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Nobody knows exactly what space truly is.

Is it a neverending void filled with mystery? Yes. Yes it is. Is it a circle where galaxies and stars and stuff are squished in to look simply pretty? No, not it is not. Well, it could be (the first bit anyway) because in all honesty who really knows? But if that's actually what you think, I'm sorry but the exit button is just up ⤴️ and go play with your toys because it's much more than that. It's an amazing unknown world beyond the blue skies and fearful thunderstorms, don't you see? It's a perfect place, just waiting to be discovered. It's a haven where only the brave are allowed to discover, but so far, nobody's brave enough to go past the 9 planets of our galaxy.

Has anyone else seen Gravity? It's a story, a movie, with the storyline following a woman, on her own, (Sandra Bullock) in space, and she can't get home because her rocket has been destroyed in an asteroid shower along with her space colleagues. It's a perfectly brilliant movie, and it opened my mind to Space itself. It's so infinite, nobody knows where it ends. Stars actually speed away from us at hundreds of kilometers an hour, but they just look like they're stuck on the sky at nighttime, in a dome, don't they? It's amazing what you don't know about space - and can't, either. It's pure brilliance.

What do you think space is? I can't quite pinpoint it myself, because there's no proof of anything, for all we know, there could be thousands of billions of aliens scattered across space. I'd love to go and explore myself, but then again, I DON'T want to.

What do aliens look like? Is there any at all? Maybe we're a teeny tiny galaxy studded in space, which is a planet itself studded in another infinite world? Nobody knows the works, nobody knows the creation. Everything is a theory. Everything.

For example, did you know that the sky isn't blue? It's every single colour except blue. I'm not kidding you; the human eye reflects the colour it's given you, but in honesty it's every colour but. We don't even know if we all see the exact same things. A circle for me could be a square for you, but you'd call it a circle because that's how you were taught in your own eyes. Theories again.

It's all but simple in a world like this.

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