Ø44. Fighting to Live again

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      The idea of dying scared Natalia. In the heat of battle, she was too focused to think about it, but fear would consume her when she finally sheathed her sword. So, sitting in a dark cell next to a broken father, who would never understand what he had done, the night before Natalia was meant to die was making it hard for her to sleep. She looked for a way out and found none. She tried picking the lock with straw and sticks, breaking the lock, shaking the bars to see if she got lucky. Natalia tried to pry the bars off the window in her cell; she looked at the night sky. There were only a few stars, and the moon shone brightly through the clouds.
      "This can't be the end," Natalia breathed out as she fell to her knees, scouring through the straw that covered the ground. Pausing, she realized there was one thing she hadn't tried. She felt like an idiot for not thinking of it sooner. Natalia stood behind the door that kept her here and held out her hand, praying that this would work,
       "Aperire ostium vis placere." In the blink of an eye, the door flew open, "I did it." Natalia was in disbelief of herself as she stepped out the open door. The smile on her face grew until she saw Uther staring at her. He said nothing as his hands gripped the cell door. They regarded each other apprehensively before Uther spoke,
       A noise came from the far end of the dungeons, and Natalia turned her head quickly to the noise. Then, without giving it any thought, Natalia left Uther in his cell and made her way up into the castle. She snuck through the castle, avoiding guards and frightened servants, unsure of what her plan was. Finally, the sounds of a fight broke out near her, and she peeked out of her hiding spot only to see Merlin and another man she didn't recognize fighting the guards. They looked like they were losing.
      "Hey!" Natalia stepped out, causing everyone to pause for a moment. Merlin took this distraction to stab one of the guards as the other man cut off the other guard's arm. Natalia walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder,
      "Are you alright?" Merlin nodded, turning to Natalia, and asked how she was walking around the castle freely. Natalia shrugged, turning her attention to the other man. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Natalia." She reached out her hand, and Lancelot reciprocated the gesture,
      "Lancelot, a pleasure to meet you. Merlin and I need to be going to the throne. You should make your way out--what are you doing?" He asked as Natalia picked up a sword, flourishing it briefly, then started towards the throne room with Merlin close behind. Lancelot shook his head with a smile of disbelief and followed the pair.
      It wasn't long until more guards greeted them, ready to fight. Natalia and Lancelot did their best to strike them down, but Merlin's sword was the only thing that seemed to have any permanent effect on them. Natalia felt the wound in her side start to tear open as she fought her way through the undead guards. She watched as one of them sliced Lancelot's arm and was killed by Merlin.
      They finally made it through the door to the throne room, where Morgause was waiting for them. She held out her hand as gold flashed over her eyes, sending them all flying back. Lancelot was knocked unconscious immediately. Both Natalia and Merlin took a moment before sitting up.
      "I have a feeling," Morguase spoke with an evil smirk, "I won't be seeing you again." But before she could enact any magic, Gaius came into the room.
      "No, you won't. Oferswing!" Gaius sent Morgause across the room. As she hit a stone pillar, a loud 'crack' echoed. Morgause cried out in pain as she raised her hand to attack again. Natalia stood up and threw a nearby torch at her. It lit Morgause's sleeve on fire, spreading farther up her arm.
      "Get the Cup," Natalia said as she went towards Lancelot, making sure he was alright. Merlin nodded, rushing forward, knocking the Cup off its pedestal. It clattered to the ground spilling the blood of all the soldiers that had pledged themselves to something darker than they realized. As the spell is broken, Morgana bursts into the room, her eyes going straight to Morgause.
      "Sister!" She rushed to her side, cradling Morgause's head. Merlin looked at the pair with pity.
      "It's over Morgana," Merlin took a step closer to the woman he once considered a friend. Morgana looked at Merlin.
      "No," Her eyes were filled with rage and tears, "You're wrong. This is just the beginning."


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