Types of Relationships

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You two would definitely be fashionista's

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You two would definitely be fashionista's. He would basically dress you for every occasion no matter what. You two would DIE, before you'd be caught under dressing. "Y/n! What are you doing? That's not the outfit I chose for you!"


The introvert and the introvert with a tolerance

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The introvert and the introvert with a tolerance. You two are big introverts, but you tend to have more of a social life than Soobin. You two would either hang out at the dorms when nobody was there, or go out and be super awkward and wired.  "Soobin, we literally have nothing to do, let's just go to the mall or something,"


WWE is our true passion type beat

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WWE is our true passion type beat. There is never a moment when y'all don't fight. It could be over something so stupid you'd have to reevaluate your life choices. But of course you two never meant it and would make sure both of you were okay after. "Pull my hair one more time and I'll body slam you, Gyu"


Very much, we love each other but we're not afraid to kill each other vibes

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Very much, we love each other but we're not afraid to kill each other vibes. Taehyun has definitely put you in a chokehold once or twice, and you have definitely almost caused this boy a lot of physical pain. You two can go to hugging each other and giggling, to Taehyun trying to put you in a headlock. "I told you that was my cookie, Y/n! Spit it out!"


You two definitely pick wildflowers and pick up funny shaped rocks for each other

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You two definitely pick wildflowers and pick up funny shaped rocks for each other. There isn't a moment where you two are not attached to each other. Hueningkai even forced you to buy a 4XL hoodie so he could cuddle you while you were wearing it. "It's been 10 minutes, get back over here and hug me please,"

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