Doll| Hueningkai

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"Here you go, Kai. I found this doll and I thought you might like it," His sister said handing him a small ragdoll. It had h/c yarn for the hair and a little f/c dress with a white collar and black shoes.

He admired the doll and placed it next to his phone on the table they were sitting at. "Thank you, I really like it," He thanked as he took a sip of his water.  The two continued to talk and catch up as they ate lunch.

"Okay, well I better get going, I have to go meet, Derek in a bit,"  Kai nodded and got up to give his sister a hug and kiss goodbye.  The two parted ways and Kai grabbed his stuff and made his way back to the dorm.

"Guys, I'm back!" Kai announced as he opens the door to his dorm.  "Hey, Kai, me and Yeonjun were just about to order some chicken feet and gimbap. Want some?"  Hueningkai gave him a quick yes and went to his room.

He set the doll down on his bed along with his coat. He sat on the edge of his bed and picked up the doll and began to examine it more.  He smiled as he caressed the fabric.

"You're so pretty," He whispered. He was snapped out his little trance by, Taehyun coming in and holding up a game controller.  "Wanna play?" Kai nooded and put the doll down and went to the living room with,  Taehyun to go play video game for a little bit.

While the two boys were playing, Beomgyu was getting cold, so he decided to go to the bedroom to grab his hoodie. He opened the door to see a s/c girl sitting on, Kai's bed. They share eye contact making, Beomgyu scream on sight.

You immediately get startled by this and scream back. The other members quickly stopped what they were doing and went to tend to screaming, Beomgyu. But we're in shock at what they saw.

Kai was in the bathroom washing his hands while the others were in the bedroom staring at you.  "Why is there a random girl on, Kai's bed?" Soobin asked looking at his other members. "Kai, get over here!" "What's wrong? Why is everyone screaming..."

Kai stared at girl on his bed. "Kai look it's me!" You squealed as you jumped up and rushed to him. Kai stood in silence trying to figure out what to say. This random girl was in his dorm and he didn't know who she was.

He glanced at the bed and noticed his doll was missing. He slowly glanced back to you. "Doll?" You nodded and pulled him for a tight hug. "I knew you'd recognize me!"

"What's going on?" Soobin spoke up tired of watching the two. "She's my doll," "Doll?" You nodded your head your head. "What's that supposed to mean?" Taehyun asked more confused than he was earlier.

"Well remember that doll I had when I walked in?" The members nodded as they remembered the ragdoll he had. "Well now that doll as come alive?" The members glanced at you and shrugged.

"Well she can't stay here. PD- nim will literally kill us if he finds out about this," Yeonjun said. "Well we can't just kick her out, she doesn't have a home," "Well we'll figure something out, in the mean time try to explain to her everything,"

The boys left the room, leaving Kai and his now living doll alone.  Kai looked at you and sighed. He wasn't expecting his sister to give him a magical doll.

"Okay well first thing is first, what's your name?" You looked at him and tilted your head in confusion. "Name? You never gave me one," Kai sat on his bed and stared at you. Be true to come up with a name, then it hit him.

"Y/n! I'll name you, Y/n,"

(This is probably going to be multiple parts, but I just really wanted to publish something for you guys)

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