Let Me In|Soobin

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"Soobin you have to let me in," Y/n said as she softly knocked on the door. The other members stood at the end of the hall watching, Y/n.

Soobin was in his room and wouldn't let anyone in. His sobs could be heard from outside his room, as be kept telling, Y/n to leave him alone.

Soobin was always a bubbly and happy, but sometimes he couldn't hold back his feelings and would completely break down. Sometimes they'd last a few minutes or hours, but sometimes they lasted days.

Y/n would always try her best to get her boyfriend to feel better and get him back to his bubbly self, but even she couldn't sometimes. His sadness was too strong.

He feared of loosing her, and the life he so desperately worked for. He knew his family fans loved him, but he couldn't convince himself to think that. He felt as if he had no one there.

"Soobin please, let me in. You need to eat, and I want to see you. Please baby... Open the door," Y/n softly begged as stood  outside his door.

She had been trying to coax him into opening the door, but he denied every time. Y/n didn't give up, and kept trying to get her boyfriend to open up.

The members started to worry for their leader, as they watched,  Y/n desperately  try to comfort her boyfriend.

Soobin's sobs came to an adrupt stop and the inside of his room went silent.  The door slowly opened to reveal, Soobin with a tear stained face and bloodshot eyes from crying.

He was only wearing his sweatpants and a blanket wrapped around his upper body. The blanket was dampened with tears, and his skin was wet.  His hair was messy and his dark circles were more prominent due to his lack of sleep.

He stoop at his door frame looking down at his girlfriend. Y/n quickly embraced him in a hug and rubbed his back. She glanced at the boys and nodded, telling them that she had it from there.

She slowly pulled away from the hug and lead him back into his room, which was dark and cold from the fan that was blowing. Y/n turned off the fan and plugged in a small night light.

Soobin sat back down on his bed and continued to sniffle as he watched his girlfriend tidy up for him. 

"Come on, Soobs, you need to eat," Y/n said as she handed him a read bean bun.  He pushed the bun away and laid back down. Y/n sighed and placed the bun on his nightstand. She took the blanket off of him and put it in his hamper.

"Y/n, just stop," he mumbled as he watched her. Y/n grabbed a fresh blanket from his closet and placed it around him. She sat in front of her boyfriend and quietly watched him.

Soobin looked up at her and his lip started quiver as tears started to fall. He felt like such a bad boyfriend for making her go through all of this, but, Y/n didn't care one bit. She wanted to stay by Soobin's side no matter what.

Y/n quickly wiped his tears away and moved his hair out of face. Y/n kissed his forehead and ran her fingers through his hair.

She got in his bed and cuddled him from behind, as she rubbed his back and played with his hair. It was silent, and only Soobin's sniffles and hiccups could be heard.

He turned to, Y/n and buried his face in her neck where he let out sobs, wetting her neck in the process. Y/n just stayed silent and rubbed his back as he continued to cry.

"It's okay baby, I'm here,"

Sorry of this was a lil sad, this was just kinda a vent. Next chapter  will definitely be a lot happier.

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