Your first kiss with them

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You just went for it

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You just went for it.  You were really nervous so you just went for it to get the hard part over with. He was so shocked he pulled away immediately. You thought you did something wrong so you looked again, but he lifted your head up and smiled. He leaned in and kisses you to reassure you you didn't do anything wrong. "You didn't do anything wrong, you just surprised me,"


He was about to kiss you , but you beat him to it

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He was about to kiss you , but you beat him to it.  You two would tease each other about y'all's first kiss but never went through with it until you just went for it. He wasn't shocked at all and kisses back immediately. "Aww, you beat me to it Sugarcube,"


You just couldn't resist not giving him a small peck on the lips

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You just couldn't resist not giving him a small peck on the lips. His cheeks were flushed and he was all giggly. You went in for a proper kiss only to have him be a smiling mess as you kissed him.  "Y/n, you can't just do that, You gotta at least tell me. Can I get another one?"


He gladly accepted the kiss but right after he was on the floor curled into a ball of giggles and smiles

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He gladly accepted the kiss but right after he was on the floor curled into a ball of giggles and smiles. He covered his face as small shrieks and giggles could be heard.  Once he finally managed to pull himself together he  gave you a kiss on the forehead. His members never heard the end of it. "Ahhh, your lips are so soft! They taste like... Strawberries? Did you use my chapstick again?"


He loved it

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He loved it. He was all for you giving him a kiss.  You two never kissed on the lips, but you just decided to change it up and finally kiss him properly. He was beyond ecstatic and quickly asked for more. "can I have another kiss pleaseee,"

Please request, I'm starting to run out of ideas 💙

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