Let's Dance Together| Yeonjun

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"Move your right leg to the left, then thrust," Yeonjun nodded and did just what was told. "Good job, now put it all together," He nodded and nodded at the staff member who was standing at the speaker.

He played the song from the beginning making, Yeonjun go into his start pose. "left, spin, slide, thrust, arm out, to the right, drop, thrust, slide, up, turn, right leg, thrust," Yeonjun mumbled as he did the solo dance. The song came to a stop and, Yeonjun paused.

"Okay, that's it for now. We'll pick up later," Yeonjun nodded and took off his ball cap. He wiped his sweater and ruffled his hair.
"Where's, Y/n?" Yeonjun asked as he put his cap back on and grabbed his water bottle.

"She's in the studio at the end of the hallway with the others,"  Yeonjun nodded and went to go meet up with his girlfriend who was waiting for him to finish with practice.

As he walked up to the studio door he heard music blasting from inside. He slowly opened the door and was greeted by, Y/n dancing as the boys were in the corner of the room on their phones and sleeping.

Y/n swayed her hips to the obviously sensual song. Yeonjun just closed the door and watched the show she was putting on with a slight smirk on his face. He knew his girlfriend was a dancer and was used to seeing her dance, but this time was different for some reason. She seemed to be more confident in the dance she was practicing.

Her hips thrusted up into the air as she watched herself in the mirror. Her eyes caught a glimpse of, Yeonjun sitting on the floor watching her. She came to and adrupt stop and paused her music. "Junnie!" She squealed as she hurried over to her boyfriend.

"Come  dance with me please! I wanna dance with you," She asked she sat on his lap with a smile on her face. Yeonjun nodded with a smile on his face and he placed a kiss on her forehead.

Y/n quickly got up and grabbed her phone and handed it to,Soobin can you start the song over?" He nodded and grabbed her phone. Yeonjun's semi widened as he realized she wanted to dance to that song. He already saw her dance to it and knew it was already a sensual song. He shrugged and stood behind her.

"Ready?" Soobin asked sitting up.
Y/n and, Yeonjun nodded giving, Soobin the go. His hands made there way to her waist as he heard the beat blast through the speakers.  Y/n smirked and swayed her hips against him as the lyrics started to play.

Yeonjun dipped her and brought her leg up. Y/n put her leg down and spun the two around. The others just watched and, Beomgyu recorded the two. The two were having fun as the song continued to play.  Yeonjun enjoyed dancing with his girlfriend and vise versa.

The song came to an end and the two were breathless.  "That was fun," Y/n giggled as she pecked his lips. Yeonjun chuckled and held onto her. "I love you, Jun"

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