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Let's get one thing straight. Feminism is not women trying to 'rule the world', it is women trying to get equal rights as men. And I'm not saying that men should be any less than they are in the world, I'm just saying that women shouldn't be in second place. They should be up there alongside men, but in some cultures/countries, apparently that is impossible.

I have spent hours awake at night trying to figure out why racism, sexism (etc.) exist, to no avail. People just think that because they don't look or talk like you they come from a whole different world, and with some men, apparently it's a whole new galaxy to be a woman. Rape culture exists because in some areas it is accepted, because it's not their fault they decided to force themselves on a woman, where the victim is still asked what they were wearing, when in fact what they happened to be wearing is usually irrelevant but still the punishment for the man (or woman) depends on what they wore at the time. My friend sent me a link, disgusted, to a story about how a man got his jail sentence shortened because the young, under 10 year old girl walked into the room he was in, completely lost. I mean, doesn't it make complete sense that he, in the knowing that she was barely prepubescent would force himself on her? There was no other way to go about, of course. Bringing her home? Absurd! A woman is only an object to be used.

I'm not saying that all men are corrupted in the sense that women are objectified by all of them, I was just using that issue as an example. This is a world where a man can have exactly the same job as a woman and still be paid more because he happens to be born with a different sex. In some cultures women's only use in this world is to serve men and produce children without a choice, as if they weren't created through the blood, sweat and tears of women themselves. And here we are, where the media are obsessed with the secret lives of people portraying their talents to the world and ignoring the big issues unless it's valid for gossip. And people ask why I'm so angry about this generation.

Too many people are accepting things as what they are while in the knowledge that it is so terribly wrong. They are too afraid to speak out for society's opinions about them and not one person has never been affected by it. I'm sick of it. I am young and i have millions of opportunities every day, and I'm sick of ignoring them for the sake of what I am supposed to be. I want to take a stand, but guess what? I am irrelevant. I am merely another angry child tainted by other angry children. 'It's just a phase'.

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