?"
    "They went to rescue Uther in the dungeons." Merlin closed his eyes, letting his body relax for a moment. Natalia watched as Gaius bandaged Lancelot up with care and precision.
    "Do you need any help, Gaius?" Natalia stood up with quite a bit of effort, walking over to the shorter man. Gaius shook his head, sitting down himself,
    "No, but could you get some water?" Natalia nodded, scooping water out of a bucket into two cups. She handed Gaius the last cup as Natalia glanced over her shoulder to see Merlin curled on the ground, fast asleep.
    "Should we go look for them?" Natalia sat next to Gaius, taking a sip of her water.
    "No, this is where they agreed they'd meet after..." Gaius paused, looking deeply into his cup. "They'll be here soon."
    Natalia leaned back onto the table behind her, remembering feeling vulnerable and worried. Now she felt heavier and afraid. Afraid of herself and how she had acted around Morgana, worried that she hadn't been trying to upset Morgana, that she had meant all of it. Afraid that Uther would demand that she be hung, or Arthur would kill her for leaving his father to die. The fear of everything that could happen as soon as the door opened ate at her.
    "I need to go," Natalia stood up, placing her cup shakily on the table. Gaius looked at her,
    "Why?" Natalia shrugged her eyes to the ground, clutching to her sides. Breathing unevenly,
    "I need to go home." Not hearing Giaus yelling at Merlin to follow her, she left—stumbling through the halls—finding herself outside. Rain soaking her clothes. She barely noticed the cold wind or the people coming out of their homes, celebrating the end of the battle. All she could do was walk, not able to avoid the people or the scattered bits of the city.
    "Talia!" A Woman shouted from somewhere in the growing crowd. Natalia wanted her feet to stop, but they kept moving across the muddied ground.
Without much warning, warm arms wrapped around her, bringing Natalia back to her body.
    "We were so worried about you once that demonic army came," Ada pushed herself away from Natalia, "Did it have anything to do with-" She paused and noticed the unfocused, sad gaze in Natalia's eyes. Ada pushed the younger woman's hair out of her face gently, "Are you alright?" This question seemed to bring Natalia fully back to this moment. Ada asked again as Rowan appeared next to them. Natalia shook her head,
    "I'm scared." The words came out in a pathetic whisper. Ada furrowed her brow with sympathy and held her closer,
    "We'll help you. No matter what." Rowan stood watching this moment before wrapping his arms around them both, squeezing them briefly. "We should get inside before we all catch our deaths." He took Ada's hand and looked at Natalia, putting a hand on her shoulder, asking her if she wanted to talk about what had happened. Natalia shook her head. Rowan put his arm around Natalia,
    "Then we'll drink." A sliver of a smile appeared on Natalia's face as they rushed out of the rain into the tavern.
    Rowan poured the three drinks as Ada told Natalia everything that had happened in Camelot since she had left. Mostly how they hid from the immortal soldiers, and that at one point Rowan had nearly jumped into Ada's arms when he was scared by a chicken. As Rowan was defending himself, Natalia became more relaxed.
    After Ada and she finished laughing, Natalia explained Arthur's quest and how a slave trader had captured them. As soon as she mentioned Gwaine, Rowan raised an eyebrow. Natalia noticed,
    "What's that look for?" Rowan crossed his arms with a smirk,
    "Nothing. It's just that I don't believe we've heard of this Gwaine before." Natalia rolled her eyes playfully. Ada smiled, leaning on her elbows,
    "No, but I have a feeling we'll be hearing about him quite a bit now." She brought her drink to her lips with a smile,
    "I'd agree with that feeling." All of them laughed as the door opened. Merlin and Gwaine all came in, and Natalia stood nervously, itching at her hands, preparing to be scolded.
    "You gave us quite the scare," Merlin hugged Natalia quickly.
    "Is everyone alright?" Natalia asked. Merlin looked over Natalia quickly before asking if she was alright.
