Them getting Jealous

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When he got jealous it was like a whole new side of him

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When he got jealous it was like a whole new side of him. He would be clingy or drop subtle hints that you were his girlfriend and were not not be messed with. He would try and drape his arm around you or kiss forehead in front of the other person, but when they left he'd play it off like nothing happened. "You're staying right here with me. Me? Jealous? Why would you think that? Oh look would you look at the time,"


He didn't like the fact that other people would flirt with you

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He didn't like the fact that other people would flirt with you. He despised it. So everytime he'd see anyone so it, he was quick to let everyone know you're his by staying at your side and trying to make to other person as uncomfortable as possible. When they would leave he'd start to feel bad so he'd apologize. And kiss your forehead. "I'm sorry baby, I just don't like when they do that. I love you,"


Let's just say he knew that you were his and he trusted you

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Let's just say he knew that you were his and he trusted you. He never got jealous often because he knew that you wouldn't leave him for anyone that'd hit on you, but if someone got too handsy he'd step in and make sure the person would get lost and know that you were his. "I have no reason to be jealous, I already know you wouldn't leave me for a guy like that,"


He HATED when people would flirt with you

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He HATED when people would flirt with you. It made him feel self conscious and that he wasn't a good boyfriend, so he would be extra clingy when he saw someone trying to sweep you away. He would kiss your face, hug you from behind, and wrap his arm around you. He didn't want you to leave him. "Baby please don't leave me, I love you,"


He wouldn't have to get jealous often because when he'd be by your side people would sometimes be to scared to even think of the idea to flirt with you, but some people didn't care

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He wouldn't have to get jealous often because when he'd be by your side people would sometimes be to scared to even think of the idea to flirt with you, but some people didn't care. When he'd get jealous he was quiet. He'd make subtle movements like pulling you closer to him or holding your hand or kiss you on the forehead, but when they finally got the hint and left you two alone he would give you the silent treatment for a while before giving in. "I'm sorry baby, but you're mine and I'm going to make sure everyone knows,"

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