Their reaction to you giving them a hickey

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     He was making ramen in the kitchen when you came up behind him and gave him a  hug

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     He was making ramen in the kitchen when you came up behind him and gave him a  hug. You nudged your head against his shoulder before resting your head in the crook of his neck. You started to pepper his neck with kisses and bites. He started to tense up, but quickly calmed down and let you mark him. After making a mark you were satisfied with you gave him a kiss on the cheek and left him to finish his ramen. "B-baby, why did you do that?"


He completely melted

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He completely melted

When You would give Beomgyu a hickey he would simply melt into your arms.  He was at the dining table drawing a picture he had found on his phone, when you came behind him and peered over his shoulder to get a look at the the artwork. You would shower him with complements and you laid your head on his shoulder.

    He  smiled and continue to draw as you slowly start to pepper his neck with kisses , slowly turning into small bites. He leaned back and tilted his neck to the side as he closed his eyes knowing that you weren't gonna stop. Once you were satisfied with the mark you left, you kissed his cheek and sat down next to him and watched him draw with a smile on both of your faces.  "I love you,Y/n"


    You two are always in marking frenzy

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    You two are always in marking frenzy. There wasn't a period of time where there was at least one mark on your body, so you just had to return the favor. He was sitting on the floor of the dance studio after practicing dance routines for the next comeback.
    You sat behind him and ran your fingers through his hair gently massaging his scalp. You kissed his cheek and made your way down to his neck where you started to mark the spot right under his ear.  He wasn't to happy about his new mark because he was going to start a V-Live Soon. "Baby, I was gonna do a V-Live,"


     He usually didn't mind when you marked him as long as it wasn't too noticable, but you just couldn't resist

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     He usually didn't mind when you marked him as long as it wasn't too noticable, but you just couldn't resist.
He was laying in bed on his laptop  working on stuff for the next comeback. You wanted him to stop working for a little bit and just relax, so you took his laptop away from him and straddled him. He wasn't having at first, but soon realized you just wanted attention.
   You gave him a hug and buried your face in his neck. He wrapped his arms around you and as you peppered his neck in kisses. He tensed up a bit, but slowly relaxed as you continued. Once you finished you two continued to cuddle as he continued to do work. "You're lucky I love you,"


He was such a giggly mess you almost couldn't give him a proper hickey

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He was such a giggly mess you almost couldn't give him a proper hickey. He was always a shy person when it came to showing affection, but you were always  upfront about it. You were being lazy and you wanted him to carry you to the kitchen to get  a snack. 
   You were finally able to reach his neck so you just went to town and started to pepper his neck with kisses.  He was squirming around and giggling when you gave him live bites. You had to tell him to sit still and to your surprise it worked.  While he was getting your banana milk you were simply marking his neck. Once you were finished you showed him what you did and he was in shock. Poor bunny never saw it coming.  "Are you done yet? Can I put you down now? Y/n that mark is big!"

I was kinda hesitate to post this one, but I got bored. 💜

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