Their reaction to you being at their mv shoot

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He loved to see you there supporting him and keeping company during breaks

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He loved to see you there supporting him and keeping company during breaks. You two would run around on set and play hide and seek until y'all almost got in trouble. "I'm glad you decided to come today,"


He was nervous to have you there because he didn't want photos of you to be leaked, but once he calmed down he was very happy to have you there and show his acting abilities and show you to all of the staff

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He was nervous to have you there because he didn't want photos of you to be leaked, but once he calmed down he was very happy to have you there and show his acting abilities and show you to all of the staff. "Baby, did you see me? What'd you think?"


When he had to shoot he was nervous Because you never saw him act,but he was happy to know you were there to support him

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When he had to shoot he was nervous Because you never saw him act,but he was happy to know you were there to support him.  You thought it was amazing how once the camera was on he was a completely different person than when it was off. The set had food on it so all of you would play with it when you'd get the chance. "Y/n, look! They have cheese puffs!"


He was so happy that you were there, Because between breaks he'd get to cuddle up with you and take a nap

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He was so happy that you were there, Because between breaks he'd get to cuddle up with you and take a nap. He didn't like the fact that you kept teasing him about the outfits he had to wear, but you thought he looked absolutely magnificent and you just couldn't pass up the opportunity. "Baby, stop messing with the corset,"


You loved to see your boyfriend do his job and honestly it was really hot to watch him get in the zone when he'd shoot for the MV

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You loved to see your boyfriend do his job and honestly it was really hot to watch him get in the zone when he'd shoot for the MV. During breaks you and him would cuddle up in the dressing room and play on y'all's phone with occasional forehead kisses from him. He even have you his hoodie to hold for the day. "Thanks for coming with me today, are you coming tomorrow too?"

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