When you're sad

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Requested by- Ckpopfan4life


He never wants to see you sad, but he respected your feelings

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He never wants to see you sad, but he respected your feelings.  He would give you a hug and asked if you wanted to talk about it. Most of the time you said yes, but when you said no he respected that and just cuddled you and kiss your temple until you were ready to talk about it. "Aw baby don't cry, what's making you sad?"


He let you be till you were ready to talk

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He let you be till you were ready to talk.  Once you were ready he welcomed you with open arms and your favorite snacks and tons of small kisses.  When you vented to you he would listen till you were finished.  When you were, he'd reassure you and cuddle you some more till you felt better. "You shouldn't try and make yourself happy right now. Just let yourself be sad, and  I'm right here if you need me,"


He  never let you out of his sight when you were sad

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He  never let you out of his sight when you were sad. He'd buy your favorite snacks and would put on your favorite TV show to make you feel better.  He would cuddle you and stroke your hair to calm you down, and once you were calm and ready to talk he listened till you finished. "I brought your favorite snacks and grape juice to cope. Now come and tell me what's wrong,"



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When you were sad he got a little angry, because he never wanted to see you sad so when he did he'd want to find out what made you sad. He'd open you with welcome arms and a comfortable couch for you two to cuddle on while you told him why you were down. "Do I need to beat anyone up,?"


He certainly wasn't the best at comforting you, but he always did his best and tried to make you feel even remotely better

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He certainly wasn't the best at comforting you, but he always did his best and tried to make you feel even remotely better.  He would take you out to eat at your favorite spot or prepare a nice bath for you or just sit you down and cuddle you while he played with your hair and sang to you. "It's okay, Baby. I'm here,"

I hope I delivered with this chapter! Please request if you'd like me to do any other reactions or even imagines.Have a good day and stay safe💙💛💙

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