Their Reaction To the Quarantine

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Absolutely devestated

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Absolutely devestated.  Since he was quarantined at the dorms and you at your house, he could no longer see you as often, or not even at all. You two tried your absolute hardest to facetime each other every day and you would text non-stop. Sometimes you two would spend all day on the phone due to you guys not doing anything all day. Once his new comeback had finally came around, it was even harder to stay in touch. But once they had their first official concert you begged the staff to let you be there. Let's just say he was really happy to see you in person for the first time. "I wish I could go to your house, I miss you so much,"


It was surprisingly easy

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It was surprisingly easy. You two made a schedule and discussed it with staff to see if they would allow it, and they did. You would quarantine at the dorml  with, Yeonjun and the other members for two weeks, then go back home and quarantine with your family for 3 weeks.  When you weren't there you two were either face timing or texting, or just flat out calling. Once the come back came up, the weeks you would quarantine with him you'd go to the the company with him to keep him company, or you two would stay at the dorms and do crafts, cook, or watch movies. "So when you come over you can sleep with me, and then we can go to the studio and you can help me practice and write songs!"


Absolute baby

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Absolute baby. He hated the the idea that he couldn't leave the dorms just to go see you whenever he felt like it. It took a huge toll on his mental health too, he missed you beyond compare.  Though you would contact him everyday without fail just check in on him and tell him you love him. Once the quarantine gotta little more lenient, you would often drive by the dorms to see, Beomgyu in the safety of your car and the safety at his door. "I miss you so much, I wanna go over there and hug you so bad!"


Deep down he was really sad, but he stayed positive for you

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Deep down he was really sad, but he stayed positive for you. Sadly you were stuck in jeju, due to being quarantined with your family. He missed you and often tried to call you or text you. He wanted to be your embrace desperately, but knew it wasn't safe. You two mailed each other a momento to remind you of each other. He gave you one of his hoodies and a bottle with some of his colog, and a handmade bracelet. You gave him your favorite blanket with some of your perfume, and a new pair of earrings. "I just got your package, I'll disenfect everything then spray your perfume on it. I really do miss you,"


It was hard

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It was hard. It was so difficult for you two, because he didn't have his favorite cuddle partner and he couldn't have you make him food for him anymore. You decided to send him a new plushie with one of your shirts for it to wear, and some perfume to make him feel better.  You guys would face time nearly every day, and on those facetimes you would teach him how to cook certain dishes, watch a movie, or have a sleepover.  You two tried your absolute hardest to make it work, even when school came around.
"Look at my cookies, Y/n! I made them into hearts just for you!"

Hey guys, just wanted to say though for the reads and follows, it means a lot to me. Stay safe guys, steam Blue Hour!

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