their reaction to wanting to do crafts

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He was doing a v-live and was doing crafts, and you wanted to join him

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He was doing a v-live and was doing crafts, and you wanted to join him. He let you join the live and introduced you to everyone watching. His fans didn't know about your relationship yet, so he said you were his friends. You two decorated lightsticks and an album. "Wanna help me decorate my lightstick?"


You came into the dorm with a bag of beads and string to make necklaces and bracelets for each other

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You came into the dorm with a bag of beads and string to make necklaces and bracelets for each other. He was watching tv, and eating Tteokbokki. You set the stuff on the floor and began to make a bracelet for him. He watched you for a few minutes before he decided to join you on the floor. You two made each other matching bracelets. "Ou, can we make matching




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He was pretty tired due to dance practice, but he saw you bring stuff to color and immediately had the energy equivalent to two bang energy's. You brought two jumbo coloring books, and the 64 crayola pack of crayons to color with him. He was happy that you came over, what made it better is that you brought stuff to color. You two spent 3 hours coloring.
"You got the jumbo Hello Kitty, and Melody coloring book I saw at the store? And the 64 pack of crayons?!"


He was on a v-live decorating a phone case, when you visited

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He was on a v-live decorating a phone case, when you visited. You brought stuff to make origami and color. You knocked on the door so he could let you in , but he locked you out to play with you. After your constant banging on the door and protests to let you in, he finally caved and let you in to join the live.  He saw all the stuff you had and was happy to do more crafts, especially with you.  "Wanna make a phone case with me? Then we can make animals and color!"


Kai was making playdough animals during a v-live, when you came in to join him with his crafts

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Kai was making playdough animals during a v-live, when you came in to join him with his crafts. The fans already knew about your relationship with him and we're happy when you join his lives.  You are two had a contest to make each other out of playdough, but neither of you won due to fact that you ruined each other's figure. You two spent the whole live playing around with playdough and messing with each other. "Hey no fairr, your penguin looks better than mine!"

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