when they get mad at you

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He ignored you for almost a full week before even wanting to look in your direction, and if he had to talk to you it was short dry responses or he'd just glare at you before going back to what he was doing

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He ignored you for almost a full week before even wanting to look in your direction, and if he had to talk to you it was short dry responses or he'd just glare at you before going back to what he was doing. "Go away you fly!"


He left and wouldn't come back till he was cooled down and ready for some sort of communication, but even then he didn't want to talk he just wanted to cuddle

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He left and wouldn't come back till he was cooled down and ready for some sort of communication, but even then he didn't want to talk he just wanted to cuddle.  "Stop talking, just cuddle me,"


Would whine and whine till he got you mad

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Would whine and whine till he got you mad. He wanted you to know how upset he was, even if it was over something so small. But oh was he petty, everytime you would try to apologise he would ignore you until you were forced to do it again, but he'd say he didn't forgive you and made you apologize again. This would go on for hours before he'd go finally break. "Oh I'm sorry what was that? You're sorry? Hmmmm... I don't forgive you,"


Taehyun was quick to tell you how upset you made him, or how upset he was in general

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Taehyun was quick to tell you how upset you made him, or how upset he was in general. He would ignore you, but if you tried talking to him he'd pretend heard an imaginary figure instead. If you tried to act cute he would glare at you and ignore what you were doing. This went on for almost a week before he would crack. "What was that? I didn't know we had a ghost in the dorm. It sounds a lot like, Y/n"


He would distance himself away from you as far as possible because he did not want to give into your cuddles, but you can always count on Kai to be some level of petty

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He would distance himself away from you as far as possible because he did not want to give into your cuddles, but you can always count on Kai to be some level of petty. He would cuddle one of his plushies in front of you and say stuff extra loud just for you to hear. "Ah Molang you're such a good cuddle buddy, way better than, Y/n,"

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