     "I'll be fine," Natalia looked over to Gwaine and hugged him. Whispering that she had been worried before letting him go. "Right, Ada, Rowan, this is Gwaine. Gwaine, this is Ada and Rowan, my-" Natalia blushed and reused to finish her sentence. Ada stared at Gwaine with an intense look. Rowan reached his hand across the table with a smile,
    "Natalia was just about to tell us all about you." Gwaine shook Rowan's hand firmly as he sat.
    "Well," Gwaine smirked, looking at Natalia, "Don't let me interrupted." Ada tried to keep her intimidating manner but failed. Her smile took over her face.
     "Well, you did, in fact, interrupt," Natalia teased back as Merlin sat next to Ada. "So, I shan't continue. Drinks?"
    Most of the focus was on Gwaine as they drank into the early hours of the morning. Rowan and Ada asked him questions about his life. Merlin watched as Natalia switched between flustered, annoyed, and amused. Gwaine mentioned that he had been knighted when Natalia was captured. Natalia looked at him with disbelief,
    "Without me there?" Rowan and Ada laughed and congratulated him.
    It was an evening filled with joy, and for a time, they forgot about the carnage that had taken place mere hours ago. Instead, laughter and light filled the tavern again.
    "It's nearly morning," Ada looked out the window at the night sky starting to fade into a new day. Rowan leaned on her shoulder,
   "Time to sleep." Ada nodded, standing with her husband. They bid their goodnights. As they started for the door, Ada called Natalia over, saying something about work.
    "Not that you need it from us, but, Gwaine has our approval," Ada smiled. Rowan hummed drunkenly in agreement,
    "As your family." Natalia's heart swelled,
    "I'm glad," Natalia's heart swelled; she hugged them once more. Then, she went back to Merlin and Gwaine, a smile plastered on her face. Merlin stretched his arms,
    "I have no idea how I've stayed awake." Natalia offered for him to stay in her room. Merlin made his way towards Natalia's room, "I'm taking all the blankets and sleeping on the ground." Natalia laughed exasperatedly, turning to Gwaine to see him smiling at her. He kissed her suddenly,
    "I've wanted to do that all night."
    "I-" Natalia turned fully to Gwaine, "I cannot believe you're a knight." Gwaine moved closer to Natalia,
    "I can hardly believe it myself."
    "Sir Gwaine," Natalia played with the string of his shirt. Gwaine placed his hand on Natalia's thigh,
    "Say it again."
    "What?" Natalia smirked, leaning closer, "Sir Gwaine?" Gwaine nodded, knowing she was teasing him. He liked it. They kissed again, with more passion. After a few seconds, Gwaine pulled away, admiring Natalia. She rolled her eyes,
    "You're doing it again." Gwaine moved his hands onto Natalia's. He nodded,
    "Admiring? You can't possibly blame me."
    "You're insufferable," Natalia shook her head. "You know that?" Gwaine nodded sleepily with a large grin,
    "One of my many qualities."
    "I know," Natalia stood, hand outstretched. "Let's go. We should sleep." Gwaine took her hand and followed.
    True to his word, Merlin had taken most of the blankets and was sleeping on the ground. Natalia and Gwaine stifled her laughter as they crept over to Natalia's small bed. Gwaine flopped on the mattress, taking up the whole bed. Natalia laid on top of him.
    "Get off," Gwaine whined.
    "Then move," Natalia giggled as Gwaine rolled over, so they were face to face. After their laughter died and they realized how close they were, Natalia leaned in, pressing her lips to his. Gwaine melted instantly. Natalia straddled him, placing both her hands on Gwaine's wrists above his head before a shoe hit the back of Natalia's head.
    "Ow," Natalia looked behind her at Merlin sitting up, his other shoe in his hand,
    "Well then, don't do that when I'm in the room!" Gwaine sat up, one hand around Natalia's waist, the other throwing the shoe back at Merlin, hitting him square in the chest. Merlin laid back down with a huff. Looking quite proud of himself, Gwaine pulled Natalia down to the bed. Their legs intertwined, holding each other closely. Natalia closed her eyes, and Gwaine kissed her nose,
    "Sleep well, Natalia."
    "You as well, Sir Gwaine."
    "Just call me yours, and I'll be happy."


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