Play for me|Hueningkai

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"Kai, please! Just for a little bit, and then I won't ask anymore," I begged as I held his face. Kai always got shy when I asked him to play the guitar for me, but I couldn't help it his playing was so pretty.  "Fine! I'll play for you, only for a little bit though!" Kai gave in as he grabbed my  hands and took them off his face, but you simply grabbed his face again and planted a kiss on his lips.
  Making him giggle and blush in the kiss. 
I pulled away and went to get  his guitar from the other room. I always loved it when Kai would play for me, his playing and singing were so pretty I just couldn't help but ask him to play for me.
"Here you go," I said handing him the guitar. I snuggled up on the couch and watched him. "What song do you want me to play?" He asked
"Maze in the mirror, please," I smiled. He knew that was my favorite song and I always asked him to sing it to me.
   He started to strum his guitar and sing while I watched with the biggest smile on my face. He continued to play for me as I admired. Once he finished he looked at me with a smile on his face, and his cheeks all flushed.
He put his guitar down and held out his arms for me to hug him.
   I staddled him and cuddled him as I peppered his face in kisses. "I love you, Kai,"

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