Chapter 6

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3rd Person's Pov

Somewhere in Busan, there is a beautiful Flower shop that most people would visit even the foreigners who walks by would be intrigued to see the flower shop, because the shop itself looking outside is beautifully decorated with beautiful flowers that smells so nice. People who pass by can't helped but to stop and take a picture infront of this beautiful flower shop and they are some who is curious to what the interior would look like. 

Once you walk inside, you would see the different flowers that is place in the pot on the side and shelves. There is an empty desk and there is a bell and beside it says 'Ring For service' . Once you rang the bell, a beautiful boy with doe adorable eyes that will greet you with the most heart warming bunny smile ever. 

"Welcome To Taeguekie's Flower shop, How may I helped you?" The sweet boy asked sweetly, if you wanted to buy a flower then he would asked you to look around the interior garden so you can choose many plants. Once you are inside, you can see the very large glass house and the field of different flowers. You can see colorful  butterflies flying around the area, some bunnies and cats  hopping and running around the area. It feels like magic when your inside this beautiful mini paradise. 

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(A/n: Pictures not mine  I just search them from Google Image Search)

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(A/n: Pictures not mine  I just search them from Google Image Search)

Well, its a peaceful place. You can even sit on the grass and play with the cats and bunnies if your fund with them and mostly it would lighten your mood when your gonna see a toddler baby girl who is happily running chasing the bunny and cats, sometimes chasing the butterfly. 

"Aish~ Guekie~ What are you doing?" The Bunny boy said as he run to pick up the girl who happily clap her hands and smile at him. 

"M' pwaying mama~ Buttrfly bwetiful!" (I'm playing mama~ Butterflies beautiful) the toddler said cheerfully. 

"I know honey~ But you can't play here when I'm not here to see you right?" The boy said. 

"M' dn't warry. Unclwe Gyeomie s' the're lookiw~"  (Don't worry. Uncle Gyeomie is there look) the girl said as she pointed the person she is referring to, Who in that moment was busy arranging the flowers. 

"Well... as long as baby would stay near with uncle Gyeomie and don't touch any thorny plants then your free to run around." The Bunny boy said and The Girl happily nod and hug her so Called Mama. 

The guest and people who witness the interaction of the two would always cooed with cuteness some even wanted to have picture with the two because the two look like the most adorable human being that exist. 

The bunny boy settled the girl down in the ground and the Girl started chasing the butterflies around. The bunny boy chuckled and at his daughter action and he was happy and felt blessed that he managed to have one daughter, though he never expected that he would actually have one. 

Two and a half years ago, This bunny boy woke up in the hospital not remembering anything except for the fact that his name is Jeon Jungkook, his birthday, his parents name and where he lives. He was surprised when he wake up in a hospital in Seoul considering he is from busan. In the same day, he also found out that he got hit by a speeding car and the owner promise Jungkook that he'll pay all the necessary treatment that Jungkook needed and he was true to his words thats why Jungkook didn't file any case. 

In that time too, Jungkook found out that he was 3 weeks pregnant but he can't remember him being married or if he ever live with someone. So, he decided to asked his parents. 2 days staying in the hospital, he decided to go back to Busan. To the place he knew, but when he got there everything was different. His old house is being owned by a new family and when he interviewed those people they told him that the previous owner of the house is already dead, they even show him where the previous owner was burried. 

Jungkook might not remember, but when he saw the thumb stone, the name written on those rocks, he quickly know that they were his parents and he decided to cry there because he doesn't know what to do. Until, Kim Yugeom a man who was living alone saw Jungkook crying in the cemetery. He decided to help the boy and from that moment they become the close friends. 

Yugeom was the one who helped Jungkook through out his pregnancy until the day that the baby girl was born. Jungkook didn't know why he name his daughter as Taegeuk but he name her that anyway. Yugeom's mom owns a flower shop and when she pass away last year she decided to give it to Yugeom who gave it to Jungkook because he isn't interested in managing a flowershop. Jungkook didn't want to get such a large offer since Yugeom done so much for him, but Yugeom force him to have the shop and now Jungkook was running it. 

Though Jungkook still doesn't remember his past, and whoever Taegeuk's father is. But now he had his New Flowershop, hoping that he would have enough money to find that person. Right now, he would worked hard to raise his daughter well, repay Yugeom about everything and he would also find Taegeuk's father because he doesn't want that his daughter would grew up with a incomplete family. 


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Hope You Enjoy ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ 

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