Foundation| Soobin 🧡

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   "Y/n, why are you covering it up?" Soobin asked as he looked at my makeup. "Because I don't want the public to see it yet," I said as I did the finishing touches on my makeup.
  "But your vitiligo looks so pretty," He wined as he looked at me. I smiled and grabbed his hands. "Thank you, but I'm not ready for your fans to see me without foundation yet. I don't want them thinking you're dating a freak," I explained as I held his hands.
  Soobin had always been really encouraging when it came to my vitiligo and he understood where I was coming from. "Promise you won't cover it up next time?" He asked with his lips set in a pout.
   I chuckled and nodded my head. He pulled me in for a hug and placed small kisses on my forehead. "You beautiful, with, or without makeup," He whispered in my ear. I smiled and snuggled into him. I glanced at the makeup wipes on the table and thought for a moment.
  Maybe I should wipe off the foundation and leave my spots alone. "Soobs?" I asked slightly looking up at him. "Yes?" He answered as he caressed my arm. "Should I keep my foundation on, or take it off?" I asked pulling away from his embrace.
"Whatever makes you feel comfortable, baby. I don't mind," He looked at me. "We don't have to do the live, if you don't want to," He reassured with a soft smile.  I wanted the public to know we were together, and now that His CEO let us I wanted to do it.
  "No, baby, I wanna do it, but I'm scared of what they're gonna think," I confessed as I played with the hem of my hoodie. Soobin grabbed the package of make up wipes and pulled one out.
  "Don't worry about what they think, I'm gonna love you regardless. Plus If they can't understand you make me happy and hate on you or us, they're not real fans," He said as he looked at me.
"So it's not up to me, I want you to be comfortable, and if it means wearing foundation then so be it,"  I bit my lip and thought about it for a moment. If I hide it now, I'm gonna have to hide it Everytime I'm in public with him, but I don't then they might comment mean things about it.
  I sighed and nodded. Soobin scooted closer to me and gently wiped the foundation off my face with the wipe. "See baby, You look so pretty," He smiled as he threw away the wipe.
  He grabbed my compact mirror and held it up to my face with a smile on his face. I giggled and gave him a peck on the lips.

  "Read to start the live?"

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