Doodles (Choi Soobin)

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The smell of coffee invaded my nose as I walked into the cafè. People were scattered everywhere around the shop and slow jazz and people conversating could be heard.  I smiled as I took in the scenery and made my way to a small table. I always liked to go to the coffee shop and draw people I'd see as I  drink coffee. Everyone in the shop knew me and they were happy to see me in my usual spot with all my art supplies scattered on the table. I felt home.

I looked around and found a table with 5 boys sitting at it I could only see 3 of them, but the three I saw were absolutely handsome. My First target. I thought as I grabbed my pencil and started to sketch the boys.  One of them caught my eye and I didn't really want to look away from him. He had pale skin and jet black hair and rosy lips with dimples at the end of them. He was very handsome I thought as I continued to draw him and his friends. Once I finished the drawing I signed it, but this time I put my number on the back for him to see. Hopefully, he would take the hint and call me. O got up from my table and made my way to their table with the drawing in my hand. I tapped on the boy's shoulder to get his attention, but I also got the whole table's attention too. "Hi, my name is, Y/n. I saw your table and I decided to draw y'all I hope you like it," was all I managed to say as I handed him the drawing without making it awkward. When he saw it a smile immediately spread across his face. "Wow, this is amazing! How much is it?" He asked as he looked at me. I shook my head, "it's free of cost,"  I said before I walked back to my table and started to sketch other people.


I turned the paper over and read the small note which had her number at the bottom of it. "Well, what's it say, Hyung?" Beomgyu questioned as he looked at me.  "It just says how she thinks we're all good looking," I said leaving out the fact she left her number. "She draws so well, I can't believe she drew Yeonjun's and HueningKai's faces perfectly,"  Taehyun gushed as he admired the paper. I put the paper down and took a picture of it and went to my contacts to add her number.  I texted her a simple hello and then looked up at her table to see if she got it.  She looked away from what she was doing and grabbed her phone. She looked at it and smiled and typed something, then my phone went off.  I opened it and went saw her message, "Wanna go out for drinks sometime?" She sent. I glanced at her before I replied to her text.  I had never done anything like this and to say I was nervous was an understatement. "Hyung, are you okay?"  Beomgyu asked instantly bringing me out of my thoughts. "Yeah I'm okay, " I dismissed with a smile. W all went back to our conversations and do waited for her to text back.


I didn't expect him to say yes! I stared at my phone for a good two minutes trying to figure what to respond with. I would glance at him only to see him talking with his friends.  "Great, how about tomorrow around 4?"  I typed. I looked at the message and debated on weather I should just delete and rewrite it, but I accidentally hit the send button when I was trying to press a question mark. Shit. I looked up to see him looking at his phone. He turned it off and went back to his friends. Well so much for that, I really did waste 2 minutes typing that. I shrugged and went back to my drawing of the couple sitting at the table next to me. "Hi," I heard someone say. "I'll draw you after I'm done if you'd like," I said as I kept my attention on the drawing. "You already drew me one," The voice said. I looked up and my eyes went wide, it was the boy sitting at my table with a cute smile on his face. His dimples were showing as he smiled. He had pretty peach skin, and his lips were coral and set in a natural pout. He looked like a literal model and I just had to admire him for a minute. "So about those drinks?" He asked with a smile plastered on his face.

"Tomorrow would be perfect,"

Wow this was kind of hard to write,but this is a part of a upcoming book so I hope you enjoyed,and lmk if I should write a prt2! 💙

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