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This chapter is about quite the hoo-ha in today's news. Discrimination isnt one topic, it's the general term for a number of issues in particular. This is what the dictionary says:

"Discrimination; noun [mass noun] 1 the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex; victims of racial discrimination | discrimiantion against homosexuals."

That seems to sum it up pretty well, doesn't it? Due to people thinking there are specific differences between the everyday lives of everyday people they make it out to be a hell of a lot bigger than it actually is. Take the music industry, for example. I saw this Tumblr photo on Instagram just before i started typing this (which actually compelled me to write this; I'll try to put it up in the sidebar but i can never get the hang of attaching photos on a laptop) and it was about how successful artists/bands are judged because of the majority of their fanbase. For example, One Direction, my most favourite band ever. My entire family laugh at me and mock me because I love them and due to that I rarely ever discuss them at home, because if i even breathe a sentence containing 'one' and 'direction' it's, "Oh my God, Alyssa, nobody cares," or if I say something to any of my brothers it's, "Says the stupid girl who likes One Direction." I always have to keep my internal excited screams to discussions with my best friend. I'm never taken seriously when I'm talking about things I'm most passionate about, like new books coming out or songs being made into singles and my OTP's, etc. and that hurts. I'm a pretty sensitive person but I know when to stand up for myself. Nobody should be shunned for doing what they want because other people couldn't be bothered to do research and stop listening to what their conceited friends say. 

Why can't people do what they want? Why must we all be confined to ridiculous rules for the sake of other people? I get that wihout rules we would all be in chaos, but that's beyond my point. What I'm saying is, I have never got why society can't be who they want to be for the sake of an image. What I want to do is dye my hair bright blue and chop it off just below my chin but I can't do that because I'm a young, naïve girl who's barely going through puberty. That's what it seems like to everyone else because that's all they would see. Nobody would think, what did she do with the hair? Nobody cares that i would've donated my hair to a charity for wigs for people with cancer. Nobody would realize that I'd dyed my hair for the Shave Or Dye campaign for cancer. And maybe not just cancer, although it does seem to be the most pressing issue for health these days. Maybe suicide awareness, maybe for poor countries, maybe for a young boy who needed the money to get to foreign countries so he could walk. In the end, it all comes down to the basic facts; your age, your race, your religion, etc. Nobody cares about what you do about it. That's why i admire people who do what they want without worrying what people think. i wish i could be like that. 

Basically, don't worry what other people think. It's just a stage before we all realize bigger problems. If everyone was like each other, what would the developing world be like? 

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