Paint me! (Choi Beomgyu)

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Requested by- _cuddly_ I hope you enjoy!

   "Well that certainly won't do, I want it redone," The lady said as she looked at her painting.  "I'll have to charge you again and I'll keep the messed up one," I told her with a blank expression on my face.  She wasn't slick, I knew many people who would try and pull this scam on me. They would tell me to make them a painting and then once it was finished they would say that I did something wrong and they would want a new one free of charge.  Now I know the customer is always right, but not when you have an exact reference of what they wanted taped to the painting.  "That's ridiculous! I'm not going to pay for another one, or give you this one!" She shrieked. "Then simply pay for the one that you have. I did it exactly how you wanted it and you can sit here and inspect that reference photo if you want, but I'm not giving you a free painting," I explained. "You ungrateful, bitch! I'm giving you my money and you're going to try and scam me!" She muttered. Usually, this happened a lot, but this time I wasn't having it. "Look, miss, you're the only ungrateful one here. Because I spent time money and materials on that piece of artwork and now I'm having to deal with a lady who won't give me my money because she thinks she can get away with a little 'you didn't do it right!' trick. Now give me my money and go home or hear from a lawyer tomorrow," I bluntly said whilst looking her in the eyes.  She was taken aback and grabbed her purse and dug in it and pulled out her card. She threw it at me and mumbled a couple of things, I simply picked it up did the transaction. Once I finished I handed her the card but purposefully dropped it right when I got to her hand. "Have a nice day," I chirped as I watched her pick up her card.  She stormed out of the shop with the painting in hand.


"Taehyun, look!" I pointed to a shop on Main Street. "It's an art shop, can we go take a look?"  We had been running errands all day and I just wanted to relax. Taehyun was my assistant and my best friend, He would help me with royal duties and my math homework.
    We just got back from a royal meeting and all I wanted to do was paint.  "Can we please go check it out?" I asked the driver.  "I don't know Mr. Choi, your mom wants you back by dinner," He said with concern in his voice. "That's like 3 hours away, this won't take but 2 hours at most, and it'll take us 1 hour to get home from here. Please let us go," I begged.  He let a sigh out before he made a 'U' turn. "Thank you, Sunwoo!" I cheered. He grumbled and continued to drive to the art shop. "There you go, I'll be outside if you need me. You have 3 hours, I'll tell your mom we got lost on the way back," He warned in a stern tone. "Okay," I ignored as I walked into the shop. I looked around the shop and admired all the paintings and art supplies. "Hi, how may I help you today?" A voice said breaking me from my thoughts. "Oh hi, nice to meet you. I saw the sign on the window about paintings. I was wondering if I get one," I said timidly as I met her gaze.  She was covered in paint and her hair was in a ponytail and she had a simile on her semi chapped lips. "Oh of course! Follow me," she waved as she walked to a small room in the back of the shop. "Here you go," she said handing me and Taehyun an apron. "Thank you," I said as I took off my jacket and tied the apron around my waist. "You can put your coat on the coat rack right there," she said pointing to a coat rack in the corner of the room. "I'll be right back," She said before she left the room leaving me and Taehyun alone.


Why is he here? The prince of, Daegu in my art shop! I take a couple of breaths and grabbed all the supplies. "You can do this, Y/n. Everything will be okay," I mumbled a half-ass pep talk to myself as I opened the walked out of the storage room.  "Okay guys, what do you have in mind to paint?" I asked as I set up the paints and canvases.  "I don't really, do you have anything in mind?" He asked with a small pout on his lips. "Well how about you paint me, and I paint you," I suggested. His face lit up as his lips curled into a smile.
"Okay! What about you, Taehyun, what are you gonna paint?" He asked turning to the boy beside him.  He shrugged his shoulders, "I'll think of something," He said. "Well here are your canvases and here are some paints," I said handing them a medium canvas and a paint palette with paint in it. The slightly bowed and walked to the easel and got set up, I sat at mine and began to paint the boy. I kept glancing at him as I sketched him on to the canvas, it was quiet and all that could be heard was pencil on the canvas as we drew. "I'm finished," Taehyun said as he put his pencil down on the easel. "I'm almost finished, what about you, Y/n?"  He asked as he glanced at me. "I'm just about done," I said as I finished up some details.  "Okay let's start painting,"  I said as I grabbed my palette. "Gyu, we have 2 more hours," Taehyun warned as he picked up his palette. He nodded and began to paint on his canvas. I started to paint, and I kept glancing at, Beomgyu to match my colors and details. He was so handsome I almost couldn't keep my eyes off of him.  "Done," Taehyun announced as he put his paints and brush down. "How are you done so quickly? I'm not even halfway done," Beomgyu cried out. "Well you are doing something more complex than me," He said scooting closer to him to get a look at hos painting. "How's yours coming along, Beomgyu?" I asked as I continued to paint. "It's good, I just have to finish up some details," He chirped with a smile on his face.  I smile and nodded as I finished up the details on his hair.  Once I finished the painting I grabbed the mini fan to help it dry faster. "Are you done?" Beomgyu asked as he peered per his canvas. "I am," I nodded with a smile on my face. He nodded and put down his brush. "Are we ready to show each other?" I asked as I turned off the fan The nodded and took their canvases off their easels. " In, 3...2...1!" I counted down as I turned my canvas towards them.  "Wow, That's me! I can't believe it, it's so pretty!" Beomgyu gasped as he gushed over the painting. "Thank you," I blushed. "Now, let's see yours," I said looking at Beomgyu's turned canvas. "It's not the best. I couldn't capture your beauty on canvas," He said as he slowly turned the canvas around. To my surprise nothing was really painted except my eyes and lips, everything else was sketched with pencil. "Wow, that's amazing, Beomgyu. I love it!"  I exclaimed with a smile on my face.  His cheeks flushed pink and a shy smile was placed on his lip. "Thank you," he said shyly.  "How much do we owe you?" Taehyun asked. "$30," I said making my way to the cash register. He handed me his card and I made the transaction. "Here you go," I said handing him the card back. "please come back, and call me," I said handing Beomgyu his painting and a business card with my number on it. "I definitely will," he giggled as he gave me the painting of me.  "Bye, Gyu, bye, Taehyun," I waved as I watched them leave the shop.  As soon as I saw them leave my phone went off.  I grabbed my phone and opened it, it was a text from, Beomgyu.

Wanna go out tomorrow?

Sorry this doesn't really have any romance, I didn't know a good way to incorporate it. I hope you enjoyed though.

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