Stationary Girl| Taehyun

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"Bro, just go talk to her already! It's not that hard to ask a girl If you wanna eat lunch with us,"  Leo said as he nudged his friend, Taehyun over to the girl at the front of the class.  Taehyun had a crush on you for quite a while now, yet he could never really talk to you. He felt too anxious and awkward to go  and have a conversation.

But his favorite thing about you, was how everyday without fail you'd be the first one in class with all your stationaries neatly laid out on your desk and how you took so much interest in the class.  So, he came up with a plan. He was going to talk to you, even if it meant he had to go out of his way for it.

"Okay, go over your plan one more time just to make sure it's seal proof," Leo said tapping his pencil on, Taehyun's shoulder.  Taehyun turned around and took a breath. "I'm going to go up to her and ask for a pencil, then I'll ask if she wants to join us for lunch," He explained carefully.  Leo nodded and gave him a thumbs up.

There was exactly 20 minutes left of class, and Taehyun made sure he was going to have enough time to ask you his important question. Once he was ready, Taehyun purposely broke his pencil and turned to, Leo. "I'm ready," Leo patted him on the back as a quick reassurance, before he got out of his seat and made his way to you.

"E-excuse me, Y/n?" Taehyun quietly asked as he lightly tapped on your shoulder. You put down her pencil and looked up at, Taehyun with a small smile on her face. "Hi, Taehyun! Good to see you," Taehyun felt his heart flutter when he saw your smile and hear his name come out your mouth.

"It's good to see you too. Uhm, I-i broke my pencil and I was wondering if you had a spare one to lend me?" Taehyun said as he held up his pencil.
"Oh yes of course! Would you like to trade pencils, or I can give you one?" "We can trade," You nodded and took the pencil out if his hand and replaced it with a new one. "There you go," you smiled.  Taehyun was starting to get even more anxious, he was trying to stall you to give him enough time to ask you.

"So, uh I was wondering... Would you wanna come sit with me and, Leo at lunch today?" Taehyun held his breath as he waited for an answer. "Oh, yeah, that sounds really good! I would love to eat lunch with you," Taehyun was internally doing cartwheels as you response registered in his brain.

"Great! What class do you have after this? I can just come pick you up," Taehyun asked feeling a little bit more confident than he did 5 minutes ago. "I have room 3-A," Taehyun nodded and gave you a small cool before returning back to his seat. "Wait!" You called out a little loudly stopping making him instantly turn around. You quickly scribbled on a post it notes, and held up his pencil.

"You forgot your pencil," Taehyun chuckled and quickly grabbed the pencil, "and this too," you handled him the note and sat back down with a cheeky smile on your face.

"So what'd she say man?" Leo asked as he got closer to his friend to hear the news. "She'll be joining us for lunch," Taehyun smiled with a small giggle. "What'd she give you?" He asked gesturing to the post it in, Taehyun's hand.  Taehyun unfolded the note and his eyes widened with joy.

"Her number! And it has one of those cute little stamps!"

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